Listening to Chen Gan's words, Fang Zheng raised his head with dull eyes and looked at the other party in disbelief.

Is this the legendary true love fan?

Is this special box of souvenirs serious?

I sue you and threaten you to believe it or not?!!

"Hi... Loved it!"

For a long time, Fang Zheng gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Qian and the laughing audience, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Nima thought he was a true fan before, but he didn't think that the other party's routine was deeper than him.

first played an emotional card to confuse himself and paralyze himself, and then turned his head and sent a box of souvenirs.

At this moment, Fangzheng felt the deep malice of the fans towards him!

"Fang Dada, I also have a gift for you!"

"And me, and me!"

"I have it too!"

"Fang Da chose me!"

Seeing that many of the audience were coaxing there, Fang Zheng was speechless.

What kind of sin did he create~

Why did you get such a group of fans?

You look at other people's fans, idols and idols all day long, and they routinely shush the cold and ask for warmth every day, and they also provide all kinds of support.

After looking back at your own...

Fang Zheng looked at the neatly arranged souvenirs full of boxes in his hand, and Fang Zheng felt that he had been hit by a critical blow, a critical blow from the hearts of fans!

"OK, I'm announcing the end of the interview!"


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the audience at the scene burst into laughter.

They had been waiting for this scene for too long, and every time they had been square before, they had changed their skins with patterns.

Now, they've finally let the shrimp eat for a while.

Not to mention, this feeling of venting evil anger is really wonderful!

Fang Zheng stood on the stage and sighed helplessly.

Although he did feel the fans' love for him, he was relieved to see the atmosphere at the scene ease.

Not to mention anything else, at least the heat of the scene is under control.

Of course, he won't really end the interview because of a fan's joke, and he believes that fans have any malice towards him.

After answering several fans' questions one after another, Founder also officially began to introduce his second surprise to the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on this stage today, I would like to announce an important thing on behalf of Company A!"

At this time, the scene had fallen silent, and all the audience were listening attentively to Fangzheng's words.

If nothing else, the second surprise that Fang Zheng prepared for them is coming soon, and everyone knows this.

Looking at the audience's expectant gaze, Founder did not sell it.

"I'm sure you've all noticed the statue in the square when you came here. As Fang Zheng spoke, the big screen behind him also released a picture of the statue in the square on time.

Looking at the picture of the statue on the screen, many viewers felt dizzy.


No matter how many times they look at it, this statue always brings them an unparalleled sense of shock!

"This is the image ambassador and spokesperson of our A company, her name is Luo Tianyi. "

Fang Zheng glanced at the big screen behind him with a smile, turned his head to the audience and said, "Then please enjoy the meeting gift program prepared by Tianyi for everyone!"

After speaking, Fang Zheng slowly walked towards the sidelines, and at the same time, the lights on the stage began to dim.

Before the audience could react, they saw a little starlight descending on the stage like rain.

Looking at the dotted and beautiful scenes, many viewers were completely addicted to it.

Immediately, the scene changed, and on the blue sea, the water and the sky were colorful, and a huge ancient warship was slowly sailing towards everyone.

As far as the eye could see, there was a gray-haired and green-eyed girl standing at the head of the warship, and on the sail at the back of the girl, there was a big 'Luo' character written on it.

One side of the warship slowly stretched out a staircase, and I saw the girl holding an oil-paper umbrella in one hand and a microphone in the other, and slowly walked down the stairs from the ship.

Watching the girl's slender feet rippling on the calm water, the audience sank.

At the first glance of the girl, they recognized that the girl was the prototype of the statue in the square of the A Society.

"At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the wolf smoke was endless~"

"The servants are in chaos, the government and the opposition are trapped, and the princes are coerced by the Son of Heaven~!"

"According to Jiangdong, the ambition is in Kyushu, following the ancestral industry, inheriting the father and brother. "

"The crown lord Wu Yue Wan Dou Gong..."

The moment the girl opened her mouth, countless viewers were full of excitement.

This characteristic voice made many viewers get goosebumps, which was simply unstoppable!

Clear synth tones, tight melodies, archaic music, all this makes the audience crazy for her magic.

"Throughout the world, there have been several changes in spring and autumn. "

"Stabilize the Central Plains in the southeast, and the Yangtze River in Shuishi Town will resist Cao Liu~"

"The town of Chibi is majestic, and it takes Jing Chu and Fushanyue. "

"Drive the Jin Ge Iron Horse to destroy the revenge~"

This electronic rhythm makes the audience unconsciously sway, and the light sticks in their hands keep swaying with the rhythm.

Looking at the girl on the stage, many viewers heard it.

This song is written about the history of their Three Kingdoms era, and it is not difficult to see the figure of Wei Shuwu from the lyrics.

This discovery also surprised the audience.

What are archaic songs?

This is the ancient style song to go!

Watching the girl holding an oil-paper umbrella dancing on the surface of the lake, wearing a light sarla skirt dancing in the wind, and the ribbons fluttering.

In addition to singing, the girl also took off the jade flute on her waist and played a song herself, full of ancient beauty, giving people a feeling of being a person in a painting.

"The world, half a hundred years~"

"Select virtuous ministers and appoint capable generals, cover the clouds and rain in the east of the river, and do your best~"

"After a thousand years, it's hard to look back...."

After a song, the audience's excitement could not be calmed down for a long time.

If the Du Wei and others in the light sound department just now brought them a shock that crossed the dimension, then the girl in front of them at this time brought them an impact from the depths of the bloodline.

The ancient music, the lyrics full of history, and the girl's fairy appearance like a fairy robe fluttering in the wind give people the illusion of a fairy in the Guanghan Palace.

The sense of historical honor hidden in the bones of the Xia people was also revealed at this moment.

"Oh my God, is this the classical beauty of our Xia Kingdom?"

"I feel ashamed of myself when I see her~!"

"It's over, it's over, I've fallen~"

"Immortals... Fairy~"

Looking at the girl on the stage, the audience expressed their feelings, and the words were full of amazement for the girl.

In particular, the ancient music and the scenery of the water and sky highlight the elegance of the girl to the extreme.

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