The premiere of the theatrical version of "The Light Girl" has passed, and although the film scheduling rate is not high, the amazing attendance rate has made the jaws drop of the major theaters.

"What do you say? 100% attendance? Are you sure you're not wrong?"

Chida Cinema, Zhao Qiancheng looked at his assistant, his face full of sluggishness and disbelief.

100% Attendance!

How is this possible?

He's been in the theater industry for most of his life, but this is the first time he's heard of this terrifying attendance.

You must know that the theater chain already has its own rules, just take a new film as an example, regardless of the popularity bonus of actors, directors and producers.

Major theaters generally give three to five test water schedules, once the results explode, the film scheduling rate will definitely rise, otherwise it will decline.

As a new film, the general attendance rate can reach more than 40 percent, which is already excellent.

You must know that the attendance rate of most new films hovers around 20 percent, and some of them are very successful in their own promotion, or the actors and directors have their own popularity, and the attendance rate may reach more than 50 percent.

But this 100% attendance, Zhao Qiancheng never thought about it, because it was impossible!

But right now, looking at the data handed over by the assistant, Zhao Qiancheng felt that God had played a joke on him.

He thought the impossible thing happened, and it was an anime movie that all major theaters unanimously chose to wait and see.

Zhao Qiancheng picked up the documents on the table and looked at them carefully, he didn't know about other theaters, he only knew that his own Qianda Theater had an astonishing 100% attendance rate.

What does this mean?

It means that the premiere of the theatrical version of "The Light Girl", no matter what time period it is, is all full!

"Hurry up, immediately increase the scheduling rate for me, remove the garbage for me, and replace it with "Light Girl"!"

Although Zhao Qiancheng still can't believe it, the data will not be faked.

Zhao Qiancheng, who reacted, immediately ordered to increase the scheduling rate of "Light Sound Girl", but they only gave 10% of the film scheduling rate before, which is not sure if the popularity of "Light Sound Girl" in the film industry is still as strong as that of Company A.

But now that he has got the answer, if "The Light Girl" is still arranged according to the current film scheduling rate, then he will really be kicked in the brain by a donkey!

"Mr. Zhao, how much is the appropriate increase in the rate of this arrangement?"

"How much?" Zhao Qiancheng thought for a moment when he heard the assistant's words, and said, "Give me a lift, the bigger the better!"

Zhao Qiancheng said a word, and he almost made up his mind to support "Light Girl".

There are so many movies released every day, but there are so many resources in the theater, and if the scheduling rate of one movie is high, it will inevitably affect other film works.

But right now, Zhao Qiancheng can't care so much.

This terrifying attendance is simply unheard of, and if he didn't move, it is estimated that those angry viewers would have sprayed directly!

The adjustment of Chida Cinema was soon discovered by fans who were always paying attention to this matter.

Seeing the increase in the scheduling rate of the theatrical version of "Light Girl", many fans are overjoyed.

Looking at "The Light Girl", which firmly occupies the top spot in the film ranking rate, and throws off the second place ten streets, fans nodded one after another.

This is worthy of the popularity and status of "Light Girl"~

"666, brothers awe!!"

"Hahaha, this film scheduling rate is in line with my Da Qingyin's worth!"

"Ghosts, 47% of the film scheduling rate, "Light Girl" has taken off~"

"Hmph~ I announce that the theatrical version of "Light Girl" has captured half of the country!!"

Fans smiled when they saw the data of "Light Sound Girl" being raised in all aspects, and some big guys who are really familiar with the rules of the film and television industry wiped their eyes when they saw the incredible 100% attendance rate of "Light Sound Girl".

Is the old era going too fast, or is the new era coming too suddenly?

Why is there such a terrible thing happening in the world?

At the same time, many film critics on the Internet also gave their own evaluations at this time.

Among them, the most popular among two-dimensional fans is Kagechigoshi, who was the first to evaluate anime works, that is, the film critic who originally evaluated "Star Dream".

Because of the original film review of "Dream of the Stars", Ying Qianshi attracted a lot of two-dimensional fans who joined later.

In the words of these fans, as long as you blow anime, then we are good brothers!

So, maybe Kagechigoku may not be the most famous as a film critic, but he is the last two-dimensional fan to be popular.

"Why is the light-sounding girl so popular with everyone, and why can the attendance rate reach a terrifying 100%?"

"It's actually very simple, because the story is simple, exciting, and seems to be a funny daily life, but behind it is full of fans' memories and touches of their youth..."

"There is a kind of light, which transcends time and attracts countless people around it, and there is a kind of youth, which is cheerful with a hint of inspiration, and the daily life that seems to touch the fish has touched countless people. "

“..... But the words 'HIT' AND 'K-ON' became popular in the entire ACG circle overnight, when ACG fans were discussing the 'Tea Time After School' band, and when the song "Don'tsaylazy" awakened our inner memory, the era of the light music department has begun!"

"When Duwei, Mio, Azi Meow, the law team and Zhuang Zi came together, they had already begun to interpret this youth of their own~"

"Although it seems to be fishing every day, but the afternoon tea time after school is thunderous, as the only soul activity of the light sound department, the girls drink tea and eat snacks every day, but they shouted out the great goal of 'holding a concert in the martial arts hall'!"


Many people looked at Ying Qianshi's film review and sighed with emotion.

This film review is obviously not only for the theatrical version of "Light Sound Girl", it is talking about the entire "Light Sound Girl" series.

Recalling the touching that a few people brought to them, many people silently shouted in their hearts 'Light voice will never graduate'.

As Kagechishi said, when they first heard the song "Don'tsaylazy", the era of "Light Girl" had already come.

"This movie review... I always feel like I'm fishing in the dark part of my light voice!"

"The most favorite is the light sound, the most beautiful but the everyday~"

"New to light sound: strange that they don't need to practice? After a long time: strange, they don't need to drink tea?"

"K-ON character introduction: the lightest single-core Hirasawa Yui, the immortal multi-core Hirasawa worry, the daily persecution of Luo Mio, began to revitalize Zhu Luye, the approachable and strong, the light sound group pet Azi Meow, the tooth playing guitar Xiao Zuohe, reliable and adult! Anime name: "Do you want to have some afternoon tea today?"

"Gan, you're really a talent upstairs!!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!!!!

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