Regarding the fan's request for her to buy on her behalf, Tangerine thought about it but refused.

She is alone, and her time and energy are limited, so it is impossible to help so many sailors buy their favorite figures.

In this regard, Tangerine can only say that he can do nothing.

Coming out of the figure store, Tangerine has visited many theme stores one after another, including a record experience store specializing in selling anime songs under Company A, and a large store that buys doujin merchandise.

Along the way, Tangerine was a little overwhelmed, and even she regretted that she didn't bring a helper.

Because of the live broadcast, many of her favorite things can't be taken away, which makes her feel a little distressed.

Before I knew it, it was close to noon, and Tangerine also circled around the square and found a restaurant.

I thought it was an ordinary restaurant, but when I walked in, I found that there was something different.

Tangerine watched the waiter in a maid suit shuttling back and forth, the whole person was a little sluggish, and her eyes were even more open, she wondered if she had crossed over.

"Welcome home, Miss~"

Just as Tangerine was stunned, a maid walked up to her.

I saw the other party put his hands together on his abdomen and bowed to her very standardly.

"Female... Maid !!"

"I'll go, it's a real maid~"

"Jealousy has made me unrecognizable again~!"

"The brother who bought a ticket to go to the magic capital is gone, if not, let's connect a companion, and the old man will go too!"


Looking at the real maid in front of him, he didn't need an orange introduction, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

A group of old gentlemen's eyes lit up, and everyone knew what they wanted, after all, they were all Lsp~

"You... Hello..."

Tangerine's brain is a little confused, she is no stranger to maid clothes, after all, in the just-finished "Light Girl", only a few people have appeared in maid clothes.

So tangerines don't feel very strange.

However, standing in front of her at this time were lively maids, which made Tangerine a little unresponsive.

What is it?

Maid restaurant?

The other party just called her Miss?

Can a maid suit still be used like this?

A series of greetings rang out in Tangerine's mind, and she was caught in the seat by the maid who had just greeted her.

"Miss, what are you going to eat for lunch?"

Facing the bright smiling face of the maid, Tangerine was in a trance, and unconsciously opened the menu on the table and looked at it.

"Miss, are you broadcasting, do you need me to serve you temporarily?"

Hearing the other party's words, Tangerine also felt that he was holding the equipment in one hand and looking at the menu with the other hand was a little uncomfortable, and nodded immediately.

"Thank you~"

"Where, it is my pleasure to serve you!"

Listening to the words of the maid girl next to her, Tangerine only felt comfortable.

Listen, it's an honor to serve me, and at this moment, Tangerine feels as if she has really become a daughter, living a life of worry-free food and clothing.

Tangerine looked down at the menu, and the maid girl on the side pointed the camera at the menu in Tangerine's hand very intimately, so that the sailors in the live broadcast room could see it clearly.

"Day, the same black tea in Darjeeling, this restaurant won't be opened by Fang Da, the name is so skinny~"

"Hahaha, I saw the pineapple bread and pudding that Meonai used to seduce Sakika~"

"There is also the same pastry in the light sound department~"

"emmm~ jealousy again let... I'm not jealous, I'll book a ticket to go to the magic capital!"


Tangerine didn't know the situation of the water friends in the live broadcast room, and she was staring at the menu at this time.

As a loyal fan of Fang Dada, she has seen almost all of the anime works of A Society, and looking at the pastries displayed in the pictures on the menu, she is very sure that these are exactly the same as those in the anime.

I don't know what it tastes like, but it's exactly the same.

And the most satisfying thing about Tangerine is that the price of the food in the restaurant is very affordable, and there is no feeling of asking for a sky-high price at all.

In this regard, Tangerine silently praised A in his heart.

From the moment she walked into this fandom restaurant, whether it was the maid girl who acted as a waiter, or the overall layout of the restaurant, it could be seen that A Society had put a lot of thought into it.

If it is outside, the price of a restaurant of this size is definitely not affordable for ordinary people, after all, people emphasize style.

But here, Tangerine can proudly say that even a student party can afford it.

In the end, Tangerine ordered a light sound set meal, which is the black tea and some pastries that Duwei drinks every day.

After ordering, the maid waitress returned the live streaming equipment to her and walked backstage.

Taking advantage of this time, Tangerine looked around curiously.

Almost most of them sat together in twos and threes, sharing what they had seen and heard for half a day, laughing and laughing, and the atmosphere was also very harmonious.

It didn't take long for the maid who had been in charge of receiving her to return again, followed by a maid girl pushing a cart.

"Host, your lunch, I wish you a pleasant meal~"

Tangerine looked at the two maids in front of her, one of them smiled at her, and the other put the black tea and pastries on the cart in front of her.

Tangerine looked at the two maids in front of him, and felt a little envious in his heart.

The other party's every move is full of etiquette, whether it is dressed or dressed very decently, there is no discomfort in the slightest.

No wonder some people say that the maids of a family that really have an ancient heritage are more cultivated than the eldest lady of ordinary people.

Looking at the two maid waiters in front of him, Tangerine inexplicably felt that this sentence was not entirely unreasonable.

At the very least, she felt that these two maids were the most cultured and polite women she had ever seen.

With mixed feelings, Tachibana finished her lunch and then casually browsed the other experience stores of the anime festival until the time was almost up, and then returned to the concert site in the distance.

Although today's anime festival made her worthwhile, she didn't forget that the light music concert was the highlight of today.

Before Fang Zheng's news on Weibo, many people were confused about this concert, and Tangerine was no exception.

She really wanted to see what Fang Dada's surprise was for them.

And the concert will also reveal the identity of the beautiful statue, which is also the most concerned question for fans who come to the scene.

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