Founder's live broadcast gave those fans who were waiting for a satisfactory explanation.

The days of waiting are always like years, and they are still the kind of waiting that does not know the specific deadline.

Man is a creature that needs hope, and only with hope can there be perseverance, and not everyone has the perseverance to struggle in despair with no end in sight.

When Fang Zheng told them that there would be a second season of "Light Girl", they were still ecstatic even though they knew that the anime would not be released right away.

Compared with the nervous mood before, they are now waiting with full of anticipation.

With hope, there is motivation.

And today's wait was not in vain, because the official release date of "Light Sound Girl" was released today, which is at seven o'clock tonight.

It's still the old time, it's still the old place of A Society, the familiar recipe is familiar with the taste.

That's not all, according to the official blog news of A Society, following "Light Sound Girl", Founder's other work "Swaying Camping" will meet you in two days.

After the end of these two anime, "Plastic Memory", which was recommended by Founder as the "Happy New Year" series, will continue to relay and accompany everyone throughout the winter vacation.

"Come on, come on, finish sprinkling flowers in front, clean up yourself!!"

"It's exciting to kill the old man~"

"Fang Dada, I love you~~"

"After a long time, I came out, I looked forward to the stars and the moon and finally came!"

"It's really like half a moon is gone, and the youth is back~!"

At the moment when "Light Sound Girl" was launched, the page was instantly covered by a dense barrage.

The excited fans can only use this amplification to express their inner excitement.

As soon as the anime opens, it is still the familiar light sound department activity room, which is the place where the dream of the light sound department continues, and it is also where the fans place their lovesickness.

On a bright morning, with the cherry blossoms in full bloom, I was the first to rush to the activity department.

He skillfully took out his guitar, connected it to the megaphone, and sat next to him with a square slice of bread stained with strawberry jam.

Seeing this scene, many viewers were a little emotional, even teary-eyed.

When the first season of "Light Girl" was broadcast, Du Wei was also in a hurry to go to school, also biting a piece of bread stained with strawberry jam.

Now in the second season, the audience has seen this familiar scene again, and their hearts are slowly moved by the memories of the beginning.

A piece of bread cleverly evokes the audience's memories, and I have to say that this plot is very cleverly arranged.

"Seeing Du Wei pick up the guitar again, the old man suddenly had a sour feeling in his heart~"

"Time flies so fast, only they are in their third year of high school for a while~"

"Time has passed, and Du Wei is already a master of using the guitar!"

"I don't know why I suddenly have a feeling that my daughter has grown up~"

Accompanied by the notes played by Duyu alone, the anime screen turns, and the scene of the students going to school appears on the screen.

They are familiar with Mio, the law team, Zhuang Zi Meow, and the only junior in the light sound department, A Zimeow, a familiar pretty face appeared on the screen, attracting a series of exclamations.

Looking at this familiar face, when they first chased the first season of "Light Girl", it seemed as if it happened yesterday.

This can't help but make people sigh, who would have imagined that Du Wei and others in the light music department have already held a concert in reality.

Do you know how popular you are in the other world?

Do you know how many people are looking forward to you?

Did you know that many people are waiting for you to come to the Budokan to realize your dreams?

Finally, did you know that we really miss you?

When Mio Akiyama and the others arrived at the event department, they saw that they were performing the killer feature they had prepared for the welcome party for the new students.

Watching Du Wei's hand holding the paddle continue to rotate, many fans burst into laughter.

All of a sudden, barrages such as "Dumb Big Windmill" and "Tornado Destroys Parking Lot" began to swipe the screen.

And when the audience heard that Du Wei had once again arrived an hour earlier because he had misread the time, the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised slightly.

Sure enough, Du Wei is still the familiar Du Wei, and this confused personality has not changed in the slightest.

Even this habit of arriving early at the wrong time has been retained.

"I'm really convinced, do you want such a detail~"

"The daily persecution of me is the only one, and I don't want to lose face?"

"233~ History is always strikingly similar!"

"It's full of tears~"

The audience looked at this familiar scene, and many emotional fans rushed to their eyes a little sour.

They have only been waiting for more than half a month, but the only ones in the anime have already entered the third year of high school and have completed a full school year.

This discovery made many people feel panicked.

No matter how much they like the light sound department, no matter how much they like to stay in the same world, it can't change the fact that they are not in the same world as themselves.

Especially when I think of the only few people who have been promoted to the third year of high school and are about to graduate...

"Watch one episode less than one episode, and cherish it~"

"Why?!Why is an anime episode only twenty minutes long?!"

"When I think of not being accompanied by others in the future, the old man's heart hurts so much~"

"Day, this second season has just started to say this, are you all devils?!!"

"When you say this, I'm looking forward to the latest episode and I'm a little scared, it's really contradictory~"

Although Fang Zheng did not say that "Light Sound Girl" would officially end in the second season when he was live broadcasting, everyone looked at Du Wei and others who were promoted to the third year of high school.

We all know that it will happen sooner or later.

Many people ridicule school as an ivory tower, and many people hate all kinds of heavy academic work at school, but they don't know that the time in school is the happiest time for themselves.

There are like-minded roommates who accompany you to go crazy and make trouble with you, chase fans together, and play games together.

When graduation comes, the pressures of society force you to give up what you once loved.

Unconsciously, he was assimilated by this society, and he was not young and frivolous when he spoke and acted.

I don't know where to start, but I learned to be left and right, and people have become sleek.

Looking at the somewhat philistine self in the mirror in the dead of night, I can't help but fall into thought.

Is this really yourself?

Finally, I still lived as I used to hate.

Looking back, unconsciously, my former like-minded roommates are no longer in touch, and everyone goes their separate ways with each other.

Looking at Du Wei and the others who have entered the third year of high school, how many people hope that they can live at this age forever.

In reality, they are helpless, and the people in the anime have become their spiritual sustenance, and they have entrusted all their fantasies about beauty to the only people.

PS: Thanks to the monthly passes of "Equation Unsolved", "Dark*", "183...99", "Above the Sea of Clouds", "189...39", and "Starry Sky Wanderer", thanks to "189...39", "Nothing for the reward!!

Thank you guys for your support!!

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