After turning around from the square, Fang Zheng returned to the main entrance of the building with satisfaction.

"Fang Dong, I'll take you to the headquarters to have a look~"

Fang Zheng followed Zhang Siyu into the building, and the entire first floor of the building is a hall, which is also the façade of Company A.

There are a lot of exhibition cabinets around.,Inside are all kinds of fandom under the works of A Society.。

Called the elevator upward, the building began to be partitioned, with daily office areas, viewing rooms, staff restaurants and other areas, and the facilities are quite complete.

Even if the employees who work in Company A live here for a long time, there is no problem at all.

Coming out of the building, Fang Zheng followed Zhang Siyu to a concert not far away, because of the construction reasons, Fang Zheng did not go too deep, but just took a general look.

The design of the venue follows the usual design of a football field, with the stage in the center, and eight huge LCD screens placed directly above the stage for the audience in the back row.

Surrounded by auditoriums, the seats are also raised in a traditional incremental way to ensure the best viewing effect.

For the construction progress of the venue, Founder is still very satisfied.

Today's concert singing has entered the final stage, and it will be completed soon, which is not fast.

Of course, the high cost he paid to the engineering team also played a crucial role, after all, this society is a huge collection of interests.

In addition to this giant concert that can accommodate 100,000 people, Zhang Siyu also built some other stages and buildings according to Founder's requirements.

On the day of the concert, the audience should not only watch the concert, but also other entertainment programs.

"Fang Dong, at present, I have discussed with the transportation company, for a total of three days before and after the concert, they will open a special line from the magic capital to here to increase the number of vehicles coming and going. "

"In addition, the taxi company also expressed its willingness to cooperate with our concert. "

On the way back, Zhang Siyu followed Fangzheng's footsteps and reported his work to Fangzheng.

Zhu Yuan is resistant to the periphery of the magic capital, and it is even more suburban than the suburbs, so the traffic is not very convenient.

Although the transportation company in the magic capital had vehicles to this place before, there were too few trains, and if you don't want to call it the huge passenger flow during the concert, these trains are just a drop in the bucket.

That's why it's essential to communicate with the transportation company!

In addition, Zhang Siyu also went to the relevant departments for the record, and on the day of the concert, there will be staff from relevant departments to maintain order and prevent some unnecessary troubles from happening.

Fang Zheng was very satisfied with Zhang Siyu's arrangement, and he was also relieved to hand over these things to the other party.

"By the way, has the accommodation problem for the visiting visitors been solved?"

Fang Zheng seemed to remember something, and turned his head to look at Zhang Siyu.

According to the current popularity on the Internet, it is conservatively estimated that the number of people visiting here on the day of the concert will not be less than 100,000, or even more.

Therefore, Fang Zheng wanted to arrange the accommodation of these people as much as possible, of course, it was unrealistic to arrange all of them.

"The problem of accommodation has been done our best, the closest area to Zhuyuan, where the accommodation hotel has been greeted, all the tourists who hold concert tickets, they are willing to give a preferential price of 20% off. "

"That's not enough!"

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng frowned and said, "Immediately purchase a batch of tent materials and put them at the headquarters here." "

"Okay Fang Dong, I'll do it later!"

With the popularity of the fans that Founder knows, those who have purchased tickets are definitely coming, plus some admiring fans, during the concert, there must be people who will be very inconvenient.

Whether it's because the hotel is too far away, or because the price or people are not familiar with the place, in short, these tents are well stocked.

What's more, Founder also has its own plan.

During the concert, Founder will ask the company's employees to notify them to hold a grand fireworks show in the evening, and if the audience is willing to stay here, the company's tents will be distributed free of charge.

Since your fans are here, let them have fun and feel at home.

Otherwise, fans feel bored and boring, and the reputation of A company is not very good.

The most important thing is that Founder plans to start from this year's concert to create exclusive two-dimensional animation festivals, animation carnivals and other projects.

Fix these festivals once a year, just like the 'holy war' in the previous life, that kind of grand gathering, he must have it.

And this light concert is a signal, or a survey.

He wants to make the animation festival held by A Society a fixed festival, not only popular, but also well-known, and strive to let people all over the world hear the name of the Xia Guo Animation Festival.

"By the way, Dong Fang, the company's affairs have been handed over one after another in the past few days, when do you think we will move over directly?"

Zhang Siyu's eyes lit up and looked at Fang Zheng.

To be honest, even she wanted to work here when she saw this new headquarters building.

Although commuting to and from work may not be convenient after the relocation of the company's headquarters, the working environment has indeed more than doubled.

It's a pleasure to work in such a working environment.

"In the next few days, let all departments of the company take turns to move over, and you can also take advantage of the concert period to expose yourself and increase the popularity of Yixi!"

Hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng also said with a smile.

People are not reckless teenagers, since there is such a magnificent company headquarters building, it is a little unreasonable not to show off all of a sudden.

In the past, Company A was just starting out, and it didn't have so much confidence, but now it's different.

Fangzheng also wanted to feel the feeling of wealth, and the new company building was the façade of Company A, and the grade went up in an instant.

From now on, Company A can finally be called a large enterprise, and there is no need to make a small fuss.

And the most important thing is that Company A is his sole proprietorship, compared with the giants of those listed companies, maybe the financial strength is not very outstanding, but it is his own word.

You can do whatever you want, you don't have to look at other people's faces at all, and you are extremely free.

If you sit in the company boss and always look at other people's faces, you have to hold a meeting for a long time about something, what is the difference between it and a social animal who works normally!

"I just took this opportunity to fill a glass with the fans, and I think they will be happy for me. "

Zhang Siyu on the side saw his familiar smile and couldn't help but shudder.

secretly said in her heart what tricks her boss was going to play again, this smile was too familiar to her.

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