With the popularity of "Plastic Memory", time is also passing slowly, and the New Year is getting closer and closer.

The flavor of the New Year in various places is also getting stronger and stronger, and every household is busy for the end of the year.

As if they had been discussed, the major theaters opened the pre-sale of tickets for the theatrical version of "Light Girl" on this day.

As the first work of anime on the big screen, the theatrical version of "Light Sound Girl" has always been very much anticipated by the audience, especially those two-dimensional true love fans, who have long been a little unable to wait.

Watching your favorite anime walk into the cinema is like watching your own children grow up, and the feeling is really good.

However, because of the fact that the animation work is on the screen for the first time, the scheduling rate of "Light Sound Girl" in major theaters is not very high.

There is only a 10% film scheduling rate, which is still the reason why the heads of major theaters look at the reputation of Company A and the popularity of "Light Girl".

Otherwise, the actual scheduling rate may be lower.

After all, this is the first time for an anime movie, and no one dares to take such a big risk.

The most intuitive phenomenon caused by the low film scheduling rate is that it is difficult for the audience to buy tickets.

"I'm Gan, this vote is too little~"

"Half of it is in the middle of the night, what does that mean?"

"I'm too late, and the tickets for the next three days are sold out~~"

"Upstairs, you're not alone!!"

Many viewers are full of joy and want to go to the cinema to watch the theatrical version of "Light Girl", on the one hand, they really like this anime, and on the other hand, because they are fans of Company A and want to support Company A.

The theatrical version of "Light Girl" was released on the big screen, in fact, everyone can see that this is a test of the A Society.

If the box office is a big hit, there will definitely be a succession of anime movies on the market in the future, if the box office is not ideal, maybe "The Light Girl" and the later "The Girl and the Chariot" are the only two anime movies.

In this regard, the audience is not stupid, they all want to watch the anime of Company A get better and better, and they all want to watch Company A get bigger and bigger.

In addition, they really like the work "Light Girl", so fans are still very interested and looking forward to this theatrical version.

But on the day of the incident, many viewers who were full of expectations looked at the pitiful scheduling rate of "Light Girl" and were a little unconvinced.

Why do those little fresh meat who want to have no acting skills and expressions, the shit movies they act in can have such a high scheduling rate!

It has been two or three days since the release of a film that was spewed out of Xiang, and there is still such a high 32% film scheduling rate, which is simply incredible!

On the other hand, "Light Voice Girl", even if it is over, its popularity has not diminished much.

The streets and alleys are still filled with the singing of light voices, and those music platforms are still suppressed by a song "Encounter Angel".

But the popular "Light Girl" has only a 10% film scheduling rate, which makes many people very unhappy.

"Is the head of the theater chain full of shit?"

"Are you serious about this film scheduling rate? It's really special that you can't even make money~"

"Top top top top top brothers, top "Light Sound Girl"!"

"Yes, since the scheduling rate is low, let the data speak!"

"Brothers who buy tickets, try to go as much as possible, strive to give him a 100% attendance rate, and blind those people's dog eyes!"

On the Internet, social software, and even in major fan groups, many ACG true love fans are calling on each other, hoping to support the counterattack of "Light Sound Girl" with practical actions.

Since the theater chain is not optimistic, then they use data to slap their faces.

Looking at the shitty movie schedule rate made by those garbage little fresh meats, it actually exceeded "Light Sound Girl", which brought them too much emotion, and many people felt that their IQ was insulted!

What do you mean by that?

Do you think that those little fresh meat brain-dead fans can support your entire box office?

Or do you think our two-dimensional fandom is easy to bully?!

Suddenly, such an arrangement of major theaters made many ACG fans angry.

If it is the quality of the movie itself, then they don't say it, after all, they are not as good as others, no one is to blame.

But those movies that were released relatively early and have a pitiful reputation still dominate this film rate list, which makes many people feel unhappy.

"Light Girl" has brought them too much touch, not to mention that the film scheduling rate is lower than those garbage movies, but it is on the same level as those garbage movies, they all feel that they are insulting "Light Sound Girl"!

The magic city, the entrance to the Chida Cinema.

Fang Zheng stood in the middle of the long line wearing sunglasses and a mask, next to his personal assistant Chen Xianting.

The theatrical version of "Light Girl" is his first anime film to enter the big screen, and he himself attaches great importance to it.

So he decided to come to the cinema to experience it in person, see the audience's reaction up close, and listen to the audience's evaluation of the theatrical version of "The Light Girl".

In Fangzheng's view, whether a movie is good or bad is not the producer, not the director, and not the theater.

It's up to the audience to decide!

The audience thinks it's good, it was really good, whether a movie can adapt to the market, look at the audience's reaction, and you can probably guess the ending.

"Dude, what time are you doing?"

"What about you?"

"I'm the second one~"

"No, this first game hasn't started yet, why are you here so early?"

"Of course, I'm here to support the light sound!"

In the queue, similar conversations came and went, and many fans came to line up early even though they were not tickets for the first show.

This behavior seemed like a fool to others, but it made Fang Zheng particularly moved.

He knows why these fans do this, why they do such a 'stupid' move.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the reason is very simple, they don't want their favorite anime movies to be ridiculed, and they don't want to be said, 'If you see that no one is queuing up over there, you will watch the theatrical version of "Light Girl"".

For these 'silly cute' fans, Fangzheng's heart is full of emotion.

Finally, the team in front of him began to move forward slowly, and Fang Zheng also walked forward with the flow of people, looking at the expectant faces of those fans in front of him, I don't know why, he suddenly felt a burst of happiness and satisfaction.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "zhuz766", thank you big guy!!

Kneel and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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