The songs "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy" have caused huge popularity on the Internet, and many fans have downloaded the songs and repeated the loop.

In just one day, these two songs quickly topped the major charts of the Kucat music platform, and the number of hits surged.

Overnight, "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy" became popular all over the Internet, especially among young people, and these two songs almost swept up communities, forums, and communication apps.

With the instant popularity of "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy"", "Light Girl" has gradually entered the audience's field of vision.

With its exquisite art style, enthusiastic campus, cute characters, and easy to hear OP and ED songs that make the ears pregnant, "Light Girl" has attracted a large number of budding audiences who love music with its unique charm.

"Woo woo woo ~ Why is the same student, the gap is so big?"

"They drink tea and chat every day after school, but I have to face the endless homework after school, why !!"

"The light music club, judo club, calligraphy club... There are all kinds of clubs, but there is only one commissary in our school~~"

"Come on, Sao Nian, your life will become colorful when you enter the university!!"

Watching "Light Girl", Du Wei, Mio Akiyama, Tanai Nakaritsu and Kotofuki live very leisurely every day, and the so-called club activities are eating cakes and drinking tea.

Netizens have expressed their envy, and they are also extremely yearning for this kind of comfortable life~

Especially some students who are still struggling in high school, because of their busy studies, not to mention eating cake and drinking tea every day, even watching anime have to wait for a rest day.

There is no harm if there is no comparison, if there is no "Light Sound Girl", these students may not feel how tired they are, but since watching "Light Sound Girl", they feel that they are simply model workers.

Wake up earlier than the chicken, go to bed later than the dog, and watch the only few people hide comfortably in the activity room all day long, these student party fans have turned into lemon essence.

Lemon fruit on the lemon tree, you and I under the lemon tree, looking at the daily life of the light sound department, a sour one.

However, the situation in China is like this, everyone has come over like this, and after surviving the most difficult high school stage, entering college is considered a complete liberation.

With the popularity of "Light Sound Girl", some colleges and universities in China have established light sound clubs, and the 'light sound department' with the prefix of the name of each university has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

In the face of the light music department established by the alma mater, some students who like music and have a skill have signed up to join, which has also made the light music department of major colleges and universities become the most prestigious club in the school.

Even after Founder released the free cover rights of the two songs "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy", the "light sound clubs" of major colleges and universities began to practice these two songs.

The curriculum at the university is not very heavy, so these hard-working students have time to pursue their interests.

This has led to the rapid popularity of the songs "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy"" in major universities.

Walking in the school, by the lake, in the boulevard, and on the playground, you can see the members of the 'XX Light Music Club' practicing these two songs.

Looking at those youthful, lively and enthusiastic students, the school is also very supportive of their activities, and even gives financial support.

After all, this is a good thing, and it is of great benefit to promote the school's popularity and admissions.

Walking down the street, it's easy to come across some young people getting together to discuss the topic of 'light sound'.

And at the entrances, exits, and open-air squares of the subway, some bands are also singing the most popular "Cagayake!Girls" and "Dontsay "lazy"", which attract bursts of applause from the audience.

The streets and alleys are transformed into the illusion of crossing dimensions, as if they have slept and entered another world.

However, with the popularity of "Light Sound Girl", some fans who are familiar with Fangzheng's "leather god" character soon discovered that something was wrong.

"emm~ Although I like to watch the warm daily life of Duwei Wei, I always feel that something is not right!"

"Yes, I also feel this way, I always feel that I have been tricked by Fang Dada again!"

"Are you all pigs? It took so long to find out! "Light Girl" is labeled as music, how many episodes are there, except for OP and ED, there is no third song!"

", it seems that this is really the case when you say this, every day I watch them drink tea and chat, and I forget that "Light Girl" still has a music label!"

The audience who realized it later reacted one after another, and "Light Girl" has been released until now, as if it is just the two songs at the beginning and end of Nima.


I was led astray by these cute and cute people every day, and I forgot my original intention when I patronized and ate lemons every day.

Fang Dada, you have really become more skinny, you didn't say that when you promoted "Light Girl"!

You know, in the label bar at the bottom of the anime "Light Girl", there are big words 'music' written on it.

At this moment, the audience seemed to see Fang Zheng's smug smile, as if they were mocking their idiots.

"Nima, Fang Dada, you are the devil, you used to be just facing us head-on, and now you actually start to use your own works?"

"Woo woo, you actually used this kind of warm daily life to deceive us, and it made me sour for several days, Fang Da I hate you!"

"I'll just say that Fang Da is such a skinny person, how could he suddenly be so serious and feel that his IQ has been insulted!"

"Fang Dada, forever dripping gods!"

Thinking carefully about the details before and after the release of "Light Sound Girl", it is not difficult to find that Fangzheng has been playing with them from the beginning.

First of all, under the guise of music to attract people's attention, came to a hand to repair the plank road, and then released a promotional PV, using the ending song to attract them and lure the enemy in, and then used the daily life of a few people to paralyze them, hiding from the world, and finally cleverly avoiding the label of 'music', to achieve the effect of darkness.


It's a good Ming Xiu plank road to darken Chen Cang, in order to 'skin' with them, Fang Zheng actually went to study the art of war, and even used thirty-six strategies!

The fans who wanted to understand the key to it gasped, before their Fang Da was the 'Skin God', which learned the art of war and directly evolved into the 'Skin Supreme God'.

How will you line up with him in the future?

The two sides are no longer on the same level at all~

PS:Thank you for the royal power、Tianshui pressure dream、うちはマダラ、177...02、188...11、Go forward,Change your life against the sky、SW、Kaguya、Forever slightly raise the corners of my mouth i、(-.-)The monthly pass of the human demon king,Thank you for the love of the big guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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