After being busy for more than half a month, Zhang Siyu ran through almost all major provinces and cities across the country, and finally successfully ended his task and returned to the company.

"Dong Fang, the tour has been taken care of, and the rest is the equipment problem on your side. "

Tianyi, as the virtual image ambassador of A Society, has always been hot, whether it is the fairy-like ancient beautiful girl, or the virtual imaging technology that can be called black technology.

These are the topics of discussion.

And at the beginning of the animation festival, Tianyi's song "The Power of the World" can be described as amazing.

At first, many people speculated that Tianyi had its own voice actor, but it wasn't until Company A released the details that everyone knew that Tianyi's voice was actually electronically synthesized.

This discovery is really a bit unbelievable, and many people are very emotional about it.

A is not only an excellent animation company, but also a strong enterprise with its own high-tech technology.

After the Anime Festival, the audience thought that Society A would make a big fuss with the help of this popularity.

However, A Society did not immediately launch Tianyi's series of works as everyone thought, but successively released the second season of "Light Girl" and "Swaying Camping".

There has been a musical frenzy again, and it has even led to the development of winter tourism.

And Tianyi seemed to have been forgotten, and Company A did not take the opportunity to launch any activities.

This made many people more curious about Tianyi's mysterious identity, and with the precipitation of time, not only did everyone not forget the virtual singer who only sang a song, but became more curious.

Tianyi was like a comet for a moment, quickly crossing the hearts of all the two-dimensional fans, and the brilliance of that moment fascinated everyone.

"The equipment is not a problem. When Fang Zheng heard Zhang Siyu's words, his brows furrowed and asked, "Where are the cities where this tour is held?"

Since it is a concert tour, it will definitely be held on a large scale throughout the country.

Starting from the magic capital, according to the established route, performing all over the country, and finally returning to the magic capital.

This is also part of Founder's plan.

With the help of Tianyi's virtual identity, it became popular in one fell swoop, so that the whole country knows that the image ambassador of A Society is a virtual singer, which is unique!

"There are all kinds of provinces and cities, and there will be two or three concerts in some popular cities!"

Zhang Siyu remembered that he had been running around for half a month, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Since it is going to hold a concert, the bigger the venue, the better, at first her contact with the relevant departments was not very harmonious, mainly because the other party was not sure whether Tianyi had such a big appeal.

You must know that if a huge venue is prepared for Tianyi, but there are few fans who come, it will not only lose the face of Company A, but also the relevant departments around the country will suffer a great loss.

Even some popular singers have to go through detailed consideration when holding concerts, not to mention Tianyi, a virtual idol launched for the first time.

However, with the report of CCTV News, this matter was naturally resolved smoothly, otherwise she would not have returned to the magic capital so soon.

After listening to Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng nodded.

For example, in a metropolis like Magic City and Kyoto, one concert obviously cannot satisfy all fans.

Therefore, Zhang Siyu's arrangement is very reasonable, and there is no doubt about Fangzheng.

"Fang Dong, I also contacted some popular singers, who expressed their willingness to sing on the same stage with Tianyi, and also allowed Tianyi to cover their songs for free. "

Zhang Siyu also told Fang Zheng about his other arrangement, arranging for the popular singers in the real world to be on the same stage with Tianyi, which is undoubtedly a very good gimmick.

Sure enough, hearing Zhang Siyu's words, Fang Zheng's eyes lit up.

He had a plan to do that before, but he forgot about it because he was too busy.

I didn't expect Zhang Siyu to think about it in such detail, and even thought of this kind of thing.

And thanks to his previous free access to the cover copyright of his anime music, this makes many people in the music industry have a good impression of A Society.

reciprocated the favor, and many people in the music industry opened up their free cover rights to Tianyi.

This can be said to be a tacit cooperation between the two sides.

"Now that it's all arranged, let's start promoting, and the concert tour will end before the Chinese New Year!"

Fang Zheng thought for a while, and immediately commanded Zhang Siyu.

Although people always complain that the taste of the New Year is getting weaker and weaker, the Spring Festival is still the most important festival in the bones of Xia people.

On this day, migrant workers scattered all over the country will return to their hometowns to eat a fragrant dumpling, and most industries will also take an annual vacation.

Although Fang Zheng is very confident in Tianyi, he has not blindly believed that Tianyi can replace the position of the Spring Festival in people's hearts.

Therefore, the end of the tour before the Spring Festival is definitely the best arrangement at the moment.

"Okay, I'll arrange it!"

After reporting his work to Fang Zheng, Zhang Siyu left the office.

It didn't take long for the official blog of A Company to announce the news of Tianyi's concert tour.

[Fans are coming with a surprise holiday surprise, His Royal Highness Tianyi, the virtual image ambassador of A Society, will hold a national tour, and will sing on the same stage with popular singers, fans who like His Royal Highness Tianyi should not miss it~]

[Please pay attention to the official website of A Society...]

"His Royal Highness Tianyi is going to hold a concert? Will you come to Tianfu~"


"Ahem, Hangcheng's silent claw!"

"The magic capital should be the first stop~"

Seeing the news of the official blog, many fans left messages.

With the publicity of fans, the fact that A Society is about to hold a concert tour for Tianyi has also been greatly disseminated, and a dynamic of the official blog has also quickly reached the top.

In this regard, the official blogger is really excited, since the establishment of A Society, this is the first time they have enjoyed the treatment of the official blogger.

Finally, they are about to get rid of the fate of the marketing account!

"Isn't this a marketing account?"

"Go away, we just need Fang Dada's official blog!"

"Yes, let Fang Da come out to prove it, otherwise you are a fake official blog!"

"233~ Is it really good for you to scare other people's 'marketing accounts' like this?"

However, without waiting for the official Bo Niang to be happy for a moment, she saw the messages of some fans who were deeply affected by Founder, and the official Bo Niang's three views were ruined.

Although I said that I was a 'marketing account', it was just self-blackening~

Besides, the detailed information published on the official website is enough to prove their orthodox position!

Sure enough, the fans of Pipi Shrimp can't be a serious person, and if you are serious, you will lose!

PS: Thanks to "a145... 16", "Star Master Dao", "Ni is a Big Fool", "Butterfly", "Autumn of Lonely Leaves", "Mo Light Dance", "Little Mengxin", "Phantom Zhen", "Flying Ants", "Speechless", "Illyasfil von Einzberen", "12...6", "Death Dragon Brother" monthly pass!!

Thanks to the rewards of "GKxKiZ", "Autumn of Lonely Leaves", "Daily Task Reminder Author", and "Solo Dance under the Moon", thank you for your support!!

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