The northern part of the magic capital, the Zhuyuan area.

Fang Zheng stepped out of the car, looking at the slightly desolate scenery in front of him, and his brows furrowed slightly.

Although the Zhuyuan area is divided into development zones, there is no news now, so everything here is still a little empty.

Compared with the cosmopolitan metropolis of the magic capital, the Zhuyuan area seems a little out of place, with no high-rise buildings, no traffic, and no well-dressed people shuttling back and forth.

Compared to the magic capital, this place is almost like a ravine, as if it has gone back to the past overnight.

Because the Zhuyuan area will be developed in the future, the aborigines here have also been relocated, and the houses have been bulldozed.

Although it looked a little gloomy because there were no people, Fang Zheng was still very satisfied.

At least he didn't have to worry about the resettlement of the people, everything here was ready, and he was waiting to start building the development zone.

Fang Zheng looked at the newly built asphalt road under his feet and nodded with satisfaction, although the surrounding scenery is worse than the magic capital, but the minimum transportation facilities are still there.

If you want to build roads first, as long as the transportation facilities are perfect, everything here will slowly become better.

Fang Zheng raised his head and looked into the distance, and it was easy to see an abrupt building.

The Zhuyuan area is flat all around, and only a vague building in the distance stands upright in the distance, which looks a little outstanding.

This somewhat conspicuous building is the new headquarters that Founder is about to move over, and it is also part of the support for his development of the animation industry.

From a distance, the building is in the shape of an 'I', like a sharp sword reaching into the sky, pointing to the sky.

But Fang Zheng has seen the design of the building, in addition to the towering part that people can see at a glance, on the ground floor of the building, there are many low-rise buildings connected to the building.

"Sorry Fang Dong, I'm late!"

Just when Fang Zheng sighed, there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw Zhang Siyu walking slowly.

Recently, Zhang Siyu has been staying here to take a look at the overall situation, not only to be responsible for the concert singing, but also to hand over the relocation of the headquarters with the staff of Qinghui Building.

It can be said that he is so busy that his feet do not touch the ground, so that people look a lot haggard.

"It's hard work~"

Looking at Zhang Siyu's pretty face, Fang Zheng himself was a little embarrassed.

Although Zhang Siyu wore light makeup, the dark circles at the corners of his eyes were still a little obvious, and it was obvious that the other party had not rested very well during this time.

"It's hard work, but it's also fulfilling. Hearing Fangzheng's words, Zhang Siyu smiled, and then pointed to the business vehicle beside him.

"Fang Dong, I'll take you to the building and the venue to have a look. "

Regarding Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng naturally had no reason not to agree, the main purpose of his coming today was to see how the situation here was raised.

To what extent has the venue for the concert been built, whether the quality is passable, whether the design is reasonable, and whether the decoration of the new headquarters building meets his original requirements, etc.

These need to be confirmed by him personally, after all, if nothing else, this will be the core of Society A, and it will also be the center of the two-dimensional empire he will build in the future.

No detail can be overlooked, and absolutely no sloppiness can be made.

Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu rode along the wide road towards the direction of the building, Fang Zheng sat in the car, looking at the scenery on both sides through the car window, his face was inexplicable.

Don't look at the fact that there are no buildings here now, and there is no bustling development area at all.

But Fang Zheng is sure that in the near future, this will become a hot area in the entire magic capital.

His two-dimensional empire will be the entire magic capital, and it will be the world's most famous tourist destination, and the unique two-dimensional culture will attract batches of tourists to the magic capital.

Once his plan is rolled out, the speed of development here is bound to change like a rocket, one day at a time.

Not long after, the business car that Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu were riding stopped at the main entrance of the building.

Fang Zheng got out of the car, his feet on the flat marble slab on the ground, and nodded with satisfaction.

The main entrance of the building is a huge square, covering an area of 50,000 square meters, which is also one of the attractions that Founder personally ordered to repair.

In such a huge square, the most conspicuous thing is the statue of Luo Tianyi that is standing in the center, and it is also the statue of Luo Tianyi that he personally ordered Zhang Siyu to find the best stone field to carve.

Different from the original plan, in order to match the scale of the entire square, the statue of Luo Tianyi was modified several times, and the height was finally determined to be 15.63 meters.

This is the best size given by Zhang Siyu after verifying some well-known designers.

Fang Zheng looked at the statue of Luo Tianyi a hundred meters away in the distance, and nodded with great satisfaction, this statue was very in line with the style of the classical beauty of the Xia Kingdom in his heart.

The slender figure perfectly conforms to the golden ratio of the human body, just right.

For Luo Tianyi's image, Fang Zheng made some modifications according to his own ideas, of course, he did not change the iconic gray hair and green eyes in the slightest, after all, this is the cuteness of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Her head is combed with a flying fairy sideburns, which is the most typical hairstyle for women in the ancient Xia Kingdom.

Flying fairy sideburns were first seen in the Han Dynasty, and their style was haired at the top, showing a flying shape, which was mostly used to describe beautiful women and young women who had not left the cabinet.

And Founder also matched Luo Tianyi with a step shake hair ornament, which not only made Luo Tianyi's overall image new and more Xia Guo atmosphere, but also gave people a feeling of ribbon fluttering and fairy spirit under the embellishment of the step swing ribbon.

In addition to the hair ornament on his head, Luo Tianyi's upper body is a short emerald green brocade robe, which is embellished with some simple patterns that extend to the waist.

Around his waist, a purple belt with a Xia Guo knot tightened abruptly, highlighting Luo Tianyi's slender figure.

The lower body is a pleated skirt, and the light blue pleated skirt casts an elegant and mysterious color.

The slender calf that leaks out from the bottom of the skirt gives people a feeling of 'clear water out of hibiscus, natural carving'.

But Luo Tianyi is the image ambassador of A Society after all, in addition to the ancient characteristics of the Xia Kingdom, he must also have his identity as a virtual singer.

Therefore, Luo Tianyi's image was finally framed as a girl playing the jade flute, and the emerald green jade flute with the pink lips was connected, giving people a strong classical style.

In this way, it not only takes into account the elements of music, but also highlights the classical culture of the Xia Kingdom, which Fang Zheng is extremely satisfied with.

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "hyck50-1" and "21...88", thank you for the reward of "I always like meow", and thank you for the support of the big guys!!

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