"Fang Dong, you are here this time..."

Yang Li talked to Fang Zheng for a while, and naturally asked about the purpose of Fang Zheng's visit.

After all, Fang Zhengzheng is also a busy person, and it is impossible for him to come here to chat with her for no reason.

"Come to Qin Miaomiao, I need her to dub for my next work. "

Hearing Yang Li's words, Fang Zheng replied with a smile.

Qin Miaomiao, the singer who took the initiative to send to the door before, was signed by him because he did not succumb to the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry.

"Looking for Qin Miaomiao?" Yang Li looked at Fang Zheng suspiciously and said, "Fang Dong, do you need her to sing OP or ED in your next work?"

Yang Li looked at Fang Zheng suspiciously, Qin Miaomiao is a professional singer, looking for the other party to dub, it seems that only this aspect is in the past~

In fact, it's no wonder that Yang Li thinks in this regard, most of the music of an anime is the opening song, that is, the OP in everyone's mouth, and the ending song ED.

In addition, there are interludes in between, BGM, and individual character songs.

And Founder's previous works were all opening or ending songs sung by the voice actor department under Yang Li.

"No, she's the voice actor for my next work!"

"Voice actors?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Yang Li was even more confused.

Although Qin Miaomiao is true that she is a singer, this does not mean that she is better than a professional voice actor.

Now the voice actor department of Company A has long since begun, and there are many professionally trained voice actors in it, and Qin Miaomiao is not very strong in it.

"Yes, my next work will be biased towards music, so Qin Miaomiao is the most suitable. "

Fang Zheng looked at Yang Li and didn't explain too much.

After all, in his cognition, voice actors are almost all monster series, maybe voice actors can be part-time singers, but singers don't necessarily be part-time voice actors.

This may be the horror of the voice actor profession~

"Okay, Fang Dong, come with me. "

After listening to Fang Zheng's answer, Yang Li didn't ask too much, and directly took Fang Zheng to Qin Miaomiao.

Anime that is biased towards music, and she's also more curious about what it's like.

Since Founder's first work "Dream of the Stars", the other party has repeatedly refreshed her cognition, and now it seems that there is nothing unreasonable for Founder to do the animation that promotes music.

The idea of a genius is always extraordinary, if it can be guessed by a mortal like her, is it still called a genius?

Yang Li took Fang Zheng to the recording studio, took a closer look inside, and found that there was no Qin Miaomiao.

In desperation, I could only find the staff on the diet to ask about the situation.

"What about Qin Miaomiao?"

Feeling that someone was patting him on the shoulder, the staff took off the headset, and when they saw Yang Li and Fang Zheng, they quickly got up and said hello.

"Minister Yang, Fang Dong!"

"Hmm. Yang Li nodded, greeted the other party, and asked again: "Didn't Qin Miaomiao come to train today, why didn't you see her?"

Yang Li said and looked in the direction of the recording studio, and repeatedly confirmed through the glass wall that there was indeed no Qin Miaomiao inside.

"Qin Miaomiao... Hearing Yang Li's words, the staff's face was a little worried, and their eyes unconsciously drifted to the lounge on the side.

Fang Zheng has never been mean to the treatment of employees, even the voice actor department that has moved out of the headquarters.

Almost every voice actor has their own lounge, and although the space is not large, it is definitely enough for a short period of time.

Seeing the expression of the staff, Yang Li frowned.

If nothing else, Qin Miaomiao should be lazy again!

Yang Li didn't say a word, and walked towards Qin Miaomiao's lounge with Fang Zheng, and when the two came to the door, they heard a slight sound of talking from inside.

"Hey, hey, hey~ The same tea set in Darjeeling has finally arrived~"

"This tea set country is really different, there is a ladylike feeling in your hand, it's amazing!"

"Ahaha, there is also a Katyusha figure, I think you've been thinking about it for a long time, you always couldn't grab it before, and this time it's finally there!"

Listening to the muttering sound coming from the lounge, Yang Li and Fang Zheng glanced at each other, and they both twitched the corners of their mouths a little speechlessly.

This kid is hopeless~


The sound of the door being opened startled Qin Miaomiao, who was immersed in excitement, and reflexively wanted to hide the figure on the table.

"Don't hide!"

Looking at Qin Miaomiao's flustered movements, Yang Li said speechlessly.

"That's... I'm not lazy, I've just finished training, so... I'm going to take a break~"

Seeing Fang Zheng and Yang Li walk in, Qin Miaomiao stood there pitifully as if she had been caught by a kitten, with a little grievance on her face.

However, Qin Miaomiao still did not forget to block the table behind him with her body.

Looking at Qin Miaomiao's appearance, Fang Zheng shook his head with a smile.

Slowly stepped forward, and in Qin Miaomiao's worried gaze, he picked up the figure she put on the table.

"Dong Fang, please don't confiscate your hands well, I will train hard!"

Seeing Fang Zheng pick up the Katyusha figure that he had finally snapped up, Qin Miaomiao was also anxious, for fear that Fang Zheng would confiscate his treasure in anger.

Looking at Qin Miaomiao's pitiful appearance, Fang Zheng shook his head and put the figure on the table.

"Rest assured, I won't take your baby. "


Listening to Fang Zheng's words, Qin Miao breathed a long sigh of relief, as long as he didn't take away his figure, other things would be easy to say.

"Then Fang Dong, you are this time..."

Qin Miaomiao saw that Fang Zheng put down the back half of herself, and quickly put all the things on the table into the cabinet on the side, as if she was afraid that Fang Zheng would regret it.

Looking at Qin Miaomiao, who was like a hamster eating, Fang Zheng was a little speechless.

"This song, give you ten minutes to get acquainted with it, and then come to the studio to try the effect. "

Fang Zheng took out a copy of Wen Jia from his briefcase and put it on the table, looked at Qin Miaomiao and said, "After ten minutes, I will let people move this cabinet!"

Fang Zheng pointed to the cabinet that Qin Miaomiao used to place the figures, and after speaking, he left the lounge with Yang Li.

"Ten Minutes !!"

Qin Miaomiao heard that Fang Zheng was about to move her cabinet, her whole face changed, she grabbed the documents on the table and quickly looked at them.


Qin Miaomiao looked at the lines in her hand, and there was a stave marked on it, it was obvious that this was a song.

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Qin Miaomiao hummed softly, the more she sang, the more frightened she became, the more she sang, the happier she became, as a singer, although she was forced to leave the stage, she still couldn't change the fact that she liked to sing.

Not to mention such a high-quality song, from the first line she sang, she fell in love with this fast-paced, upbeat song.

PS: Thanks for the "clumsy" monthly pass, thank you big guy!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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