In the face of Founder's new work, fans were ecstatic, and their mood was even more excited.

Even many fans saw Fangzheng's dynamics and directly noticed a trace of unusual atmosphere.

"Gentleman... I'm not a gentleman, but I'm looking forward to it. "

"Fang Dada, this 'gentleman' is wonderful, the old man is starting to look forward to it~"

"Dog thief, why are you posting so early, isn't this purely out of my appetite?"

"That's right, I post news during the day, and I can only see anime at night, do you know how slow time flies?"

"Poof~ Isn't this what you can spray too?"

Looking at the messages of a group of fans, there were actually some blame for the early movement of Fangzheng, which made many people dumbfounded.

What kind of operation is this?

However, this also speaks to the hearts of many fans.

It's just over the New Year.,It's been half a month since everyone saw the new work of A Society.,It's normal to be impatient.。

After the release of Founder's Dynamics, many people instantly felt that the flow of time was much slower.

I don't know why, but I suddenly feel like the daytime seems to be getting longer, and my mood is extremely impatient during this period.

Finally, in the midst of the fans' thousand calls, the time slowly came to seven o'clock in the evening.

Countless fans frantically poured into A Company, just waiting for the anime of Founder's 'Gentlemen's Collection' to start.

"233~ kept saying that he was not a gentleman, but it turned out that there was no shortage of one by one!"

"I say no, but my body is extraordinarily honest!"

"The old man is not a gentleman, the old man just looks at this new work with a critical eye~"

"What's wrong with the gentleman?

"No, is it true that my compulsory education is fake? When did gentleman become a derogatory term?"

"Upstairs, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for many years~"

A social forum, some idle and fans gathered here early to chat and fart, and they were happy to ridicule each other.

Obviously, they are all gentlemen, but they don't admit that they are gentlemen.

This 'I don't have what I'm not' mentality makes many people laugh wildly.

Finally, as soon as seven o'clock arrived, the lively atmosphere in the forum was instantly quiet, and the lively speech scene before became crowded in a blink of an eye.

"Oh roar ~ fleet collection, fleet collection?"

"What's the name?"

"Fleet? Does this have anything to do with gentlemen?"

"Nima, Fang Dada won't lie to us~"

"Don't be a, the old man has been looking forward to the word 'gentleman' for a long time~!"

Seeing the title of the anime, many fans complained.

Fleet,I'm afraid it's not a military-themed anime.,It's a dime to do with gentlemen~.

With the end of the anime prelude, fans are patiently looking forward to it.

[Do you go against your heart or not? Words and deeds are inconsistent or not, languishing or not, lazy and slack, give up halfway or not?]

At the beginning of the anime, this series of narrations made many fans a little confused.

Although they admit that this narration is very literary, but this is not an educational program, why is it so literary and artistic?

They came to see how Founder understood the meaning of the word gentleman!!

[The mysterious fleet group that appeared at the bottom of the sea, people call it deep-sea habitat ships, from destroyers to super dreadnought-type battleships, due to the attack of a wide variety of deep-sea habitat ships, mankind has lost the right to dominate the sea!]

The narration of the anime continues, popularizing the background of the anime and the stage for the development of the story to the audience.

Seeing this, many fans gradually understood.

This is another completely empty world, this world is attacked by a mysterious species of 'deep-sea dwelling ship', human beings have lost the right to control the sea, and the sea has completely become a forbidden area.

Looking at the shape of the deep-sea habitat ship that appeared in the anime, the combination of the girl and the monster, as if stepping on the waves, coupled with the gorgeous battle scenes, instantly attracted the attention of many fans.

"I'm rubbing, this is a cow batch~"

"Deep-sea perched ship, this shape is really novel~"

"This battle scene, this gorgeous special effects, Fang Da finally wants to make a bloody battle type anime?"

"Although I am a gentleman, I admit that I was attracted~!"

As soon as the anime opened, the unique shape of the deep-sea habitat ship and the completely different background settings instantly attracted a large number of audiences, even those who claimed to be gentlemen, and at this time they temporarily forgot their purpose.

I have to say that the setting of "Fleet Collection" really opened the eyes of this group of fans, and it turns out that the story can still go on like this.

[The only existence that can resist its threat is the girls who have inherited the soul of the former warship - ship girls!]

[Equipped with weapons called outfits, they were born with the same combat effectiveness as deep-sea dwelling ships, and thanks to their brilliant combat achievements, the battle to regain control of the sea has begun!]

[Haruna, I won't allow you to mess around!]

[Full Gun, Salvo!!]

One moment, the audience was still pleasantly surprised by the novelty of the world, but the next moment there was a gentleman's ecstasy.

Watching several tall girls coming on the waves, equipped with outfits similar to naval guns, this peculiar shape instantly made fans' eyes widen.

"Woohaha~ Ship Niang! I like this name!"

"Haruna, it's called Haruna~"


"Woo woo, Fang Dada, we blame you wrongly, you can't be bullied~"

Seeing the beautiful and infinite shape of the ship mother, and watching their sassy and heroic posture riding the waves, the audience was excited.

Sure enough, Fang Dada didn't lie to them, this is what their gentlemen should see~

The beautiful girl ship girl equipped with outfits, coupled with the gorgeous battle scenes, instantly made the audience feel the impact from the depths of their souls.

Watching the warships on weekdays turn into beautiful girls, and the hideous naval guns become outfits equipped by the girls, the audience is full of emotion for this novel setting.

And when the aircraft carrier in the anime appeared, looking at a crane with white hair and a bow drawn with both hands like a full moon, a bow and arrow turned into several fighter jets whistling in mid-air, and the audience was hooked!

It turned out that it could be set up like this, which greatly surprised fans.

But this novel setting and exquisite art style, as well as gorgeous battle scenes, these firmly attracted their eyes.

Watching the heroic ship girls galloping across the sea, fans couldn't help but feel emotion on their faces.

As a gentleman, it seems... Maybe... Probably nothing bad ~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs to support a lot ~~~~~~

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