Soon after the broadcast of "Light Girl", the popularity of "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy" continued to ferment, and even attracted the attention of many professional singers and composers.

[Famous composer Lei Guanyun: The song "Cagayake!Girls", the lyrics are full of youth, the melody is compact and melodious, which is very in line with the current trend of light music, and it is a rare good song!]

[The champion of the 'Golden Microphone' competition, the famous Chinese singer Tan Xiaodong: I like Mr. Fang's "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy" very much, and I hope Mr. Fang can authorize the cover rights to me!!]

[Kang Jiaming, platform director of Kucat Music Network: Fang Dong is really a genius, not only creating a new cultural form of animation, but even the composition is so outstanding and convincing!]

[It is reported that Qin Miaomiao, the singer of "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy"", was a rising star of Jiaxing Records, with superb singing skills and a clear voice, and was later kicked out of the company for some reasons and joined Company A. 】

The two songs "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy" are praised on the Internet, and even with the reputation of Fangzheng, they have completely broken through the two-dimensional cultural circle, breaking into the music scene like a dark horse, and winning the attention of many people.

As the lead singer of the two songs "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy"", Qin Miaomiao also entered the public's field of vision within a few days.

Even some of Qin Miaomiao's previous things were pulled out by the media, and the Jiaxing Record Company, which was rumored on the Internet, drove Qin Miaomiao away for some reason, as long as an adult knows what is going on.

In this regard, the Internet criticized Jiaxing Records, while some other entertainment companies secretly dug up the corners of the square wall.

If it were someone else, Fang Zheng might really be worried, but Qin Miaomiao... Forget it, worrying is completely in vain.

In A Society, she can watch unreleased anime in advance, and she can get a figure doujin that is out of print.

For a veteran otaku, is there any other company more attractive than Company A?

A company headquarters, conference room.

Zhang Siyu stood in the middle of the conference table, holding a document in his hand, and said to everyone in the room.

"Fang Dong, up to now, thirteen companies have called, hoping to sign a contract with Qin Miaomiao, and are willing to double the liquidated damages. "

In addition, there are many singers who hope that Fang Dong can give them the authorization to cover the song, and the price is generally about 200,000 yuan. "

"Also, Fang Dong... Your "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy" have been nominated for the Golden Bell Award for Instrumental Composition, and we hope you will be able to attend the ceremony in Hangzhou on January 1st. "

Zhang Siyu summarized what had happened in the past few days and reported them to Fang Zheng one by one, so that Fang Zheng had an understanding of the general situation today.

After listening to Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng rolled his eyes speechlessly.

He made anime alone, and you told me that the song I wrote for anime was nominated for a Golden Bell Award?

Isn't this a fuss~

The Golden Bell Award, as the most influential music award in Xia Guo, has always been the top.

To put it bluntly, the Instrumental Music Award is an award specially set up for small instrument groups, which has a great similarity with light music

This is also the reason why the opening OP and ending ED of "Light Sound Girl" can be nominated.

But knowing that he knows, Fang Zheng felt an inexplicable sense of comical when he thought that the song he wrote because of the anime was actually nominated for the Golden Bell Award.

After bowing his head and thinking for a moment, Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu and said, "Siyu, you can go to the award ceremony on January 1 for me, I can't leave here." "

Now that the Golden Bell Awards have been officially nominated, if he doesn't go, he will inevitably fall into the mouth, saying that he is empty-eyed and arrogant.

In order to avoid these messy things, it is better to participate in it, even if you can't win an award, you can go through the motions.

And on the other hand, the nomination of the Golden Bell Awards has once again increased the popularity of the anime, which is equivalent to promoting "Light Sound Girl" in disguise, and it is still beneficial to participate.

"Okay Fang Dong!"

Zhang Siyu also nodded when he heard Fang Zheng's words, he knew that Fang Zheng had been so busy day and night recently that he didn't have time to attend any award ceremony.

"That Fang Dong, the authorization for those singers..."

"It's free!"

Fang Zheng heard Zhang Siyu's words and directly said his thoughts.

The cost of covering a song would not be too much, and Founder did not expect a profit of 200,000 yuan from a cover song to make a fortune.

Instead of charging the 200,000 cover fees, it is better to be generous and directly let them cover for free.

In this way, you can increase the popularity of the two songs "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy", and promote "Light Girl" in disguise, and secondly, you can also gain the favor of those singers.

He does anime, and anime needs a theme song, an opening song, an ending song, and something like that, and maybe he'll need a certain singer to help sing the song that day.

Therefore, leaving a good impression on the other party in advance will be beneficial and harmless in the future.

The left and right are just the cover copyrights of a few songs, and they can't lose anything.

After dealing with these things, Fang Zheng looked at Liu Ying and Qin Miaomiao on the side.

Seeing Fang Zheng's eyes looking here, Liu Ying was a little nervous, while Qin Miaomiao was still that heartless, and even a pair of big black eyes were still squirming around during the meeting.

I don't have the consciousness of being an emerging singer at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qin Miaomiao's worth is now rising rapidly with the spread of popularity on the Internet, but looking at Qin Miaomiao's appearance at this time, Fang Zheng really can't equate her with the 'genius singer' who is rumored on the Internet.

"Fang... Fang Dong, don't worry, Miao Miao and I will never leave the company!"

Unlike Qin Miaomiao, Liu Ying knew why Fang Zheng would call them specifically for this meeting.

In the past few days, many record companies have called her, hoping that she can take Qin Miaomiao to their company, but she refused.

In their most difficult time, it was Fang Zheng who took them in, and now Qin Miaomiao has just improved under Fang Zheng's promotion.

If they leave Company A at this time, it will really be eating inside and out, and they don't know how to be grateful at all.

"Leaving Company A, Sister Liu, what are you talking about?" Hearing Liu Ying's words, Qin Miaomiao's originally casual expression instantly became nervous.

For her, A Club has anime she likes, there are figurines she likes, and she can also participate in the dubbing of anime, which is enough.

Let her leave Company A, it's even harder than ascending to the sky!

Fang Zheng looked at Liu Ying and Qin Miaomiao, nodded with a smile and said, "You can do things in Company A with peace of mind, I won't treat you badly." "

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Love Wind Love Song ^0^", thank you big guy!!

Is there a big guy who will give away another monthly pass, a monthly pass of four hundred and four chapters, and he will look at the street and his heart tremble, timid, please big guys!!!

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