was blown by the fans like this, and Fang Zheng himself was a little fluttering, but the other viewers were not satisfied.

If it's a serious idol, forget it, but are they very serious?

This is a Pi Phi shrimp, you praise him so much will only fuel his arrogance, and it will become more and more severe in the future!!

"Damn, is this brother serious?"

"I'm going to report that there's a traitor in our fan club!"

"Brother, please open your eyes and see clearly, what you worship is a Pipi shrimp~~"

"It's over, you can see how happy Fang Da laughed. "


Listening to the lucky person who was the first to be called, many fans were angry and sad when they heard each other's words.

For Fang Zheng, a man with skin to the bones, you praise him for saying that he can really lift his tail to the sky.



Seeing that the benevolent brother was still there unconsciously telling his admiration for Fang Zheng, many fans slapped their heads.

They could already imagine how arrogant Fang Zheng would be.

At the same time, several figures outside the venue sneakily ran towards the door of the concert, one of them holding a small box in his arms.

"Qi Yu, hurry up, Lao Chen is still holding on inside~"

"Nima, you guys are a hand, this thing is old and heavy!"

"You don't listen to you when you usually have less Lu, and now you're out of breath when you move a box, it's empty~"


Several young people quickly walked towards the entrance of the concert, and if you look closely, you will find that their expressions are full of bad intentions.

"You're nice, young man, what's your name?"

With an unstoppable smile on the corner of Fang Zheng's mouth, he was praised in front of so many people, not to mention how comfortable he felt in his heart.

It seems that his fans still have smart people who know how to keep up with their own pace.

Not bad, not bad!

Fools can be taught~

"Fang Dada, my name is Chen Qian!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Chen Qian was a little excited, and looking at Fang Zheng's expression, he looked like a believer who was cared for by God.

"Fang Dada, in order to show gratitude and support, we bought some gifts together in the dormitory and want to give them to you, my roommate is at the door of the concert, I don't know if Fang Dafang is inconvenient to send someone to my roommate to receive the gift we gave you?"


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more charming.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being his fan, and this consciousness is the way!

Fans are full of warm pillows to send gifts, how can he pour cold water on people?

Immediately sent staff over to find a few of Chen Gan's roommates, and brought gifts in by the way.

Such a good opportunity to show off, or in front of so many fans, how can you not be skinny~

And the audience listened to Chen Qian's words, and the corners of their mouths twitched directly.

After a few compliments, their Fang Da Da had already raised his tail to the sky, and the corners of his smiling mouth were almost grinning to the root of his ears.

Why do you want to give gifts...

The audience can already imagine the various haircuts of the Founder to show off, and then look at their swaggering appearance with their nostrils.

Brother, as a fan of Fang Dada, don't you know what kind of character this man is?

Why do you want to do this kind of thing, you make it difficult for the majority of fans to do it, you know?

However, no matter how the audience complained, the staff had already felt the entrance to the concert and met several of Chen Gan's roommates.

"This is the gift you want to give to Fang Dong?" The worker looked at the small box that Qi Yu was holding in his hand, reached out and took it, and the box sank.

"Yo, it's quite heavy, and I bought a lot of things~"

Listening to the staff's words, Qi Yu smiled.

"That's a must, Fang Da is our idol!"

The staff looked at the smiles on the faces of Qi Yu and the others, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and glanced at a few people suspiciously.

"I'll bring in the gifts, but you can't enter, so I'm sorry~"

"Understand, understand, just get the gift!"

"We'll grab tickets for tomorrow's concert in a moment!"

"Yes, yes, you go in and give the gift to Fang Dada~"

Qi Yu and the others expressed their understanding of the staff's words, if they were allowed in, there would be so many spectators outside the venue, and it would be difficult to guarantee that there would be no trouble.

After all, people have never suffered from inequality.

The staff glanced at Qi Yu and the others suspiciously again, and the strange feeling in their hearts became even heavier.

But after thinking about it, I didn't feel anything wrong, and there was nothing wrong with the box in my hand.

"Then I wish you all a good time, and I wish you all the best to grab tomorrow's tickets!"

The staff said goodbye to Qi Yu and the others, and once again regretted the concert venue.

Looking at the door that the concert had closed again, Qi Yu's faces changed, and they all glanced at each other with evil smiles.

"Let's go, hurry up to the big screen!"

"Hey, hey, Fang Dada's face must be very exciting for a while!"

"Skin is going to be retribution!"

Several people hooked their shoulders and walked towards the big screen not far away.

The staff also returned to the concert stage and handed over the gifts they received to Founder.

"Can I turn it on?"

"Of course!"

Fang Zheng entered the box, and instantly felt his strength sink.

Feeling the weight of this box, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

It's just this full feeling, there is no doubt that I am definitely a true love fan!

"Nima, you see Fang Da's smile, I can't stand it!"

"Dude, look at what you've done!"

"It's over, it's over, this time Fang Da is really going to skin for a whole year!"

"Woo woo, when did our fan group have such an unassuming traitor?!!"

Looking at Fangzheng's bright smiling face, many viewers began to complain.

They and Fang Zheng have always been on the line, they are happy when Fang Zheng is deflated, and they are uncomfortable when Fang Zheng is happy.

Today, however, they seem to have lost momentum when they came up.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came, and the unknown audience looked at the stage.

I saw Fang Zheng standing on the stage with a sluggish face, and there were a few pieces of bright 'local products' scattered under his feet.

Seeing the souvenir, many viewers were stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

The essence of this Nima gift, and this brother is not a traitor at all, but a model for my generation~

"Poofhaha~ Well done!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"Brother, we blamed you before, I apologize to you!"

"666 is a ruthless person, it's okay to send souvenirs directly to your face. "

Not only inside the concert, but even the audience outside laughed when they saw this scene, and many people even burst into tears with laughter.

"Fang Dada, do you still like the gift from our dormitory?"

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