The post that was pinned high on the top, from the perspective of realism and physics, told everyone in the most easy-to-understand words about the threat of air, and also explained why the old bones regarded the air as the biggest enemy.

The analysis is clear and the head is the way, which has attracted the nods and approval of many fans.

"From a romantic point of view, the great man said that there is endless joy in fighting with the sky, endless fun in fighting with the earth, and endless fun in fighting with people. "

"In my opinion, the Supreme Lord and the air fight wits and courage, in addition to eliminating the biggest threat to the air, there is also a symbolic meaning, although the air is everywhere, but the Supreme Lord still has to be its enemy, what kind of tragic fate is this~"

"Although the Supreme Lord is extremely powerful, he still can't resist the reality of people leaving, and when the other players leave, the Supreme Lord becomes the only player. "

"Just ask, in this case, how lonely will the Supreme Lord be?"

"Does anyone else who has the qualifications to be his opponent other than to fight with the air and enjoy himself?"

After analyzing the whole article, many fans nodded one after another.

Maybe this is the difference between the big guy and the new one~

They only saw the process of Lao Gu fighting wits and courage with the air, and they also laughed at Lao Gu for being too cowardly, but they didn't expect that there was such a deep understanding hidden behind Lao Gu.

It's so TM touching, this is a tearful story~

"If I hadn't received compulsory education, I would have believed your nonsense!!"

"One more thing to add: while aerobic respiration is carried out, it will also produce free radicals that are biological aging~"

"I'll just silently look at your serious nonsense, smile and don't speak~"

"Hiss~ The two-dimensional boss is amazingly terrifying, is this the gap between me and the big guy?"

"If you can write, I'll publish a fanfiction.,I'll read it~"

For this post, many fans bent over with laughter.

The gods are so special that the air is the mortal enemy of the undead, and that symbolism, do you dare to make it up a little outrageous?

A full-level skeleton archmage, there is still a group of hundred-level junior brothers under his hands, with such a strong strength, you don't have to do something that a villain should do, and you have a lot of fun playing with the air.

If it's just playing with the air, it's okay, fans can complain at most two sentences, but why do you take someone to the novice village to do something?

Is it cool to abuse vegetables?

Sorry, it's really cool to abuse the vegetables!!

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many netizens and bigwigs who have nothing to do all day long and go to the novice village to hang out.

"Brothers, I seem to understand what Fang Da said about 'the true meaning of krypton'~"

"Upstairs, I understand it after watching Gu Aotian~"

"What does this story tell us?"

"Fang Dada is telling us to recharge more money to play games, so as not to cross in the future and not be able to fill the cup!"

"Wrong! Fang Dada is telling us that we have to learn the liver when playing games, you look at the old bone classmates, there is only a pair of bones left in the liver~"

"You guys upstairs are all wrong, Fang Da wants to tell us, never think that you are the protagonist, if necessary, learn to fight wits and courage with the air~"

Regarding the 'true meaning of krypton' mentioned in the previous Founder interview show, many fans understood this in seconds.

After all, Lao Gu has already told them with personal experience that as long as they are still online at the moment when the game is closed, there is a chance that they will succeed in traversing.

So what are they supposed to do now?

Does this need to be asked?

Of course, it's taking advantage of the current time to hurry up and build a ship with krypton~

If the day really comes, they really cross, but there are very few wives in the dock, then they probably want to kill themselves.

The young and strong are not kryptonite, and the boss is sad, and they are talking about them.

Therefore, in order to prepare for the crossing when the ship mother is closed, krypton gold in the early stage is a must.

After all, men, the mind is always unexpectedly simple in this regard, and does not ask for anything else, according to the standards of the ship's mother, of course, the more the better~

Who doesn't want to hug left and right~

What's more, they weren't skeleton archmages like the old bones, they were admirals.

To put it bluntly, the old bone classmate is a bone frame, and he has that mind and no ability~

A good young man, dressed as a bone king, supreme supreme, a group of younger brothers, a beautiful woman on the side, nonsense!!

is simply a nonsense that exhausts the bitterness and bitterness of the old bones' hearts.

Do you think that in the face of Albede, the old bone was forced to calm down?

Wrong, that's what he pretended~

To say that this is for the old bones, some fans are also heartbroken.

As a good young man who has traveled through the past, doesn't Ning know that there is such a thing as bone hyperplasia?

But the fans are different, they are admirals, and they will only be admirals when they travel through the past, and they are able-bodied people.

Nonsense or anything has nothing to do with them!!

So... Naturally, the more the better~

"Woo woo woo ~ I finally understand Fang Dada's good intentions~"

"Without further ado, I'm going to Krypton!!"

"Krypton gold! must be krypton! If the set is not complete, the ship mother will not stop!"

"Day, Founder Dog Thief, you really do everything to make us krypton~"

"I'm afraid Fang Dada has gone crazy laughing at this time, I'm afraid Fang Dada hasn't slept in the pile of money these days!"

After watching "Overlord", many fans understand the essence of krypton.

Although they may not cross the kryptonite gold, but on the other hand, if they do cross over, won't they wear it in vain without krypton?

Money is a bastard, only consumption can stimulate the desire to make money!!

Just when many fans were teasing each other, many people received a push.

"How about everyone, do you realize the true meaning of krypton? Krypton gold achieves the supreme! Krypton gold can reach the full level! Krypton gold can enjoy the romance of life!!"

"So, Sao Nian Krypton gold, if you krypton gold now, the ship's mother will give you a nine-percent discount~"

Poof~!Many fans spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Sure enough, they knew that this Pipi shrimp would definitely not let go of this opportunity, no, Cao Cao Cao would arrive.

The front will be kryptonite said that the sky is falling, but you tell me later, you will give a nine-percent discount??

"Fang Dada, you are a cow, really, I have never seen a talent like you!"

"You want to deceive us Krypton? You've made it!"

"My wallet~ Fangzheng, you brute, God doesn't kill people~"

"As a non-chief, I never believed that kryptonite could change my fate, but I believe that krypton can increase the chance of changing my fate..."

"Krypton gold is all heretical, only the Liver Emperor is the king, haven't you seen the bald skin of the Supreme Lord's liver?"

"The ship's mother and the wallet, in the end I still chose the former, but looking at the new ship's mother... It smells so good!!"

Although fans hated Fangzheng's naked temptation, they couldn't help their hands one by one.

There's no way, it's not that their consciousness is not firm enough, but those ship girls are really tempting~

PS: I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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