"Damn, is this an earthquake??"

"It's so lively~!!"

"Congratulations to the 100,000 European Emperors, I have left tears of envy if I am not a chief~!"

"Nima, a group of people are not good people in it, you can enjoy the concert, why are you tempting me so loudly!!"

Around the concert, some audiences who did not have the opportunity to enter the scene could only crowd around the LCD screens around the venue to watch the live broadcast inside.

Listening to the crazy shouts in their ears, the audience outside was a little surprised.

Although it is only a distance from the venue, the atmosphere is very different, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a difference of 108,000 miles.


Why can they go in and enjoy this musical feast, and they can only envy and hate outside~

The world is unfair, and we strongly urge Company A to expand the scale of the concert so that they, the African chiefs, can also experience this feeling!!

Looking at the audience outside the stadium, there was a faint tendency to go violent, and the uniformed uncles who were responsible for maintaining law and order around them were all in a cold sweat on their foreheads.

There were 100,000 spectators in the venue, but the outside was no worse than the inside.

It would be a disaster if the audience were in a mood at this time.

When the staff in charge of the maintenance site saw the situation, they immediately reported the situation to their superiors and asked for support.

In the end, they still underestimate the enthusiasm of these fans.

If you rely only on their little strength, you can't be foolproof at all.

If something happens tonight that people don't want to see, it will be a fatal blow to this anime festival, for A Society, and for the magic capital.

It's hard to accumulate word-of-mouth, but it's a matter of minutes to destroy it.

At the same time, at the headquarters of Company A, Fang Zheng was sitting in the office and urgently received a call from the scene, saying that the audience had some signs of uncontrollability.

Hearing the news, Fang Zheng's heart was also tight, and he hurriedly ordered the company's staff scattered in other places to rush over to appease the audience's emotions.

"Fang Dong, the situation at the scene is a little bad, the audience has a lot of opinions, what are you going to do?"

In the office, Zhang Siyu also rushed over, obviously he also received the news from the scene.

And she also urgently contacted the official and asked the official to send more people over.

Although having too many uncles in uniform will affect the audience's experience to a certain extent, for their safety, Zhang Siyu can only arrange it this way.

No one expected that today's Zhuyuan area would be so popular, you must know that this is the first day of the opening of the Animation Festival.

Both Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu underestimated the enthusiasm of fans across the country.

Even when viewers across the country saw the live broadcast of the Anime Festival, they continued to rush to the magic capital, so that many train tickets to the magic capital were sold out.

The infrastructure of Xia is very developed and perfect, and the high-speed train is the most proud infrastructure project of the government.

Generally, except for the Spring Festival and holidays, this situation will never occur.

However, the hard-to-find scene was indeed staged, which made many people stunned and couldn't close their mouths.

Fang Zheng heard Zhang Siyu's words and rubbed his temples with a headache.

He was both happy and worried about the enthusiasm of these fans.

The fact that so many people love the Anime Festival, even from far and wide to attend the Anime Festival, is enough to show their success and their efforts have not been in vain.

But at the same time, he was also very worried.

According to rough estimates, the number of people visiting the Zhuyuan area today exceeded 200,000, and if something really went wrong, Fang Zheng did not dare to guarantee that there would be no human life problems.

Once this kind of scandal really appears, not to mention that the reputation of the animation festival has plummeted, and even their A company will be implicated.

"You immediately arrange for the technical department to get them ready to sell tickets for the concert again, two, two, and so on until the end of the festival!"

Fang Zheng looked at Zhang Siyu with a serious expression, his plan was that the animation festival would last for three days.

Originally, according to the original plan, the concert was only on the first night, and the remaining two days were some other projects.

For example, invite the audience to participate in some of the games they have made, announce their next plans and works, etc.

But looking at the situation now, if there are no more concerts, I'm afraid the audience won't buy it!

"Okay, I'll arrange it!"

After instructing Zhang Siyu, Fang Zheng picked up the coat on the hanger on the side and rushed straight to the direction of the concert.

It's not that he's narcissistic, if anyone else can appease these emotional viewers at this time, it's him.

He's going to go to the concert, announce something, and then calm the emotions of these fans.

On the other hand, the atmosphere in the concert was still warm, and many of the audience's voices were a little hoarse, but they still shouted frantically as if they didn't feel it.

As if this is the only way to express their inner excitement~

"What do you think of our singing?"

After singing the song, Qin Miao stood in the center of the stage, and the latest news came from McRy in her ears.

Yang Li asked her to temporarily stabilize the audience, cool down the hot atmosphere a little, and calm down the atmosphere temporarily.

Although she didn't know what was wrong, since Yang Li said so, she just did it.



"Qin Miaomiao, I love you!!"

"One more song!"

Hearing Qin Miaomiao's words, the audience shouted frantically.

The hearty and explosive atmosphere just now made many people a little unsatisfied.

"Hee-hee, although I would love to sing another song for you, it's a pity that the protagonist of today's stage is not me, so I'm sorry~"

After speaking, Qin Miaomiao, who had been instructed by Yang Li, waved her hand to the audience, and then slowly exited.

"Don't go, it's just a song and you're leaving?"

"What do you mean? Do you need to change people if you sing so well?"

"The protagonist is not Qin Miaomiao?"

"What kind of operation is this from A Society.,I'm a little confused~"

Seeing Qin Miaomiao exit, many viewers began to complain, and they experienced a fire-like enthusiasm, and when they were about to make a fuss, Qin Miaomiao actually quit.

This makes many people a little confused, this singing can't be just a song~

According to the conscience of Company A, it should not be possible to play such indiscriminate means to coax them.

The audience, who is familiar with the style of A Society, calmed down and waited for the concert to continue, despite some complaints in their hearts.

They believe that Company A will definitely give them an explanation and will not let them down.

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