January 1 Hangzhou, Golden Bell Award ceremony.

Fang Zheng sat in the audience, looking at the crowd in front of him, looking at those handsome men and women in beautiful clothes, and couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

Originally, it was okay to let Zhang Siyu come to today's awards, but because of the concert, Zhang Siyu couldn't get out of his side, so he could only take the time to come over by himself.

Watching the presentation of the Golden Bell Awards, to be honest, Fang Zheng was about to fall asleep.

Each time, the host announces the list of winners, and then people come to the stage to receive the award, and the winner releases his acceptance speech.

From beginning to end it was these three axes, looking at him lethargic.

However, what made Fang Zheng feel relieved was that from the moment he sat here, there was no blind star to ridicule him, and the clichéd plot in the novel did not appear.

Think about it, which one of them who can mix in the entertainment industry is not a human spirit, this kind of thing that offends people out of thin air, it is estimated that only a fool will do it.

"Okay, the audience and friends in front of the scene and the screen, this is the Golden Bell Award ceremony, and the next list of winners of the Golden Bell Award small instrumental music group will be announced!"

On the stage, the host in full costume held the microphone, took a card from the staff, and said to the audience with a smile.

And when the host glanced at the card, his face was a little stunned, but he reacted instantly, and he couldn't see anything abnormal if he didn't look carefully.

"Today's list of winners is different from the previous ones because he has a... Outsiders. "

After the host finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, and many people exchanged heads and ears.

The Golden Bell Awards have always been a feast in the music world, and the winners are generally professional singers or professional lyricists and composers.

"Today's award-winning audience, who once defined a new cultural form and led the trend of the animation industry, his works have been widely acclaimed and have caused great repercussions among the youth class!"

"That's right, he is Mr. Fang Zhengfang, chairman of ACG Culture Company and a famous anime creator!!"

"Let's applaud Mr. Fang~"

Bang Bang

Fang Zheng stood up a little dazedly, listening to some noisy applause in his ears, and the whole person didn't react.

Before he came, he originally came with the mentality of going through the motions, and he never thought about winning the award.

The Golden Bell Awards, as the top music award in China, are almost top singers and songwriters, although several of the songs he released in "Light Girl" have received a very good response.

But his family knew about his own affairs, so he didn't know how to write songs at all, and he didn't expect these songs to win awards at all.

As he himself said, he is an anime, and he has never thought of stepping out of the circle of two-dimensional culture to grab food from others.

But the reality is in front of you, and he... Really won the award.

After being stunned for a moment, Fang Zheng adjusted his mentality, and then slowly walked onto the stage under the instructions of the staff on the scene.

"Hello Mr. Fang. "

"Hello host. "

Fang Zheng picked up the microphone handed over by the staff and looked at the crowds around the conference hall, not to mention, his heart was inexplicably a little dark.

As an outsider, he not only stepped into the music world, but also won an award.

If this news is released, he will be able to pretend to be a good wave with his fans~

Sure enough, there's nothing more addictive to him than flirting with his own fans!

"Mr. Fang, according to the news, your anime opening song and ending song have been nominated, do you think you will win the championship if you take one of them?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng was stunned.

He likes both songs, and the response on the Internet is also good.

Even Fang Zheng suspected that if it weren't for the fact that the selection of the participating songs had already ended, a few songs after "Light Girl" might also be nominated.

"emmm~Ending song "Dontsay"lazy"~"

"Can you tell us why?" the host's eyes lit up and he looked at Fang Zheng curiously.

"The reason is that the song "Dontsay "lazy" is the earliest song of "Light Girl"!"

Fang Zheng is also helpless, he is not a professional, and the quality of a song is good or bad for him.

Such a 'simple' thing, you ask him to analyze a wave of songs that can win awards, what about this~

The original promotional PV was a gimmick made with "Dontsay "lazy"", which really attracted a lot of music lovers, so he said that "Dontsay "lazy" won the award.

"Mr. Fang's reason is really... Maverick. After listening to Fangzheng's answer, the corners of the host's mouth twitched slightly.

This is the first time he has seen this kind of time as a reason.

Hearing the host's words, the audience also erupted in good-natured laughter.

"But congratulations, Mr. Fang, you guessed it!" the host finished speaking, and walked to the center of the stage, his voice raised.

"The song that won the championship of this year's best small instrumental group is "Dontsay "lazy", please enjoy it together~"

Because this song is not a single released by a singer in the ordinary sense, there is no official live-action MV, and it can only be used as a promotional PV of Founder's original "Light Girl".


[Because you're crazy!]

[White birds frolic in the dark.] 】

[Faithfully obey instincts, charge wisely, and have a bright future, so... Let's take a break~】


Looking at the novel anime MV on the big screen and listening to the unique music, many composers and professional singers present nodded secretly.

This is indeed a rare high-quality song, no wonder so many singers on the Internet would cover it before.

Before, some professional singers may have thought that covering this song was gaining popularity, but now that I have listened to it myself, this song "Dontsay "lazy" is indeed worthy of this championship!


There were a lot of things before and after, and when Fang Zheng came out of the venue and took a plane back to the magic capital, it was already evening.

As soon as he returned to the office of Qinghui Building, the first thing Fang Zheng had to do was to turn on his computer and log in to his Weibo account.

He hadn't bubbled for a long time before, and then he was suspicious of the audience, saying that he was blasted by some grumpy fans, and there were even rumors that others were in the ICU and the rescue was ineffective.

This made Fang Zheng grit his teeth a little for a while.

So Fang Zheng decided to bubble up from time to time in the future to bring some care to those fans.

It's like now, what a good outfit... Ahem... An opportunity to share happiness with fans~

[My song "Dontsay "lazy"" won the Golden Bell Award Small Instrumental Group Award, give you Kangkang my trophy, pure gold~]

As soon as the news was released, many fans who followed him were notified as soon as possible.

However, when I opened this news, many fans exploded in their minds!

"Gan, Fang Dada, you are still a personal ?!!"

"How do I feel that Fang Da is showing off nakedly?"

"Be confident upstairs, it's 'like' to go, Fang Dadu has specially clubbed the trophy to your face!"

"Cheap or you cheap, skin is still your skin, Fang Da and cherish it, if you continue like this, you will lose ours sooner or later~"

"What makes me always have tears in my eyes, is jealousy!!"

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