"Fang Dada really has a heart~"

"Although the human skin is a little skinned, I will forgive you when I see you so good!"

"The name "Plastic Memory" has a literary style when you hear it!"

"Fang Dada, I also wish you a smile often, the more half of Company A, the better!"

Fang Zheng listened to the cheers of the fans in the audience and smiled weirdly.

But he didn't stay, everything was too much, and if he was on stage for too long, he would inevitably be seen as something wrong.

In that case, the game in the future will not be fun, and this is not what he wants to see.

casually chatted with the fans, and Fang Zheng left the stage.

With the departure of Founder, the concert officially began.

Watching the sunshade above the stage slowly rise, the audience knew that this time it might be the virtual imaging technology of Company A.

Sure enough, as the light in the venue dimmed, several familiar figures from the audience slowly walked out of the stage.

"Ah~!Tianyi, it's His Highness Tianyi!"

"Dumb only!

"Light Tone Never Graduates!!"

"Is His Royal Highness Tianyi and the Light Voice Department going to sing together?"

On the stage, several figures became clearer and clearer, and the cheers of the fans were getting higher and higher.

Tianyi stood with everyone in the light sound department, and some of the audience who still retained their last sanity saw a slight difference.

His Royal Highness Tianyi will be happy with the cheers of the fans, and will wave in response to the enthusiasm of the fans.

But in comparison, there are only a few people in the light voice department who don't have such movements.

However, fans also expressed their understanding, after all, His Royal Highness Tianyi, as the image ambassador of Company A, is equipped with the latest intelligent program, and some simple communication is no longer a problem.

And the only few people in the light sound department don't have this treatment.

It's not that Fang Zheng doesn't want to do it, but that the ghost thing is too expensive, and he can't afford it~

"Welcome everyone to watch Tianyi's concert, Tianyi knows that everyone is very sad because of the end of "Light Girl", so he specially invited Du Wei, Mio, Zhuang Zhi, the law team and A Zimeow, I hope everyone can like it!"


For Tianyi's words, fans can only answer with neat shouts to respond.

The atmosphere had heated up unconsciously, and in this frenzied atmosphere, any words were so pale and powerless, and only shouts could express their feelings.

"The first song "Encounter Angel" is for everyone!"

The sky fell, and the only few people on the side of the light sound department began to accompani.

With the end of "Light Girl", the song "Meet Angel" was also an instant hit, and it swept the charts of all music platforms almost overnight.

Even some of the two-dimensional music that was popular before was difficult to reach one-tenth of the popularity of this song.

While listening to "Meeting Angels", while recalling the touching brought by "Light Girl", how many people were attracted by "Meeting Angels", countless single cycles.

And in this cooperation, only a few people from the light voice department are responsible for accompaniment, and the singing is Tianyi.

Tianyi's unique electronic synthesized voice sings this song that is familiar to the audience, which is really charming.

[If the fragments of memories take a name to save ~]

[Then it should be a treasure~]

[That's right, spend every day in a colorful way~]


Although His Royal Highness Tianyi's singing voice can't be touched by a few people, listening to the familiar lyrics and familiar accompaniment, many viewers are still stuck in memories.

recalled that day, the only few people held a solo concert for A Zimeow, and recalled that day A Zimeow cried like a poor and helpless kitten.

Light Tone Never Graduates!

At this moment, almost all the audience thought of this sentence.

Yes, maybe "Light Girl" is indeed over, and only a few people have graduated one after another, maybe only Ah Zimeow is left alone to wait for this light voice that was once full of laughter.

But so what, for those of them who really like "Light Girl", "Light Girl" will never end!

Light Tone Never Graduates!!

Looking at the smiling faces of the only few people on the stage, the familiar faces, the five angels once crossed the dimension and came to their eyes.

Although in another world, the story belonging to the light sound department has ended, but in this world, they will always look forward to the light sound department.

Melodious music, soothing tunes, Tianyi uses her unique voice to slowly stitch the scars in the audience's hearts.

A little bit of soothing, a little bit of comfort, until the tears in the corners of the audience's eyes disappeared, until the audience got up and cheered for her!

"Thank you!!"

At the end of the song, Tianyi looked at the audience a little breathlessly.

Although Tianyi's voice was synthesized, Fang Zheng still added this setting for her.

At the concert, the singer was very tired, and the addition of the setting of asthma was also to make Tianyi look more realistic and more acceptable to the audience.

"Thank you to everyone in the Light Sound Department, let's send a few angels away with applause, okay?"

Although the theme of today's concert is that Qingyin will never graduate, this concert is the beginning of Tianyi's tour, so Tianyi is the protagonist of today.

At the end of the song, the audience sent the five angels of the light sound department away with warm applause, although they were very reluctant, but today's concert does not belong to the light sound department.

"Don't be disappointed, everyone~ Tianyi also invited another one... A little tyrant, everyone must be familiar with it~"

According to the words, many old fans know who they are talking about when they hear the title of "little tyrant".

Sure enough, with the change of lights on the stage, a small and delicate figure appeared on the stage.

If it wasn't the original song "Katyusha", who else was the Katyusha who brainwashed countless people?


"For the truth!!"

"It's really Katyusha~"

"A gaze from Nona!"

"Little tyrant, His Royal Highness Tianyi is afraid that he will be assigned to Siberia to dig potatoes and be fined another twenty-five rubles!"

Watching the short Katyusha with a small tiger tooth appear, the fierce and fierce look made the audience's hearts sprout.

However, obviously, Katyusha, like the previous Duwei people, also does not have Tianyi's intelligent program.

[Ula~!Just as the pear blossoms are blooming all over the world~]

[There is a soft light yarn floating on the river~]

[Katyusha stands on the steep shore~]

[The song is like a bright sun~]

Listening to the chorus of Katyusha and His Royal Highness Tianyi, some old fans seem to have returned to the time when they watched "The Girl and the Chariot" in the past.

Think about the chariot models in your room, think about the countless times you cycled Katyusha, and it all seemed as if it happened yesterday.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, A Club has launched so many works, and "The Girl and the Chariot" is also an old one~

PS: Kneel down and beg for a lot of support, please!!!

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