At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the concert officially began to check in.

The oranges lined up in the long line, looking at the crowd in front of them, their eyes full of emotion.

Before she came, she was there to listen to the concert, but after she came, she was blinded by various experience stores.

Sure enough, the animation festival of A company is a carnival and a feast!

"Girl, I'm very sorry, I won't let the live broadcast during the concert, please understand~"

It was Tangerine's turn to enter, and the staff on the side politely reminded Tangerine to turn off the live broadcast equipment.

During the light sound concert, A society arranged a special official live broadcast, so a personal live broadcast room like Tangerine was not allowed.

"Oh oh good!"

Tangerine was stunned for a moment, and then apologized to the water friends in the live broadcast room, and then closed the live broadcast smoothly.


"It's okay to broadcast at the speed of light~"

"Oranges are not interesting enough, I ran to the concert by myself, and I forgot about our group of sailors when I turned my head~!"

"Good news, the official live broadcast room has been opened over there of Company A, everyone has moved to Company A!"

After the live broadcast of Tangerine was closed, many fans found that the platform of Company A had opened the official live broadcast, so these sailors switched to Company A.

Suddenly, a large number of viewers poured into the official live broadcast room of Company A, and the live broadcast room was opened in less than five minutes, and the number of viewers has exceeded 10 million, and the number of viewers is still rising rapidly.

Looking at the hot data in the live broadcast room of Company A, other live broadcast platforms cried and fainted in the toilet.

I knew that this animation festival was so popular and popular, so they also wanted to cooperate with A Company and get a piece of the pie~

Now that the show has begun, even if they go to cooperate with Company A now, I'm afraid it will be too late, and they can only watch their own users pour into Company A.

At the concert hall of Nuoda, many people were already seated when the oranges entered.

Tangerine followed the instructions on the ticket, found her seat, and sat down.

The location is not bad, the center of the 11th row at the front, which is definitely a VIP seat for this grand light music concert.

Tangerine looked at the stage in the center, and because the audience was still entering, there was nothing special on the stage, only some lights were flickering to create an atmosphere.

There was nothing else on the stage but the lights.

Tangerine turned his head to look around, looked at the black crowd in the distance, and stuck out his tongue in shock.

How many people are there~

Compared to those who sit in the back, Tangerine is glad that he is in the front and can watch the concert more clearly.

Tachibana retracted her gaze, and suddenly noticed that something was pinned to the back of the chair in front of her.

Pick it up and look at it, and then the cashback is a glow stick for support.

Seeing this glow stick, Tangerine once again has a clearer understanding of the reputation of Company A's "detail maniac".

It's worthy of A company.,There's really nothing to find fault with in these details.。

Time passed slowly, and as the audience entered one after another, the concert gradually began.

Before you know it, the sky outside has darkened, the lights on the stage have become dazzling, and the huge LCD screen above has also lit up, playing the scene in the center of the stage so that the audience behind can see more clearly.


With the fireworks rising around the concert, the concert officially began.

Tangerine came back to her senses from the gorgeous fireworks scene around her, and turned her head to find that the center of the stage was slowly rising, and several costumed beauties were standing in the center of the stage.

"Good evening, everyone~!"

The person on the stage is none other than Qin Miaomiao, who dubbed "Light Girl" and several other voice actors.

"Ah~!It's Qin Miaomiao!"

"Qin Miaomiao, I like her singing voice so much~!"

"yes, especially the song "Dontsay "lazy", which makes the single loop unstoppable!"

""Fluttering Time" is also very good~"

Qin Miaomiao stood in the center of the stage in a dress, looking at the warm atmosphere around her, with a smile of emotion on her pretty face.

Once upon a time, she was still a third- or fourth-tier singer who was hidden in the snow, and her statement was not obvious and no one cared about.

In the blink of an eye, he was standing on the big stage of 100,000 people, and all this was like a dream.


The melody prelude sounded, Qin Miaomiao glanced at a few people on the side, and stepped forward one after another.


"Because it's actually crazy!"

"Hundreds of birds are playing in the water in the dark~!"

"Faithful obedience instincts..."

Listening to this long-lost song and familiar melody, Tangerine's eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet, firmly locked in the center of the stage, and he was reluctant to let go for a moment.

The glow stick in his hand began to unconsciously sway to the rhythm, and his body also swayed.

She didn't even realize that she was unconsciously humming to the melody on stage.

"The shortest way is the royal road, and the folded wings are even better!"

"The claws are broken, and they are repaired with glue~"

"In this way, there is a sense of accomplishment~!"

"It's important to take pity on yourself..."

The beautiful singing voice surrounded the venue, and the compact melody firmly grasped the hearts of everyone present.

Looking down from the sky, the entire venue turned into a sea of lights, and the light sticks in the hands of the audience gathered into waves, wave after wave, which could not be stopped for a long time.

At the same time, Qin Miaomiao and the others sang to their heart's content on the stage, and the background wall behind them was playing the ED clip of "The Girl with Light Words" familiar to the audience as the melody advanced.

If you look closely, you will find that the trendy outfits of the few people are exactly the same as those worn by Qin Miaomiao's voice actors on the stage, and it can even be said that they are completely synchronized.

Qin Miaomiao watched the atmosphere of the concert heat up rapidly, and her mood was also excited.

As a singer, being able to hold a concert of this scale may be the pinnacle of his career~

"Let's come together~!"

"Dontsay "lazy"" entered the next climax stage, Qin Miaomiao stretched out the microphone in her hand and aimed it in the direction of the audience.

Watching the audience frantically shake the glow sticks in their hands, she shouted hoarsely and invited the audience to join her.


"Because it's actually crazy!"

"Noh musicians gather their edge~"

"I'm trying my best to imagine, but the reality is at a loss~!"


Looking at Qin Miaomiao's movements and the invitations of the beauties on the stage, the audience present was crazy.

The sound of the neat chorus came, reaching through the sky, and even fans who were far away from the concert hall and did not have tickets heard Li Biao's enthusiastic and boiling shouts.

At this moment, the light sound concert is the protagonist of this anime festival, attracting countless fans to stop and listen!

PS: Thank you to the Huberian deck cleaner, 桜blow雪へと変化する頃hateみ、Mu Feng broken leaves、Shu。 Served, 134...04, the reward of the fetters of the past, thanks to the (2) level hand handicap, pig head one as long as you don't want it, the sky, 131...88, Mu Feng broken leaves, Fahaxiki, 21 carats, 187...16, Xie Wuhan, lonely wind, A. Taipei suck carved Yangdai shop, lz ruthless, wheel. Thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, grateful, please!!

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