After Fang Zheng finalized his plan, he contacted a game company directly.

Making a game,Naturally, it's a sourcing service.,But it's not a complete sourcing.,The poster of the game、Original pictures and the like are his own responsibility.。

After all, in this regard, Founder believes that no one knows Ship C better than him, and no one knows what gentlemen like better than him.

In the next few days, Founder was still busy with work.

Drawing original drawings, illustrations, storyboards, shooting, dubbing, etc., all of these work are carried out in an orderly manner.

After a period of intense work, Ship C is finally freshly baked.

"Gentlemen, assemble, at seven o'clock tonight, the old place will be gone!"

In order to promote his anime and promote the game in the future, Fang Zheng personally posted a dynamic.

As a man with his own traffic, as a man who is nicknamed a traffic harvester by fans, he is a signboard and a publicity channel in himself.

After Fangzheng sent out Weibo, the official blogger of A Company was not willing to fall behind, and urgently forwarded Founder's dynamics, hoping to stabilize his official blog identity.

After all, she is always ridiculed by netizens as a marketing account, and Guan Bo Niang also has some small bumps in her heart.

People are obviously genuine official blogs, but it's just because the traffic and popularity of official blogs are not as good as their own chairman, why do you call me a marketing account?

As soon as Founder's news was issued, coupled with the forwarding of the official blog of A Society, the Internet instantly became lively.

What I know is that he has launched a new work, and I don't know what I think someone from the other side is going to go to ~

"After a long time, you are finally willing to show your head, dog thief?"

"The year is over, Fang Dada, are there any misunderstandings we have before that haven't been resolved?"

"Happy New Year?"

"Founder dog thief, it's quick for me to fenc... , what's new?"

"Pippi Shrimp, the previous account should be calculated... My Gan, new work?"

"Founderdog... New Work ?!!"

Seeing that Fang Zheng, who had been hidden for more than ten days, finally bubbled up again, fans who had long been full of anger opened fire on him.

That's not what you said when you promised us a New Year's gift before!!

What about everyone rejoicing in the New Year?

In the end, we cried a lot, but you hid in the corner alone and laughed heartlessly, and you saw all the jokes!

Without even thinking about it, fans could directly guess that Founder had no intention of letting them have a happy Spring Festival from the beginning.

The reason why "Plastic Memory" was launched, the reason why they lied to them that "Plastic Memory" is a romantic comedy, these are all to get revenge on them!

Revenge for using someone's memes and revenge for the blades they sent!

Happy New Year, this has been a conspiracy from the beginning.

So when fans saw that Fangzheng finally came out to bubble, it was called a group of excitement.

When it comes to someone, they can't wait to find him to PK in person, and use fists to relieve their depressed mood in the past few days of the New Year.

For the dynamics of Founder, don't care about 3721 first, just open it directly.

However, when these resentful fans finished talking, they found out that Founder's new news was not to ridicule them, and they didn't say a word about teasing them before.

Instead, he went against the norm and launched his own new work.

"I'm wiping ~ the new work is so fast?"

"High yield like that, Founder Dog Thief... Phew!Fang Dada, I love you!!"

"Launching a new work, seeing that you apologize so sincerely, the old man won't care about the previous things with you~"

"Gentlemen, should I go, if I'm not a gentleman?"

"Upstairs, are you a gentleman and still need to be reminded?"

Founder launched a new work, although it did not say what the name of the new work was, nor did it mention the type of new work.

But the fans are still happy, or maybe it's a little more than the fans expected.

This is just the end of the New Year, and all walks of life have just begun to resume work, they thought that Founder's new work would be launched in mid-February, but they didn't expect it to be released in early February.

In the end, it's still them, the fans, who underestimate Founder's speed!

The joy and shock in my heart even washed away the anger of fans for Fangzheng's previous use of "Plastic Memory" as a New Year's gift.

So there was a dramatic scene in the message below Founder Weibo.

Fans who just saw this news turned into irritable brothers, and they sprayed directly one by one, bringing the art of language intimidation to the extreme.

Looking at the shocking words, Fang Zheng shuddered unconsciously.

The reason why he is only posting the news now is because he thinks that the anger of fans may have passed, and on the other hand, because the anime has just been completed, he needs to carefully check if there are any major loopholes.

But by all accounts, he still underestimated the fans' grudges.

It's been half a month since this happened, and I still remember it~

However, what made Fang Zheng more relieved was that after these grumpy old brothers finished spraying, their faces changed one by one when they saw his dynamic content.

never mentioned the scene of spraying himself angrily just now, but praised him very much.

Words such as model worker, dedication, and hard work all came to him, and even some fans spoke one after another, asking him to pay attention to rest and not to exhaust himself.

Seeing that the painting style of this group of fans changed so quickly, the corners of Fang Zheng's mouth twitched.

Do you want to be so realistic, if there is no new work this time, are you going to spray until your phone runs out of battery?

And those who praise me, don't think that someone on my side is illiterate!

Just now, you guys are the fiercest squirting and the most irritable personality!

When the mobile game is launched in the future, believe it or not, I will reduce the explosion rate and take revenge on you?!

For a mobile game, the best way to retaliate against players is to reduce the explosion rate, so that players can experience the pain that krypton gold can't get.

Of course, few mobile game officials do this, after all, this kind of saucy operation is almost to play their own rhythm, and reducing the explosion rate means a large loss of players.

This kind of brain-pumping behavior, Fang Zheng is also thinking about it in his heart, if he really asks him to do it, he will never do it!

To say why...

Because he let the mobile game designed by the game company have a very low explosion rate, if it is decreasing, it is really pure money fraud.

There is an essential difference between cheating money and players' voluntary krypton gold~

Of course, although Founder feels that the explosion rate is low, players don't know it~

Moreover, as the first two-dimensional mobile game launched by A Society, Founder believes that many fans are still willing to accept it.

That's the exquisite painting style, as well as the unique explosion Yi setting of the ship's mother, Founder believes that many gentlemen will feel ecstatic~

When the time comes, not only will he not be pitiful by the players complaining about the low explosion rate, but will be thanked by the majority of gentlemen and worshiped as a god-like existence.

PS: Kneel down and beg for the support of the bigwigs, please~~~

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