Since the Anime Festival, the popularity of the Zhuyuan area has decreased.

Although it has been prosperous for a short time, the Zhuyuan area is an undeveloped area after all, and although some fans come here every day, the flow of tourists is not very large.

But today, the Zhuyuan area, which has not been quiet for a long time, has become lively again.

"Wow~ Is this the legendary His Royal Highness Tianyi?"

"It's so beautiful, it's just a fairy~"

"A is A company, and this ambassador is unique!"

"I have decided, His Royal Highness Tianyi will be my second idol in the future!"

"Why second? Who's first?"

"Nonsense! Of course it's a certain Pippi shrimp~"

Most of the fans who come to the Zhuyuan area come to visit the Tianyi statue that stands in the middle of the square.

Although the last animation festival was broadcast live by many anchors from major platforms, the official broadcast of A Society was also live.

But watching it in the live broadcast room, and taking a look at it from your own reality, are completely different things.

Looking at this statue that is more than ten meters high, the beautiful feeling, the shock in my heart cannot be described in words.

Especially the kind of soul-like impact of His Highness Tianyi in front of him, which can really only be felt by looking at it in person.

However, compared to the Anime Festival, this time, in addition to some activities held by Company A, those companies that have cooperated with Company A have also taken the opportunity to carry out activities.

For example, on the Kucat music platform, Kang Jiaming sent someone to Zhu Yuan to open his own video store, specializing in selling albums of two-dimensional music.

For example, the major musical instrument manufacturers that cooperate with Company A have posted posters of "Light Girl" at the door early, and there are also musical instruments of the same style used by only a few people in the store.

There is also Liu Jiayun's outdoor experience store, which is completely a copy of "Swaying Camping", and even in order to attract tourists, a few beautiful girls were specially hired to cosplay Sesame Rin and a few people to attract customers.

Compared with the last anime festival, this concert has the participation of other companies, and it will be more lively.

"Hahaha, this is the anime-themed restaurant I watched last time in the live broadcast room~"

"Let's go around and experience it~"

"So many old man's dream figures... Sure enough, I took advantage of the concert to come in person this time, and I really came to the right place!"

"Brother, where did you get this 'HIT' T-shirt?"

Around the square, there are fans wearing all kinds of fandom peripheral clothes, in groups of three or five.

Experience a variety of interesting activities with each other and talk about topics of interest to each other.

It is not easy to have like-minded friends in life, common topics, common interests, these are really rare.

But today, most of the fans who are willing to come to the concert held by A Society are true fans of the second dimension, and the atmosphere of communication with each other is quite harmonious.

For this situation, the uniformed uncles who patrol back and forth have bitter words.

Don't look at these fans who are in harmony now, once the concert starts, the enthusiasm of these fans will explode instantly.

Just like the last anime festival, at the beginning, they were deceived by the kindness shown by these fans at the beginning, and they were happy to think that it was an easy task.

But when the concert began, they realized that they were wrong, and they were outrageously wrong.

For them, it was a nightmare, and looking at those fanatical fans, many uniformed uncles were worried in their hearts.

It's not that they're scared, it's that they're worried.

I'm worried that the overly excited fans will behave irrationally.

"There is still an hour before the concert starts, so please go to the ticket gate and get ready to enter!"

"There is still an hour before the concert starts, so please go to the ticket gate and get ready to enter!"


As several announcements sounded in the square, fans happily rushed in the direction of the concert venue, while the uniform uncle who was responsible for maintaining law and order at the scene became serious.

Because they know that the time has come to test them!

"Hurry up, hurry up and send more people to the concert venue!"

"There is also the entrance to the concert, it is extremely good to maintain order, and there must be no stampede!"

"And the big screen outside the venue, send someone to me!"

A staff member cooperated with the guidance of the uniform uncle, and urgently began to prepare, the fanaticism of the fans they have already experienced once, and they must not be taken lightly!

Even in order to reduce the pressure on the on-site staff, Company A deliberately printed some precautions on the tickets when they released the tickets.

One of the most important things is to stay calm.

Man is a creature that is very susceptible to environmental influences, and the surrounding atmosphere can easily affect a person's judgment.

This is especially true in places where people gather like concerts!

Time passed slowly, and the order when the fans entered was quite stable, and nothing worrisome happened, which also made many staff members breathe a sigh of relief.

Inside the concert, the audience found their seats according to the seat number on the ticket, and waited for the opening of the concert with great anticipation.

"I don't know if I can see Fang Dada this time~"

"Poof~ Do you want to watch Fang Dada's performance and collect the blade live?"

"233~ With the previous experience, it is estimated that Fang Dada will not show up if he is killed!"

"That's for sure, this Pipi Shrimp successfully skinned us once at the end of "Light Girl", and he will definitely not show up!"

There is still a while before the start of singing Hu, and many fans are talking to each other.

Among them, the most talked about is whether Founder will show up.

After all, at the last Anime Festival concert, Founder's live performance of the blade has become a hot spot, and it has been talked about for a long time.

For this reason, Founder's first emoji was born, which is still widely circulated on the Internet until now.

However, most fans think so, after all, the chairman of a company in Fangzheng, if there is no need, he will generally not appear on the scene.

In this regard, the majority of fans also understand it.

"Good afternoon, everyone!"

As the audience entered one after another, Yang Li, as the queen host of Society A, once again stepped on the stage.

Some old fans are no strangers to Yang Li, this is the earliest batch of voice actors in Company A, and it is also a talent that Fang Zheng personally dug up from Modu TV.

"When I entered the venue just now, I heard a lot of people say that it is like meeting your Fang Dada. Yang Li stood on the stage and looked at the audience around her with a smile on her face.

"Tell me out loud, do you want to see your Fang Da?"

PS: Thanks for the monthly pass of "46...17", thank you big guy!!

Kneel and beg the bigwigs to support ~~~~~

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