On January 10th, today's magic capital is extremely lively, especially in the station area, where a lot of young people gather.

Although the magic city is an international metropolis and receives countless visitors every day, today is a bit special.

"Hey buddy, are you here for the light music concert?"

"You too??"

"Let's go with a companion, Fang Dada said, there are no bad people in our otaku~"

"Do you believe what that Pippi Shrimp said?"


On this day, young people from all over the world walked out of the station in groups.

Young faces were filled with youthful joy and talked to each other about their purpose and plans for coming here.

They are both fans of anime, they have a lot of common topics with each other, and they are all in a circle, so there are no barriers to communication.

On the contrary, it is a pleasure to talk about your feelings with like-minded friends.

"Wow~Old iron, I'm in the magic capital~!And what do you think this is??"

At the entrance of the station, a beautiful woman dressed simply but gave people a very lively feeling walked out, carrying a backpack on her shoulder, holding a selfie stick in her hand all the time, and shaking it at the camera with a lottery ticket in one hand.

"Tangerine actually went to the magic capital, so envious!!"

"I'm Gan, the concert ticket !!"

"Woo woo, I also want to go to the anime festival, I want to go to the concert, but unfortunately I still have to go to school~~"

"Tangerine orange, go to Zhuyuan, I heard that more than 100,000 fans are going back today, and there is no good place to go late!!"

Looking at the dense barrage in the live broadcast room, Tangerine smiled.

She originally went to college in Hangzhou, and she is also doing self-media, usually going to various platforms to post some videos, and occasionally starting live broadcasts.

Tangerine has a lively personality, without the pretentiousness of ordinary girls, and quickly mingles with the audience, and is also a well-known anchor on the Shark Fighting platform.

She was very lucky to grab a ticket for the pre-sale concert of Company A before, so she felt the magic capital on time today and wanted to feel the first anime carnival created by Company A.

Since it was an outdoor event, of course she had to start a live broadcast, but what she didn't expect was that as soon as she got off the high-speed train and opened the live broadcast room, there were so many viewers.

You must know that although she is a small anchor on the Fighting Shark platform, her popularity has also slowly accumulated by herself, and she usually posts some videos in home flight, so the speed of increasing fans will exceed that of ordinary anchors.

But today is different, full of calculations, she walked from the inside of the station to the outside, no more than ten minutes, in just ten minutes, the number of viewers in her live broadcast room has far exceeded twice the usual live broadcast.

Looking at the popularity of his live broadcast room, Tangerine was both excited and excited, carefully put away his tickets, and then said to the camera.

"Okay, I'll go to Zhu Yuan, if I'm lucky enough to meet Fang Dada, I'll try to give you an interview. "

After saying that, Tangerine took out a duckbill hat from his backpack and put it on his head, and said, "Now let's go!"

Passing through the crowd at the station, Tangerine walked towards the bus stop not far away, sharing what he saw and heard with the audience.

"Woo,I'm a little sorry.,I knew I was going to wear the little Hinata fanfic shirt I bought at the beginning~"

Looking at the crowd of people coming and going, Tangerine is very keen to see a lot of people gathered together, at first glance it is no different from other tourists, but if you look closely, you will find that these people are true fans of A Society.

If you want to say why,It's that they're all wearing the peripheral fandom clothes they bought in Company A.,Or holding some fandom peripherals.,Laughter and laughter with each other.。

"??? orange, aren't you stupid to go to the anime festival and not wear fandom?"

"Damn, this scene is too crazy, it's like a pilgrimage~"

"The more I look at it, the more I want to go, and I really want to participate, why do you want to go?"

"Tangerine, go talk, so many people in the same way get together, they must be discussing something big~"

Tangerine's affection is a little frustrated, she is also a true fan of A Society, she originally watched "When the Prison Comes to Me" into the pit, and then successively completed all the works of A Society.

I've cried, laughed, and gritted my teeth at a certain Pippi shrimp, but today she actually forgot to wear fandom!!

She felt like a failure~

Seeing the urging on the barrage, Tangerine settled down and slowly walked towards the crowd not far away.

"That's... Hello, are you here to attend the A Society Anime Festival?"

Coming to the periphery of the crowd, Tangerine looked left and right, and when he saw several young and beautiful beauties gathered together on the left, his eyes lit up and he walked up.

"yes, are you too?"

"Are you filming a video?"


A few people said hello, and after some conversation, Tangerine finally knew why these fans who came to see the A Society Anime Festival gathered here.

Because the number of visitors to the animation festival of Company A today is too much, in order to have unnecessary accidents, Company A greeted the transportation company.

In the few days when the animation festival lasts, the transportation company will open a special line from the major stations to Zhuyuan ACG Culture Company.

In this way, it can also avoid fans getting lost or encountering people with bad intentions and being deceived or something.

That's why these fans who came to participate in the anime festival gathered here and waited for a special bus to the Zhuyuan area.

Of course, this is not mandatory, and there will be staff from Company A and the staff at the station at the gate of the station to remind them of this.

If the fans themselves are willing to act alone, the staff will not stop them, but will patiently ask them some precautions.

After all, this is an era of personal freedom, and it is up to you to decide what to do and how to choose.

The reason why Company A has put so much effort into picking up these fans is also to do its best to make fans feel welcome.

"666, worthy of A company, it's too thoughtful~"

"A conscientious enterprise, they are really doing their best to serve their fans~!"

"233~ It's a pity that Fang Dada didn't expect so many people to come today~!!"

"Yes, looking at the people waiting for the train at the station, I'm afraid the transportation company and Fang Dada didn't expect that there would be so many people~"

Because it was a live broadcast, Tangerine just talked to a few otaku girls, and the audience in the live broadcast room also heard it clearly.

In this regard, fans in the live broadcast room praised the conscience of Company A's move.

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