In just a few minutes, the anime prelude has ended.

As a bridge between the first season and the second season, the prelude to the anime is just a solo guitar performance, and Mio and Ritsu show their faces.

As a bridge between the two seasons, this part of the prelude can be said to evoke the full memories of old fans.

However, just when many people sighed, a new OP came.

More brisk music, more compact melodies, and as soon as the accompaniment sounded, many fans were full of excitement.

The sadness of falling into memories just now is gone, and now they just want to listen to the OP of the second episode of "Light Girl".

You must know that in the first season of "Light Girl", many fans jokingly called A Club a music company delayed by anime.

Although there are many ridicules, it also reflects how shocking and popular the songs used in "Light Girl" are.

If it weren't for the audience's affection, who would use such words to ridicule A Society.

[Oops!Can't stop!Can't stop!]

【Day, night and early morning, singingsoloud!】

[Let's Together!Chance!Chance!Make a Wish!]


As soon as the new OP began, the audience immediately heard it, and this time it was the lead singer of Duwei.

Old fans who have watched the first season of "Light Sound Girl" already know Du Wei's voice very well, and they can hear Du Wei's distinctive voice almost as soon as they open their mouths.

Compared to the OP "Cagayake!Girl's!" in the first season, the OP in the second season has a more distinct and cheerful rhythm and a more compact melody.

Even when many people hear this song "Go!Go!Maniac!", they will subconsciously check to see if they have adjusted the playback speed.

Otherwise, why did the singing speed return so quickly?

However, the style of the song "Go!Go!Maniac!" is just that, a veritable fast-paced song.

"Duwei is the lead singer of the OP, and I've really grown up~"

"Does anyone remember that broken gong voice at the beginning?"

""Light and Fluttering Time" is completely different from this song "Go!Go!Maniac!", which is really stupid and can only be perfectly grasped~"

"Nima, this voice actor is a monster~!"

Listening to this latest OP, many viewers sighed that Club A seems to have a particularly high attainment in music.

Before thinking about it, Founder seemed to have won the trophy of the Golden Bell Award...

It seems that netizens ridiculed that Company A is actually a music company, and this is not all fake~

A new season starts a new day, and soon the audience is drawn to their familiar light part of the daily routine.

Yui Hirasawa, nicknamed Yui by the majority of fans, serves as the lead singer and guitarist of the light voice club, and likes cute things.

Tanaka Well Ritsu, the law team, the head of the light sound department, serves as a drummer, and his personality is very cheerful and lively, and he is called the pistachio of the light sound department with Du Wei.

Piano blowing, strong and strong, keyboardist of the light sound department, gentle and enthusiastic and generous daughter, genuine 'with hundreds of millions of people'.

Mio Akiyama, Mio or Blue and White Bowl, the bassist of the light sound department, a black long straight one, mature and steady on the outside, but the character is unexpectedly shy and timid, and the only member of the light voice department who has his own personal fan club.

Nakano Azusa, A Zimeow, is the same guitarist as Du Wei, the only junior in the light sound department, petite and cute, and is 'persecuted' by his predecessors every day.

The five of them formed the 'Tea Party After School' band, and everyone knew the name of the band as soon as they heard it.

Music is just a side hustle, and the daily life of drinking tea is the main body!

"The world is weird, and it's cute and lovely!"

"As we all know, this is an anime QAQ~"

"Admiral of the Five Tigers of Light Sound participates!"

"Day, the one of the five tiger generals, you want to laugh to death!"

"Dute is a talent~"

At the beginning of the second season, listening to Du Wei introduce the members of his light voice department, many fans complained.

It's all old acquaintances, who doesn't know who~

And you don't want to call it the light sound department, just change the name to the tea department!

Seeing that the light voice is still so happy and peaceful, the worries in the hearts of many fans have disappeared.

Seeing that only a few people in a class can have a lot of fun, fans know that the familiar light voice club they were looking forward to is really back.

Although Founder said live broadcast that there would be a second season of "Light Sound Girl", fans also know that in terms of anime, Founder and A Club will never disappoint them.

But there are also quite a few fans who are still a little worried.

They love the first season of "Light Girl", and they like the light voice department full of laughter.

It's because I like it that I worry about it.

They were afraid that the second season of "Light Girl" would not change its style.

It's not that fans don't believe in Founder, but that they are used to the peaceful daily life of the light sound department, and rashly changing the style will make them very uncomfortable.

But now it seems that their Fang Dada still understands them very well.

As soon as the anime opened, the ignorance that I had when I first came into contact with "Light Girl" returned.

"Light Sound Girl" is still the same "Light Sound Girl", and the light voice department is still the light sound department, and the previous setting has not been changed at all because it is the second season.

Seeing that the only few people were very cleverly divided into a class, many viewers were puzzled, which was too much of a coincidence.

But when the teacher Xiao Zuohe, who was the only one who was stunned, appeared on the stage, the audience reacted instantly.

"The power leans towards the government and the opposition, Kosawa!"

"Cover the sky with one hand, Xiao Zuohe!"

"And my lord, I'd rather be a big official~"

"233~Xiao Zuohe arranged it like this, I'm afraid it's not for the convenience of you to drink tea~"

Later, when the audience watched the confident light voice department discuss the plan to recruit new members, the corners of their mouths twitched when they looked at the familiar puppet costume.

They don't know how to complain anymore~

You've been like this before, and now you're planning to do it again?

Didn't you learn any lessons from your previous experiences?

But fortunately, the light sound department learned to be obedient this time, and I didn't wear puppet costumes to scare people anymore.

Watching the light sound department in order to 'capture' new members, various means emerged one after another, and the audience burst into laughter.

Sure enough, this time it's the light part they like, and although it sometimes makes people feel speechless, but... It's really fun~

Every time I see all kinds of funny daily life in the light sound part, I always unconsciously raise the corners of my mouth.

This may be the charm of the anime "Light Girl"~

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