Looking, watching, listening, they laughed, but I cried.

On the stage, only a few people sweated to their heart's content, and off the stage, the audience cheered hoarsely for the light sound department.

In the world off the screen, countless fans watched the light music department end a song, and they only performed their stand-up comedy on the stage, everyone laughed and laughed but was silent.

Inexplicably, the vision is a little blurry, inexplicably, the nose is a little blocked.

Listening to the laughter on the screen, everyone can feel their heartfelt happiness.

The world inside is so real, they are so happy inside, but when they look away from the screen, they look around at the real world.

But I always feel that something is missing inexplicably, and my heart is empty.

It's a really hard feeling.

The situation of "Light Sound Girl", which is being played at this time, is very strange, or it is very inconsistent with its popularity.

Before, the barrage of each episode of "Light Sound Girl" was in a state of explosion, especially the few concerts with only a few people, and the barrage was even denser, which made people dizzy.

But at this time, the last concert of the light music department was as if no one was watching, and there was no barrage.

"What's wrong with everyone, since you like it, then support it, isn't it good to send them off with a smile, don't you have to cry?!"

On the empty screen, a striking barrage with red font suddenly floated out.

Looking at the content of the barrage, the fans who were sitting in front of the computer and watching the anime were stunned.

Since ancient times, the most hurtful thing is parting, but the more this time, the more you should laugh, say goodbye to others with a smile, and dispel this rich sadness with a smile.


"That's right, since it's the last time, then enjoy it and don't leave yourself with regrets!!"

"Although I am very reluctant... But... Congratulations on graduation!!"


Fans who want to understand have suddenly become enlightened, and the barrage on the screen has gradually increased.

Even in order to dispel the heavy sadness that permeated the surrounding air, fans deliberately used festive red fonts to send barrages.

I hope to use this to dispel the reluctance and sadness in my heart.

[Then please listen to the last song "youandI"!]

As if feeling the mood of the audience, as the words fell, the passionate music sounded, and the originally sentimental audience was unconsciously attracted.

Sadness is also parting, joy is also parting, why cry to send them to graduation?

Since it's the last time, let's listen to it!!

[Without you, I can't do anything~]

[I want to eat your meal~]

[When you come back, you will smile and hug you tightly!]


The song "youandI" is not unfamiliar to the audience, because Du Wei has sung it before.

As a song written by Du Wei to his sister, this song is also nicknamed "Worry! My Love!".

As another divine comedy in "Light Girl", it is still a song written for worry, and its popularity can be described as very high.

Not only this song, but the audience also likes this sister very much, housework, learning is all-round, and most importantly, worry is still a sister control~

This attribute made the worry instantly attract a large number of fans.

And this "youandI", as a song written by Duwei to his sister, has also risen in popularity and has been sung by many people.

[As long as I have you by my side~]

[You can be full of courage!]

[I hope to be together at all times.] 】

[Pour out this feeling~]


At the end of the last song, the original upbeat melody disappeared, and the only people sat on the floor of the activity department, leaning against the wall, leaning against each other.

From extreme movement to extreme stillness, this scene transition can be described as a stroke of genius.

[I said... What are you going to do next?]

[Next is the Christmas party~]

[Then it's time for the next freshman welcome performance...]

[I'm looking forward to it~ Later... And then on... School Festival Concert...】

[There's no going on.,We don't have a high school school festival anymore...]


Listening to the conversation between the only few people, the audience finally held back the tears that did not remain, and finally broke the embankment.

Listening to the next school celebration concert, countless audiences felt tears.

Because of the next school anniversary, they have already graduated~!

"Please, don't say it..."

"I laughed and laughed and cried~"

"I don't dare to look any further, woo~!"

"There's no going back, listening to the words of the law team, my tears burst out instantly~"

Seeing a few people crying to each other, the audience in front of the screen is not like this, the light sound has brought them too much touch, too many memories.

At the thought that there was no longer a light sound department, almost all fans were speechless.

Some natural dullness, mature and stable on the outside, timid and shy on the inside, a lively and cheerful legal team, an approachable eldest lady Zhuang Jian, and the only junior in the light voice department, A Zimeow.

Five angels make up the Light Tone section and make the best after-school teatime band.

Looking back on the past scenes, the laughter and laughter brought to them by "The Light Girl" brought them the kind of silent touch.

Behind the seemingly peaceful daily life, there is a warm warmth, which may be the charm of "Light Girl".

Watching the magical operation of only a few people, you will laugh, you will be amused by their clumsiness, and you will forget the troubles of reality for a while.

Watching "The Girl Who Talks Lightly", you won't feel any pressure, and you won't have any heavy thoughts.

Relaxed and cheerful, this is the first impression that "The Light Girl" brings to people.

It is precisely because of this that "Light Girl" has attracted a large number of loyal fans, and no matter how much time has passed, there are still people who will return to watch this anime and relive the good memories and memories of the beginning.

Now, a few people have also reached the age of graduation, and many fans have silently offered their blessings in their hearts while feeling tears!

"I said that everyone is crying early, this "Light Girl" didn't show the end~"

What the?

It's not over?!!

Seeing this, many fans were stunned for a moment, and then blinked a little confused.

What's going on, generally speaking, isn't this routine the finale?

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