And the audience watched Nabei being knocked on the knife, holding her head with both hands, and looking at the old bone with an aggrieved expression, Nafu's expression simply sprouted blood from the audience~

"Poofhaha~!The old man is gone, the medical soldier will give me a blood transfusion!!"

"I'm so cute, how can Nabe be so cute!!"

"It's so cute~"

"Holding your head and squatting to defend, it's so cute, it seems to give Nabei a blow to the head~!"

"Hahaha, who knows how many times I've watched this paragraph!"

At this moment, the audience was adored by the sharp contrast between Nabei and before, and they couldn't stand it.

You must know that Nabei has always appeared in front of the audience with a very cold and glamorous posture before.

This sudden contrast is cute, so many people can't react.

At this time, the audience is like this, and they can't think of other words except for words such as 'cute' and 'cute'.

After all, Nabei's character was originally a very cold and glamorous maid, and this suddenly revealed a cute and aggrieved expression, which not only did not make people feel that the character collapsed, but gave people a strong sense of contrast.

It can be summed up in one word: Moe!!

And when the audience watched the funny sister and the fake necromancer jump out and forcibly increase the scene, the audience was happy.

"One thing to say, you better hurry up~"

"You have no idea what you're up against!!"

"Run, while you haven't attracted the attention of the old bones yet, run as far as you want!"

"It's okay to take the initiative to send it to the door and let the old bones fill the cup?"

Watching the funny sister and the necromancer appear, and she was so good at dying that she stood on the opposite side of the old bone, the audience was sprayed.

What does it mean for an old birthday boy to eat arsenic?

This is special.,Typical greasy and crooked~

However, the audience's advice to the funny sister, the other party could not hear it, and finally ran into the old bone.

"Girl, your road is narrow~"

"You don't know anything about power!"

"Do I think the nameplate of Sister Funny is cool?"

"The king of disguised bronze VS gold, I'm getting excited before I start fighting!!"

"No, I can't stand it, a good girl, why do you have to mess with him~"

Seeing that the funny sister was going to fight with the old bone, the audience was speechless.

They have never seen such a person who dies, they are simply on the verge of death, and they are crazy to output, stepping on thunder accurately.

To say that this funny sister is also a top powerhouse on the human side of the anime, at least she is at the same level as the warrior chief of the kingdom.

But it depends on who you compare with, compared with human beings, Sister Funny is undoubtedly a well-deserved powerhouse.

But compared to the old bones... emm~ Go all the way!

There is no need to look at the back, many viewers have begun to mourn for the funny sister.

Do you know if you're dealing with a Krypton player, or the Krypton to max level.

The big guy in a god costume returned to the novice village, if you don't hurry up and hug your thighs, forget it, and actually run over and take the initiative to send someone's head?

[I don't know how disgusting your appearance is under the helmet, but how can I lose if I have already surpassed the legal person and reached the hero realm!]

Seeing that the funny sister is still constantly provoking the old bones, many viewers are slapping their heads.

This person is hopeless, pay attention in the next life~

"Is the hero realm very good?"

"If there is a peanut, the girl will not be drunk like this~"

"Girl, it's a god standing in front of you~!"

"Ahem~I already feel the thick breath of cupping on the old bone~"

There is a way that if you don't die, you won't die, but the funny sister doesn't know if there is a problem with her eyes, or if it's a wrong tendon, so she feels that she will never lose if she is a hero.

However, he didn't know that what he was dealing with was not a human at all, and that you were no different from an ant in front of others.

On the other side, Nabe had already started fighting, and the necromancer was relying on his bone dragon to speak at Nabe, and the audience sighed silently.

This necromancer is worthy of being in the same group as Sister Funny, and Nima's ability to do death is simply the same.

Although Nabe's family is not as good as Nasalik's guardians, as a member of Nasalik's battle maid group, I am fortunate to be able to serve the existence of the old bones, and that strength is not comparable to that of a small necromancer~

Sure enough, Nabei didn't pay any attention to the necromancer, and her expressionless face was full of coldness, as if in her eyes, the other party was not a necromancer at all, but a stone on the side of the road.

Watching Nabe fight with the necromancer's bone dragon, the audience finally understood why Old Bone had 'switched' to melee combat.

The feelings are all in the same vein~

Sure enough, mage people are born with a melee heart!

In the next session, the audience also guessed, watching Nabei get the order of the old bone, restore her original appearance, and wave her hand, and the necromancer was not even left with slag.

"Electrotherapy Dafa!!"

"Is it wrong? What's wrong? Will you skip school and surf the Internet in the future?"

"I beat you naked before, and you still think you can do it?"

"Am I the only one who thinks Nabe in a maid costume is picturesque?"

"Is this a maid or a battle maid!!

Looking at Nabe, who had returned to her original appearance, the audience was excited.

In particular, Nabei was handsome and free and easy to electrotherapy the necromancer who was still clamoring before, and they all shouted that their hearts were moved.

Didn't you think you were a good critic before?

The ashes are all raised for you!!

Watching the necromancer die, the audience felt a sense of relief in their hearts.

The most important thing to be a man is to recognize himself, understand his position, and be an honest man with his tail between his legs if he has no ability, and don't come out and fill a cup casually.

Otherwise, if you pretend to be dressed, you will be beaten and called a stupid cup~

Watching Nabei's battle, the audience only felt a burst of enjoyment, but when they saw the battle of the old bone, they suddenly realized that the old bone was the hidden cupping master.

A sister was killed in his arms, and the audience was dumbfounded when he watched the funny sister being 'hugged' to death by his old classmates.

"Bone King: Those who have a few people in the face will be rewarded!"

"What a miserable funny sister, I let you run away a long time ago, you didn't listen~"

"Albede and Shatia expressed envy~~~"

"Could this be the long-lost ancient secret method - Mystery True Killing with a Sister in Your Arms!"

The audience was stunned, they thought about Lao Gu reaching out to crush Sister Funny, and they also thought about the cannonball hitting the mosquito-like super spell bombardment, but they didn't expect Lao Gu to be so second Funny Sister.

Who said that old bones can only be passively cupped?

This initiative to fill the cup, is there anything else going on?

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Three Days Moon Lan" and "Yan Zhi", thank you big guy!!

I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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