With the broadcast of "Overlord", many viewers were attracted by Lao Gu's unique cupping skills.

Nowadays, the Internet has long been popularized, and it is very convenient for everyone to watch movies and novels on weekdays, and it stands to reason that fans are very familiar with the anime that is obviously a novel.

But every time I watch "Overlord", the audience will always feel a strong sense of novelty and attraction.

Everyone is already familiar with the cupping plots in some novels, and even many old bookworms have some disgust in their hearts.

But looking at the cup of "Overlord", many people don't feel this way at all.

Why does the old bone classmate not feel disgusted at all, but is full of joy?

The answer is simple.

The familiar normal cup routine: I rub the enemy so strong?

Then, in the midst of everyone's disapproval and ridicule, the protagonist shouted: Get out of the way!

And our old bone classmates are more novel, and they are not at all the same as those familiar bewitching sluts, which is simply a clear stream in the cup world.

"I'm rubbing, the enemy is coming?"

Then Lao Gu looked at his little brother and immediately waved his hand: "You guys hurry up!!"

Then Lao Gu watched the enemy being cut and cut to the ground, and touched his skull in disbelief.

Is the enemy so weak?

"Get out of the way, I'll do this wave!!"

Compared with the traditional cupping routine, it is obvious that although Lao Gu is also going farther and farther on the road of cupping, he is different from others, and he pursues a lewd stream.

is obviously the existence of hanging bombing the sky, but he is too cautious, and even in the eyes of the audience, this is cowardice.

Looking at the old bone's cupping routine, looking at the overall situation, except for the enemy being too weak, everything else was expected by him.

"Overlord" has been broadcast to this day, and the audience has figured out the style of the old bone classmate, and I thought that this was all for the old bone classmate's sassy operation.

But they never expected that the old bone classmate seemed to be bored in Nasalik and wanted to go out for a yo-walk.

So the audience saw another novel that they were familiar with.

A mage who doesn't want to play melee is not a good mage~

That's right, the old bone classmate actually turned to melee combat!

Wearing a luxurious and low-key armor that is not atmospheric and restrained, he swaggered and took Nabe to the human city, and he was a special adventurer.

"233~Every mage has a heart to be a warrior~"

"It's a dead life, the old bone is actually ready to go under the knife~!"

"This maid... It's too cold, it seems to be swollen~?"

"I'm afraid the old bone classmate is the only one who passively fills the cup~"

"666, I feel that Fang Dada is very familiar with the bridge of this kind of novel, this restoration is too flavorful!"

Seeing Lao Gu and Nabei come to the human city, many people ridiculed.

Especially Nabe, the battle maid from the Seven Stars of Agong has just appeared on the stage, and her cold appearance has conquered the hearts of many audiences.

Compared with Yaerbeide and Shatiya, who were ridiculed by the audience as Yanyi's representatives before, Nabei's character design is obviously more acceptable to fans.

Of course, it is not excluded that some people have a soft spot for Albede and Shatia.

After all, there are no wonders in the world, and the hobbies between people are different~

And when the audience watched Nabe being accosted by ordinary adventurers, calling others 'slugs' one by one, coupled with the extremely cold eyes and expressionless pretty face, many viewers felt themselves tremble.

"Hiss~Ning is a famous entomologist?"

"Saying the most ruthless words with a flat face, Nabe is simply my goddess~"

"Upstairs, you know it's an old M as soon as you open your mouth!"

"Sao Nianyou, you are really a model for my generation, Nabei, you dare to flirt?"

"233~ You think Nabei will show you a joke again, but people are serious, and the extremely evil attribute is not a joke~"

The audience looked at Nabei's expressionless face throughout the whole process, and many of them were gentlemen with M tendencies who couldn't extricate themselves.

As for the warrior who dared to ridicule Nabe, the audience also admired him from the bottom of his heart.

You must know that almost all of Nassalik's people are in the evil camp, and unlike the previous episodes, they don't have a good impression of humans.

Even the old bone classmates are the same, although he was a good young man before the crossing, but after the crossing, there seems to be no rejection of such things as killing.

The old bones are all like this, not to mention those from a battle maid group like Nabe.

For the spirit of death of that Sao Nian, the audience admires it from the bottom of their hearts.

If it weren't for the old bone classmate's pressure, it is estimated that Nabei would really kill that person, after all, in Nabei's eyes, the other party is just a low-level creature, and he is an existence at the same level as a bug.

Do you feel any burden to yourself for stepping on a bug?

Or do you think about whether it's right to do this before you step on a bug to death?

Obviously not!

And Nabe, as a member of the Battle Maid Regiment, is absolutely loyal and maintained by the old bone classmates.

When Lao Gu was called 'sir' by ordinary people, the audience obviously saw Nabei, who was standing on the side and had no expression, his face changed instantly, and his eyes were full of anger and murderous intent.

For Nabei, the old bone classmate is the great Supreme Adult, and a mere bed bug dares to call the Supreme Lord like this, which is simply looking for death.

For Nabei to maintain the old bones so much, the audience is also envious and jealous.

Looking at the treatment of the old bones in the anime, I am thinking about myself.

Don't talk about such a single-minded battle maid, they haven't even seen an ordinary maid~

And when the staff of the Adventurers' Guild said that someone had named someone to entrust the old bone with the mission, Nabe's anger was on the verge of exploding.

Although this is a normal process for human adventurers, in Nabei's opinion, it is the greatest offense to the Supreme Lord!

Are you commanding the Supreme to do things?

Thinking of this, Nabei could no longer hold back her anger, and immediately jumped up from the steps, and in mid-air she was about to draw her sword and kill the ant who dared to order the Supreme Lord.


However, Nabei's movements were seen by the old bones, and he directly hit Nabei's head with a knife, stopping Nabei.

For the old bone, it is not easy for him to disguise himself and blend into the human race, and he has not yet filled the cup properly, how can he let Nabei expose his identity~

PS: Thanks to "Dragon Pepper", "Ghost Fu Three", "136...72", "Ni is a Big Fool", "Ruyuan", "Rin Tosaka is the best in the world", "Stygian", "Finance", "a32... 26", "Little Shrimp" monthly pass support, thank you guys!!

I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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