Time passes slowly, although Club A has been active recently, but if you want to say what Club A misses the most, it must be "Light Girl".

Even the Tianyi tour and "Swaying Camping" on CCTV News can't hide the light of "Light Girl".

The most popular work of A Society is still "Light Girl"!

And with the popularity of "Light Girl", many viewers have slowly reacted.

They watched "Light Girl" before, and they liked the peaceful daily life and the relaxed and happy atmosphere of the light sound department.

But as time goes by, before I know it, the only few of them are already in their third year of high school, and they are about to usher in the last semester of school celebration.

If nothing else, this should be the last time the light voice will sing on stage~

The audience who reacted was full of emotion, behind the seemingly pleasant daily life of "Light Girl", the foreshadowing of the first tears had already been bought.

With the advancement of the plot, it is only a matter of time before only a few people in the light sound department graduate.

Although "Light Girl" shows the audience the daily life that you never get tired of watching, chatting, drinking tea, and all kinds of magical operations.

But inexplicably, many fans can no longer find the happiness they had at the beginning.

On the contrary, the more ordinary and cheerful the few people behaved, the more uncomfortable and depressed their hearts became!

How I hope that time can stay in this moment forever, and how I hope that "Light Girl" will never end~

It's just a pity that all this is impossible, and time does not stop flowing because of anyone.

[Law Team: Very good, then let's go in one go!]


【Zhuang紬紬: Our concert!】


[Azi Meow: The best concert!]


[Stay Yui: Eat cake when it's over!]



Sure enough, Du Wei deserves to be Du Wei, a good school celebration concert departure ceremony, but when she arrived, she immediately changed the direction of the wind.

Although the audience was still depressed that the light music department was about to graduate, they couldn't help but laugh when they heard the sentence 'eat cake after the end'.

"The style of painting has changed!"

"The biggest meaning of life may be to eat cake~"

"It was quite sad, but I was caught off guard by Duwei's words!"

"Laughed out of a pig cry~"

The only funny declaration temporarily eased the depressed mood of fans when watching.

This state of being uncomfortable and wanting to laugh is not to mention how speechless it is.

One moment they were still feeling sad about the last time they sang on stage in the light section, but the next moment they were given a hammer.

The sharp contrast between before and after made many fans feel speechless.

Sure enough, Du Wei is still the same Du Wei, no matter when, as long as she is there, there is no sadness at all.

Watching the light music club shed their school uniforms and replaced them with fan T-shirts with the word "HIT", the fans once again realized that this concert was really extraordinary.

At the same time, there are also many people who have prepared their wallets, because they know that A will soon launch doujin t-shirts.

As a die-hard fan of "Light Sound Girl", how can you not buy the same peripherals of your own idols??

[This is the third school anniversary concert, right?]

It's still the familiar auditorium, it's still the familiar stage.

Dudu said to the lawyer team while adjusting his guitar.

[Yes, the first time two years ago was very nervous~]

Hearing the conversation between Du Wei and the law team, Mio on the side seemed to remember something, and the whole person turned gray.

Seeing this, many viewers remembered the beautiful 'accident' that day.

"Two years ago?"

"I remembered something happy about, so I turned blue!"

"I'm still so innocent in the blue~"

"Since you're all blue, I'll make white!"

Looking at Mio's expression, many viewers laughed.

As the only member of the light music club with his own fan club, Mio's appearance must have a row~

And when the curtain on the stage was pulled back, and the audience at the scene changed into the same T-shirt with the word "HIT", many fans felt tears.

The more unique this concert is, the more uncomfortable it will be for the audience.

Because this may really be the last concert, otherwise the scene would not be so fanfare.

"Why do I want to cry~"

"I'm really teary-eyed..."

"Suddenly I felt a little sour in my eyes!"

"I really don't want to stay until they leave this stage~"

Looking at this concert, which is clearly different from past concerts, all fans have already guessed the ending.

It is precisely because of guessing that the mood will be extremely depressed.

While the fans sighed for a long time, the last concert of the Light Music Club began!

[Rice is a dish] As another divine comedy launched in the follow-up of "Light Sound Girl", almost all fans reacted after thinking about it in the prelude.

The melody was so familiar to them, they didn't know how many times they had looped it, and every note of it had been carved into the deepest recesses of their memories.

[The rice is the best, it is fragrant with everything, it is hot!]

【Ramen udon pancakes, so and so on...】

【Joint interpretation of carbohydrates and carbohydrate dreams~】

[Hot hot, hot hot...]

Listening to Du Wei sing to his heart's content on the stage, Mio on the side kept harmonizing with Du Wei, and all the audience quickly sank in.

Sure enough, compared with simply listening to songs, listening to the live singing of only a few people at the concert has increased a lot.

Even, many people seem to have become much better at this song inexplicably.

Although everyone knows that the songs are actually the same, it is inexplicable to feel that this song has been sublimated when the light voice is sung on stage.

Under the stage, the students from the same school who watched the singing of the light voice department kept clapping their palms and offering their applause and support for the light sound department.

Off the screen, countless audiences paid their attention and enjoyed the concert brought to them by the light music department at the end.

If you miss today, there will be no future~

Looking at the stage, the audience in the light music department unconsciously shook their bodies to the rhythm, and did not hesitate to give their applause and shouts.

And what about the fans in front of the screen?

No one can resist the charm of the Light Tone Department concert, no one!

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