The lights of the stage began to change, and the scene of water and sky slowly receded, revealing the true face of the stage.

At the same time, Founder also slowly stepped onto the stage.

"Tianyi, let's say hello to everyone~"

Fang Zheng walked up to Luo Tianyi, with a warm smile on his face, and said softly.

"Good evening everyone, I am Luo Tianyi, the image spokesperson of ACG Culture Company, please take care of me~"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Luo Tianyi really said hello to the audience.

This dramatic and impactful scene stunned the audience.

How is this possible??

They looked at Luo Tianyi, who was standing beside Fang Zheng like a girl, and their hearts were shocked.

Although they were surprised by Luo Tianyi's beauty, everyone knew in their hearts that Luo Tianyi was definitely not a realistic girl.

It's the same as the previous Du Wei and others.,It's a character in the second dimension.。

Although they didn't know what kind of black technology it was, everyone knew that this fantastic sight was definitely not real.

They thought that Luo Tianyi, like Du Wei and others, would leave the stage after the singing.

But the scene in front of them once again refreshed their three views.

"How is this possible?"

"She... She's talking!!"

"No, she can really understand Fang Dada's words, and she really greeted us~"

"Let me slow down, this is incredible~!"

Many viewers looked at Luo Tianyi on the stage in a daze, and the sense of impact in their hearts couldn't be dissipated for a long time.

"Woo~ Everyone ignores Tianyi, don't you like Tianyi~"

Seeing that after greeting himself, the audience present did not react in the slightest, and Luo Tianyi's expression was a little frustrated.

However, Luo Tianyi, who was vivid, like a wronged girl, once again felt an unprecedented shock.

Seeing the girl on the stage with a puffed face, her eyes showing apprehensive affection, everyone was dumbfounded.

This... This can't be true~

"Okay Tianyi, everyone doesn't dislike you, but I'm too surprised~"

Fang Zheng looked at the audience, his heart was full of pride.

Luo Tianyi, as a virtual singer, is also the future image ambassador and spokesperson of A Society.

On Luo Tianyi, Fang Zheng has invested a lot of resources.

Virtual imaging technology has given Luo Tianyi a body that can move, and the initial artificial intelligence has allowed Luo Tianyi to handle some simple conversations and questions.

When Founder bought artificial intelligence from the system, he thought it was just like in a science fiction movie.

The slightest carelessness will threaten the survival of mankind, and he has been nervous for a long time.

But later, after a systematic explanation, it became clear that Luo Tianyi was only equipped with a primary artificial intelligence, which could only deal with some daily conversations and communication problems, and would show corresponding emotional fluctuations according to the change of the dialogue situation.

In fact, to make it clear, Luo Tianyi's artificial intelligence is essentially a program, but it is more advanced than the current program.

It is still far from the stage where artificial intelligence can evolve itself.

figured out the gap, and Founder was also a false alarm.

To be honest, a virtual imaging technology already made him feel tricky, and if he pulled out an artificial intelligence, he estimated that he would really be put under house arrest from above.

But fortunately, Luo Tianyi has not yet reached the stage of artificial intelligence, and the handling of things is also dangerous.


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Luo Tianyi turned his head with a thick surprise in his eyes.

Luo Tianyi's appearance once again made the audience gasp and sigh incredible.

However, there are also attentive viewers who discovered Luo Tianyi's disobedience.

That is to stand with Fang Zheng, under the illumination of the light, Fang Zheng has a shadow, and she does not!

This also made many viewers breathe a sigh of relief, the absence of a shadow means that Luo Tianyi is virtual, not real.

It's just some kind of black technology.

Although Luo Tianyi is very beautiful and everyone likes her very much, if Luo Tianyi really goes to the real world, many people will still find it difficult to accept.

Everyone has been taught materialism since childhood, and when something that cannot be explained by science appears in front of them, the first thing everyone feels is definitely not surprise, but fear!

In the face of the unknown, the first feeling of human beings has always been fear.

It is precisely because of the existence of fear that human beings will continue to explore and constantly try to reveal the secrets, so as to get rid of the fear in their hearts.


Fang Zheng looked at the expressions of the audience and clapped his palms gently.

Immediately, the audience saw Luo Tianyi standing on the stage waving his hand to them, and then his body slowly turned into a little starlight and disappeared.

"I believe everyone can also see that Luo Tianyi, like the previous Du Wei and others, is virtual. "

Fang Zheng stood in the center of the stage, and he could clearly feel the complex feelings in the audience's heart.

"Whether it's the light voice singing before, or Luo Tianyi just now, the reason why they can appear on this stage is because of a technology called virtual imaging, so you don't have to panic, this is still within the scope of science can explain!"


Fangzheng's words made the audience breathe a long sigh of relief.

The instinctive sense of fear hidden in the depths of the body is gone, and since it can be explained scientifically, it means that their three views are still sufficient.

This also calmed down the vast majority of fans and viewers.

"The reason why Tianyi is different from the few people in the light sound department is because Tianyi is in a very advanced program, and simple daily communication is not a problem. "

The program runs, a program instruction is set in advance, and then the carrier of the program acts according to the instruction.

This is also a familiar mode of operation.

Hearing Fangzheng's explanation, the audience also reacted.

However, the shock in my heart did not decrease much, but it was transferred from Luo Tianyi to Fang Zheng and A Society.

"I always thought that A was an animation company, but I didn't think it was still a high-tech company~"

"Virtual imaging technology, this name is tall as soon as you hear it!"

"Are you so sure this thing isn't an artificial intelligence?"

"Why are you so entangled, Fang Da Niu's approval is over!"

Listening to the discussion of many audiences in the audience, Fang Zheng had a rich smile on his face.

Although Tianyi's appearance may have brought such a loss of fear to the small hearts of these fans, Fang Zheng believes that these are harmless.

As the image ambassador and virtual spokesperson of A Society, Luo Tianyi's main role is to let everyone remember her, and then promote the popularity of A Society.

As long as this goal is achieved, it is enough~

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