Hearing Yang Li's words, the fans present were all bright-eyed.


The neat shouts of the fans pierced through the sky, and from the cheers of the audience, we could understand how much weight Fang Zheng had in the hearts of these fans.

Maybe he is a little skinny on weekdays, and fans often tease him.

But if you really think that Founder's is not popular, then you are really wrong!

When Fang Zheng walked on the stage in formal clothes, the fans in the audience began to cheer, and the atmosphere was instantly hot.

Looking at the hot atmosphere of the scene, the fans in the official live broadcast room of Company A turned into lemon essence one after another, expressing envy, one by one, sour.

"Nima, as soon as the dog thief appeared, the atmosphere changed instantly, and the force was still high~!"

"Tsk, there is one thing to say, Fang Dada is really handsome!"

"What's going on? What's going on? Have you forgotten what Fang Da did to you before?"

"Everyone cheers so hard, you can only make the skin of the shrimp even more skinny!"

Watching the fans cheering at the scene, the audience in the live broadcast room could feel the enthusiasm of the scene through the screen.

Even the live broadcast room can be experienced, and it is self-evident how lively the atmosphere of the scene is.

"Fang Dada, I love you!"

"Look here! Look here!"

"Handsome! handsome exploded!"

"Fang Dada, I want to give you a monkey~~!"

Fang Zheng listened to the cheers of the scene, with a rich smile on his face, and waved all the way to the stage.

Watching the fans in the audience go crazy for themselves, Fang Zheng's heart is beautiful, and he walks with the wind.

"Ahem, first of all, welcome everyone to the concert, and thank you for your support to our A club. Fang Zheng took the microphone handed over by Yang Li and simply said hello to the audience.

"But the request that wants to give me a monkey is exempt.,My gender is male and female.,I'm not interested in men~"


Fangzheng's voice fell, and the fans at the scene laughed.

I didn't know that warrior just now, and shouted to give Fang Zheng a monkey, which was simply a little green among the thousands of flowers, it was too prominent.

And listening to Fang Dada's meaning, the person who shouted this is still a boy, which is a little intriguing...

"I'm really speechless~"

"That brother is so brave, I want to get to know him!"

"I used to think that the people who robbed my husband with me were sluts, but now I know that there are still men!"

"If a man goes crazy, there is nothing to do with you women~!"

For Fangzheng's words, the fans below burst into laughter, and unconsciously, the estrangement brought by the identity dissipated silently.

Yang Li glanced at Fang Zheng beside her, this man's ability to control the field is really impeccable.

Every move can drive the rhythm, and it is always unexpected.

Is this charisma?

Yang Li couldn't understand that when she interviewed Fangzheng for the first time, she seemed to be led by the other party.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet, I'm here today to inform you. "

Fang Zheng held the microphone in one hand and pressed down slightly with the other.

"emmm~ says it's news, but it's actually a benefit for you~!"

Fang Zheng's words fell, and the big screen behind him lit up instantly.

Many fans looked over and saw that the big screen was divided into four parts, all of which were familiar works.

"As you can see, the screen is my latest work, among which the theatrical version of "The Light Girl" and the theatrical version of "The Girl and the Chariot" will be released in cinemas, the time is January 23rd and 25th respectively, you can look forward to it~"

Fang Zheng looked at the audience with a smile, he came today to promote his new work.

Previously, he revealed in the live broadcast room that the theatrical version of "The Light Girl" would be released in cinemas, but because Zhang Siyu was still discussing the scheduling rate with major theaters at that time, he did not announce the specific time.

And now that everything is arranged, he naturally wants to come out and publicize it.

The theatrical version of "The Girl with a Light Voice" will be released on January 23rd, and the theatrical version of "The Girl and the Chariot" will be released on the 25th.

"The Girl and the Chariot" was launched by Fangzheng, and he originally planned to release it after the year, but considering the work plan after the year, it was advanced.

Some people say that watching the work "The Girl and the Chariot" is soulless if you don't watch the theatrical version.

This can also see the charm of the theatrical version of "The Girl and the Chariot".

And the theatrical version is more grand than the previous anime, and the battles are more exciting.

Therefore, Fang Zheng decided to launch the theatrical version of "The Girl and the Chariot" a year ago, which was arranged after "The Light Girl", which can be regarded as an attempt by him~

If the response to the two theatrical versions of the anime is good this time, he will release the theatrical version to major theaters in the future.

"Damn, Fang Da is awesome~"

"Two theatrical versions, ah~ I'm really happy to die!"

"666, Fang Dada still remembers "The Girl and the Chariot", as a military house, he cried with joy!"

"Look at it, you have to see it!"

Listening to Founder's introduction, many fans have begun to look forward to it.

Counting the time, it seems that there is not much time left before the release of the two anime theatrical versions.

"In addition, there is also a special chapter of "The Girl and the Chariot", which is Anzio High School vs. Dawashi Women's College, and it will be released in A Club soon, so don't miss it if you like it!"

After speaking, Fang Zheng looked at the last work, his eyes also changed, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose slightly.

"This last part is the New Year's gift I promised to give you before - "Plastic Memory"!"

Fang Zheng looked around, watched the audience staring intently at the big screen, and nodded with satisfaction.

""Plastic Memory" as a New Year's gift to everyone, I hope you can have a happy New Year after reading it, here I also give you an early year, I hope you will smile often, happy every day!"


Hearing Fangzheng's words, the applause at the scene continued.

Although many fans knew a little about Founder's plan in the live broadcast room before, compared with the two, there are actually more theatrical versions and special chapters of "The Girl and the Chariot".

But the fans are still very happy, and for them, there is nothing more enjoyable than watching anime.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs to support ~~~~~~~~

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