The second season of "Light Sound Girl" was released, and the popularity brought by the light sound department also rose rapidly, once again reproducing the hot situation of the first season.

Even after the precipitation of time, the speed of popularity is surpassed.

In the streets and alleys, young people are talking about "Light Girl" everywhere, and some video stores directly release the music collection of "Light Girl" in order to attract more customers.

Suddenly, the popularity brought by "The Light Girl" swept the country again, and it was in the limelight for a while.

"Fang Dong, I talked to you before, and the heads of the companies that want to cooperate with us have arrived, when do you think you will come over?"

Chen Xianting knocked on the door of Founder's office and walked in.

In the past few days, with the popularity of "Light Girl", some companies that produce and sell musical instruments have seen business opportunities and have called to start strategic cooperation with A Company.

For these companies that are delivered to the door, Founder naturally has no reason to refuse.

"What about Zhang Siyu? "

Fang Zheng rubbed his somewhat sour eyes, he was also catching up with the progress in the past few days, the second season of "Light Girl" was released, but "Swaying Camping" still had some finishing work waiting for him to deal with.

Although there is a systematic blessing, the weight of the work in this is not ordinarily large.

"Dong Fang, you forgot, Mr. Zhang was sent out by you a long time ago, and he is currently preparing for the Tianyi concert tour in major provinces and cities across the country. "

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Chen Xianting smiled bitterly.

Before, she always thought that Zhang Siyu was the most tired person in the entire A company, responsible for the company's affairs every day, and Fang Zheng was a hands-off shopkeeper.

But after this period of observation, she realized that she was wrong, and she was outrageously wrong.

Compared with Zhang Siyu, Fang Zheng is the most tired person, and even she is a little worried when she sometimes sees Fang Zheng's lifeless work arrangement.

I'm afraid that something will happen to Fangzheng's body.


Fang Zheng patted his forehead, he forgot that Zhang Siyu had been away from the company for a while.

"Okay, bring them all to the conference room, and I'll be over in a moment!"

After sending Chen Xianting away, Fang Zheng washed his face and tidied up his appearance a little to make himself look more energetic.

After packing up everything, Fang Zheng headed towards the conference room.

"Hey~ This A company is really rich, and this headquarters is really luxurious~"

"Did you see that statue outside, it's called Luo Tianyi, my son has been obsessed with it recently, and I've bought a room of that figure~"

"And the popular "Light Voice Girl" these days, tsk, it's really enviable!"

"I said Lao Liu, we are both companies that make and sell musical instruments, what are you doing with outdoor activity supplies?"

In the conference room of Nuoda, the relevant persons in charge of several companies took advantage of the time when Fangzheng did not come, and they were all chatting with each other.

It seems to be an ordinary conversation, but the words are full of gunpowder.

After all, the companies that came here today are all for the purpose of cooperating with Company A, and the so-called peers are enemies, and so are they.

They are all old fritters in the shopping mall, and they are probing each other's bottom line without a trace, so that they can take the initiative in the negotiation for a while.

For the careful thinking of these responsible persons, Chen Xianting looked carefully on the side.

She just shook her head amusedly, no matter how these people make small moves, it must be their A company that profits in the end.

After all, there are many peers present, but Company A is only one.

"I'm sorry, you've been waiting for a long time~"

Suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open, and Fang Zheng walked in in a formal suit.

Looking at Fang Zheng's young face, the responsible people present were stunned for a moment.

In fact, it's no wonder that they reacted so much, it's just that Fang Zheng is too young.

After the twenty-third year of the New Year, how old do you expect Fang Zheng to look?

And usually Zhang Siyu is responsible for these things, so these people are no strangers to Zhang Siyu, but they don't know enough about Fangzheng.

"Hahaha, where is Mr. Fang, we have just arrived. "

"Mr. Fang is really young and promising~"

"Yes, my son is about the same age as you, and he doesn't do his job all day long teasing birds and walking dogs, and he me off!"

"He is worthy of being a young entrepreneur in the magic capital, which is admirable!"

Listening to the praise of everyone present, Fang Zheng smiled.

Although he is young, it doesn't mean that he is stupid, how to say that he is also in charge of such a big enterprise as Company A, and he is no longer the fledgling rookie at the beginning.

Just listen to the praise of these people.

If you really take it seriously and hear it in your heart, I'm afraid that the pants that were pitted will be gone for a while.

"Thanks to everyone's love, compared with your predecessors, Fang is still far behind. "As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling face when you reach out, and for everyone's praise, Fangzheng snorted.

"I believe you are not idlers, let's not waste time, let's start today's topic directly~"

Fang Zheng looked at everyone with a smile.

In fact, he didn't have much time himself, and he didn't want to have anything to do with these people.

Cooperation is about your love and my willingness, everyone will cooperate when they talk, and if they can't talk, they will just shoot and scatter~

He doesn't like it, and he doesn't have that kind of work.

"Fang Dong, several of our companies are making and selling musical instruments, and you know that the market for musical instruments has not been very popular, so we want to cooperate with your company to expand the market with the help of the popularity of "Light Girl". "

The one who spoke was a meticulous middle-aged man with combed hair, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, giving people a sense of elegance and calmness.

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Fang Zheng frowned.

Seeing this, Chen Xianting, who was on the side, stepped forward and leaned down, and said softly.

"Fang Dong, this is the executive officer of Mojie Musical Instrument Co., Ltd., Su Youwei, Mojie Musical Instrument Co., Ltd. is currently the largest musical instrument manufacturer in China. "

After listening to Chen Xianting's words, Fang Zheng nodded and looked at Su Youwei, who was the first to speak.

"Mr. Su, I am very willing to help with the expansion of the musical instrument market, I don't know what your plan is?"

Although Mojie Musical Instrument Co., Ltd. is the largest musical instrument store and musical instrument production company in China, Founder is not afraid at all.

After all, judging from today's situation, it is the other party who asks for him, not him who asks for the other party.

The positions of the two sides are very clear, and he naturally does not need to be too anxious.

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