Fang Zheng followed the flow of people into the cinema and sat down in his place.

"I'm really looking forward to it~ I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"Hehe, don't say it, after entering the cinema, the atmosphere is different~"

"Does it feel like the style is instantly taller?"

"Needless to say, the light tone will definitely counterattack!"

After taking a seat, before the film started, many viewers exchanged words with each other.

For the theatrical version of "Light Girl", they have really been looking forward to it for a long time.

It's easy to hear this sentiment from their conversations.

Listening to the muttering voices of the fans next to him, Fang Zheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, don't talk about these fans, what is he not like~

There is no end to people's desires, although he has always felt that "The Light Girl" is the best choice at the end of the high school chapter, but reason is reason, and sensibility is sensibility.

In my previous life, I don't know how many people have been waiting for more than ten years, and there are not a few people who have called for the university chapter of "Light Girl" during this period.

Unfortunately, he himself is one of them.

So he can still understand the mood of these fans, after all, he was also a loyal two-dimensional fan who was a fanatical fan, and he was crazy about many anime that he thought were gods.

As the audience entered the theater, the lights in the screening room were completely dark, and Founder also took off his eyes and mask.

The big screen slowly lit up, and the fluorescence completely attracted the audience's attention, and the previous conversations disappeared completely.

The huge screening room became audible.

Looking at the LOGO of Company A, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

As soon as the anime opened, it was still the activity room that fans were very familiar with, watching the only few people still carefree and drinking tea and chatting and eating snacks together, many fans unconsciously smiled at the corners of their mouths.

I don't know why, just looking at the daily life of a few people like this, they feel warm in their hearts.

Maybe there are no ups and downs in "The Light Girl", nothing thrilling, but it is the plain sincerity that leaves many people with the most innocent touch.

Looking at the people in the light sound department, I can't help but sigh with emotion, this kind of life is really comfortable.

As time goes by, the audience has also reacted that the story line of the theatrical version is before the second season of "Light Girl", and only a few people are still enjoying the joy of graduation trip~

As soon as I think of this, that familiar feeling in the hearts of the audience returns.

Sure enough, this time it's the "Light Girl" they like, and it doesn't need to be so shocking or tearful.

That's it, it's enough to drink tea and chat every day, and occasionally sing on stage.

When they saw a few people coming to the fog capital, which is also the famous black tea capital, many people were surprised by this and felt that it was reasonable.

Light music originated here, and only a few people who came here seemed to say the past.

Looking at the streets of Wudu depicted in the anime, the iconic buildings one by one, and the distinctive local customs, the audience once again experienced what it means to be a detail maniac.

It can be said that Founder's portrayal of the fog capital spares no effort, which greatly restores the appearance of the fog capital in people's impressions.

Watching a few people walk into a restaurant by mistake and play inside, the audience unconsciously closed their eyes.

Every time they hear a few people singing, they are always unconsciously addicted to it, as if this music has a strange magic, so they can't help but indulge.

No matter how many times you listen to it!

The theatrical version of "The Light Girl" also ended with a song "Meeting Angels".

And seeing this, the audience finally understood.

It turned out that "Meeting Angel" was a song written by a few people in the fog capital and hiding from Ah Zimeow, the purpose of which was to give Ah Zimeow as a gift.

"Every time I hear "Encounter Angel", I feel a little teary-eyed~"

"I've been looking forward to Fang Da coming out of the third season of "Light Girl", although the hope is not very big~"

"Only a few people have graduated, and "Light Girl" is officially over, and there is really little hope for the third season!"

"The goal of the Light Tone Martial Arts Hall hasn't been achieved yet, so how can it be finished?"

The theatrical version of "The Girl with a Light Voice" is over, and the lights in the screening room are on.

At the moment when the lights were turned on, Fang Zheng looked around and keenly noticed that many audience members had a flash of crystal in the corners of their eyes.

"Fang... Fang Dong, I'll go to the bathroom!"

Fang Zheng put on his mask and sunglasses, but when he got up, he heard Chen Xianting beside him say something, and then walked towards the outside of the projection.

Looking at Chen Xianting's slightly reddish eyes, Fang Zheng smiled.

"How's my brother?"

"Did the theatrical version reveal any news about the third season?"

"Have you ever had a concert?"


In the lobby of the theater, two streams of people converged, watching the people who watched the first show walk out, and those fans who were still waiting in line couldn't wait to ask them how the viewing experience was.

"Prepare tissues, that's the only piece of advice for you!"

"The light sound never ends!"

"Come on brother, it's up to you next, you must put the light sound on the top!"

"I don't want to spoil, but trust me, you won't be disappointed!"

"I originally wanted to brush it twice, but when I thought that there were still many fans who didn't grab the tickets, forget it~"

In the direction of the door, there were two streams of people, one facing outward and the other inward, and in the place where they passed by, whether they knew each other or not, everyone would talk to each other.

Fang Zheng stood behind the crowd, looking at the scene that looked like a handover ceremony for recruits and veterans, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Don't you want to be so emotional, it makes me want to cry~"

Fang Zheng muttered, as an old two-dimensional, he has really seen a lot of works, and he thinks that he is already hard-hearted.

But looking at the actions of these fans, Fang Zheng suddenly felt that his eyes were a little sour.

Coming out of the cinema, Fang Zheng and Chen Xianting did not stay long, and went straight back to the company by car.

At the same time, with the end of the first broadcast of the theatrical version of "Light Girl", a lot of discussion posts about the theatrical version of "Light Girl" instantly appeared on the Internet.

Some fans who haven't had time to watch or have not grabbed tickets have looked at these posts and shouted in their hearts that these brutes are here.

The patches were constantly dangling in front of their eyes, and they really wanted to click on them.

But reason tells them that they must not watch it, and the best movie-watching experience is to feel it themselves, not to see other people's evaluations.

What's more, these analysis posts will inevitably bring some spoilers, which makes it even more impossible to click in.

watched the heated discussion among the fans who had seen it before, but the fans who hadn't seen it were tormented in every way.

Out of helplessness, I could only scold the person in charge of scheduling the film with the big theater in my heart.

As long as the theatrical version of "The Light Girl" has a little more scheduling rate, they don't have to sit in front of the computer and suffer so much~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs to support ~~~~~~~~

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