Hearing this answer, the audience in the live broadcast room was silent.

Nima, why is this man so skinny?!!

They can see that Fang Zheng is playing with them, changing the skin of tricks!

Want to get the answer from Fangzheng's mouth... Hehe, go dream~

"The skin is still your skin~"

"In terms of skin, Fang Dada has always been outstanding, and I can't wait for it. "

"Lao Tzu is going to the magic capital tomorrow, is there a wave of Lao Tie organization, and send Fang Dada some specialties of our fans~"

"Although the old man didn't grab the concert tickets, he was the old man, and he could just go to the anime festival, killing two birds with one stone. "

The barrage in the live broadcast room floated like snowflakes, and many fans blatantly began to form a group, ready to teach the spicy man a lesson.

Otherwise, someone thinks they're a bully.

Zhang Ying looked at the audience in the live broadcast room who was made by Fang Zheng's operation, glanced at Fang Zheng with gloating eyes, and said, "Okay, thank you Fang Dong for accepting our interview in his busy schedule." "

"I'm your old friend Zhang Ying, we'll see you in the next episode!"

The staff turned off the camera, Zhang Ying breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and looked at Fang Zheng, and said with a smile: "Fang Dong, you ask for more blessings~"

After speaking, Zhang Ying said goodbye to Fang Zheng with a laugh like a silver bell.

Fang Zheng, who was full of confusion and was laughed at by Zhang Ying, was a little stunned.

What's wrong? Took the wrong medicine?

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't understand why Zhang Ying was smiling so happily, Fang Zheng also shook his head and shook off the doubts in his heart.

"It's really refreshing to be skinned with your own fans!"

Fang Zheng stretched his waist, this time, he was also tired enough.

But after a wave of 'little' skin with fans just now, he found that his fatigue seemed to have been reduced a lot.

Sure enough, a daily peel can help relieve stress!

After dealing with the interview, Fang Zheng left the conference room and found Zhang Siyu.

learned from Zhang Siyu that Secretary Zou and others had left, after all, they all had a lot of things to deal with, and it was rare to be able to take time to participate in the company's ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Fang Zheng also expressed his understanding of this, and personally called Secretary Zou to express his gratitude.

After taking care of everything, Fang Zheng returned to his new office.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can look out at the night view.

Yesterday it was pitch black except for the street lights, but today it's as bright as day.

In order to prepare for the upcoming light music concert, Founder first ordered the staff to install the lighting facilities and ensure safety and reliability.

Especially the statue of Luo Tianyi in the center of the square, with colorful lights flickering, with the continuous incense of spring water in the air, just like a mortal maiden, elegant and mysterious.

Overlooking the scene at his feet, Fangzheng's heart was full of comfort.

Once upon a time, he was still crammed into an office building with other companies, and once upon a time, Company A only had a tight capital of five million.

But in the blink of an eye, Company A not only has its own office building, but also has such a large piece of land.

"It's like a dream~"

Looking at the staff in the distance, who were still busy under the illumination of the lights, Fang Zheng muttered.

Sitting in the office and drinking a cup of coffee, Fang Zheng left the office and took the elevator downstairs.

In the entire office area of the headquarters of Company A, the lights are as bright as day, and almost all the employees are rushing back and forth in a hurry.

During this period, overtime has become the norm.


Fang Zheng came to the office area, looked at the many new unfamiliar faces, and nodded with satisfaction.

These are the company's newly recruited employees, both in terms of professional quality and work enthusiasm are not much worse than the old employees.

"Everyone, stop for a moment~!"

In the office area, the staff who were busy going back and forth stopped their work when they heard Fangzheng's words and looked in the direction of the door.

Many new employees have hot eyes, and they have not been in A for a long time, and this is the first time they have met their own chairman.

"Everyone has worked hard recently, has the overtime pay been paid enough by the finance department?"

Fang Zheng looked around and found that many employees had cups on their tables, and there were coffee that had been cold and had no time to drink.

"Don't worry, the finance department is very generous!"

"Go, what is the generosity of the finance department, it is obviously our Fang Dong generosity!"



Listening to the employees joking with each other, Fang Zheng saw it in his eyes, and he was very pleased with such an atmosphere.

He doesn't want so many dirty things between his company's employees, and now it seems that Zhang Siyu has handled this very well.

"Okay, okay, don't be a sycophant, no matter how much you pat yourself, you won't be able to get a promotion and a raise!"

As soon as Fangzheng's words fell, the company's employees laughed.

Especially some new employees, although they all admire Founder, but inevitably there will be a little nervousness.

Now seeing that Fang Zheng is so approachable, he is also relieved.

It is very easy to work in such a company.

"In two days, the anime festival and concert will begin, do you want to participate?"


"Be louder, you can't hear me!"

"I want to !!"

The shouts of the employees suddenly rose, and the neat answers echoed back and forth in the office area, and the people who were already a little tired also came over one after another.

"Okay, for the three days of the Anime Festival, I'll give you three days off, paid vacation, and go to visit our own Anime Festival!"

At the time of the Animation Festival, Founder decided to give the employees a holiday, so that the employees could also experience the carnival brought by the Animation Festival.

After all, during this time, his employees worked overtime almost every day, not to mention weekends, and getting off work before nine o'clock every day was considered to be burning high incense.

In this regard, in addition to giving them enough overtime pay, Founder is to give them a vacation and relax.

What's more, in the past few days of the Anime Festival, the company won't have too many things, and it doesn't matter if you take a holiday.

"In addition to the concert, the company has also opened a lot of fun and interesting experience stores below, on the day of the festival, you can bring your own work card, go to the part-time job, play, decide for yourself, and have fun!"

Fang Zheng talked to these employees and watched their renewed fighting spirit, and then left here satisfied.

He has prepared everything he can prepare, and all that remains is to wait for the concert to start.

Founder believes that this cross-dimensional concert will definitely leave an indelible impression on many people.

PS: Thanks to the monthly pass of "Heavenly Tower", "Speechless", "Pig Calling Group", "House Without Discipline", "Great Love Full Control", "Flying Lolita", "11...421", thank you? Thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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