"Overlord" has been recognized by many fans because of its unique character setting and fit with current novels.

Especially the unique plot of Lao Gu's cowardice and love to fill the cup, many viewers are fascinated and curious at the same time.

The setting of this anime can be said to be very novel, first of all, the supporting characters are undead, and their personalities are very distinct.

And unlike the non-human races in the other world that the audience is familiar with, the undead in Nasalik do not have too many complicated feelings, let alone humanoid behavior.

Whether it is Jarbede or Sebas, or Shatia, Dimiugos and other guardians, their personalities are very extreme, and their thinking patterns do not conform to human common sense, but they are absolutely loyal to the old bones.

This kind of almost rigorous setting runs through the whole of "Overlord", so as to ensure that the supporting characters will not jump to the greatest extent.

In addition, the old bone himself, who is talked about by the audience, as the president of the trade union, may not be the most combative existence in the trade union, but he is the most cautious existence.

Compared to the rest of the union, Lao Gu may not be proficient in anything, but he can learn a little bit about everything, and his interpersonal relationships are maintained quite well.

It is only fitting that such a figure should sit in the position of union president.

As the president of the trade union, Lao Gu has learned the good habit of thinking twice and thinking deeply, such a character will naturally not be like the novels on the market, reckless in his heart and style, and take one step at a time.

Lao Gu's rigorous thinking mode and code of conduct also run through. There was never a mistake.

The most intuitive experience is that Lao Gu is always passively cupped, and he is ridiculed by the audience as a battle of wits and courage with the air.

As everyone knows, the audience has God's perspective, but Lao Gu does not.

Maybe the audience thinks that the opponent of the old bone is insignificant, and it can even be said that it is weak and pitiful.

But if you think about it from another perspective, Lao Gu, a game lover, took Nasalik to another world and didn't know anything about everything around him.

In the case of a black eye, who will go out and swagger everywhere?

'Fighting wits and courage with the air', in the eyes of the audience, this is the most attractive part of this anime, and it is also the cleverness of the old bones, and it is the wisest choice in this completely unfamiliar world.

Of course, the brilliance of this anime lies not only in the rigorous setting, but also in the refreshing feeling of 'obviously being able to solve it violently but choosing to fight wits and courage'.

This is also the biggest crude oil that the audience often ridicules for the old bones to passively fill the cup, this kind of plot will not make people feel boring and boring, nor will it give people a very brainless feeling.

It can be said that in addition to the setting and plot, the anime "Overlord" brings the audience a very good viewing experience, and it can even be said to be excellent.

However, "Overlord" is a novel turned into an anime, and in order to animate, it can be said that the plot of the original book has been cut a lot.

And because of the length of the anime, the introduction of the character settings is not as detailed as the original book.

So when many viewers watch this anime, they always have all kinds of questions.

For example, the detailed information, level, abilities, and even relationships between the various tiers of Guardians of Nasalik, etc., are listed in the data of the members of the Battle Maid Regiment where Nabe, who exploded in popularity.

Wait, these are all things that the audience desperately wants to know, although not thinking about these doesn't affect them from watching anime, but they don't understand it well, and there are always some small bumps in their hearts.

And in the A community forum, there are also many fans who quarrel every day, often arguing for a supporting role in Nasalik.

The public says that the public is reasonable, and the mother says that the mother is reasonable, and no one can convince anyone.

In this regard, Founder's solution is also very simple.

Since "Overlord" is a novel-turned-anime, its original book is a novel.

In his previous life, as a semi-otaku, he was fortunate enough to read some novels of "Overlord", and he was relatively clear about some of the settings in it.

So Fang Zheng had already moved the "Overlord" novel at the beginning of the production of this anime, and even specially accompanied it with a setting book.

Most of the settings are illustrated, and the characters who appear in the anime are all there, and the characters are shown in more detail in the form of drawings to fans to make it easier for fans to understand.

In addition to helping fans better understand the anime, Founder himself can also earn a little more, so why not~

With the end of the first season of "overlord", Founder also handed over the "overlord" novel and setting set to Chen Xianting, asking her to find a printing house to print, and then put it on the official website of A Society to sell in the fandom area.

[Fans, I have an idea.,"overlord" fanfiction and setting set have been put on the official website of A Society.,Fans who like to study evidence can buy it by themselves.,In addition,There is also the first batch of "overlord" fan-figure collector's editions, limited quantities are available on a first-come, first-served basis~]

The day after the end of "Overlord", the debate among fans about the settings of each character in the forum not only did not decrease, but became more and more intense.

The root of this is that many well-documented fans return and watch the anime over and over again, looking for the details inside.

Not to mention, after looking for it for a while, they really found a lot of places that were missed for the first time when they watched.

So with the discovery of this 'evidence', a new round of debate in the forum began.

However, before the fans could argue for a reason, the official Weibo of Company A suddenly posted a dynamic, and after reading the content, the red-faced fans who were arguing were dumbfounded.

The meaning of the official blog of A is very simple, and it can be summed up in one sentence.

Don't argue, hurry up and take a look at the official setting~

Such a very timely dynamic made many fans speechless.

The co-authors we've been arguing for a long time before are in vain, and the official has already prepared a set of settings.

So what's the point of their arguments?

No matter how much and detailed the 'evidence' they find from the anime, can it be more reliable than the official setting?

Thinking about this, many fans twitched the corners of their mouths, and their faces were speechless.

"I especially suspect that Fang Da did it on purpose, he definitely did it on purpose!"

"We argued from the beginning of the anime to the present, and as a result, Fang Da backhanded the setting set, which..."

"Okay Pippi Shrimp, I admit you won again~"

"Don't say it, hurry up and buy the figure, collector's edition~"

"I want to grab the figure, and I have to buy novels and setting sets, and people with obsessive-compulsive disorder say it's uncomfortable not to figure out the setting~"

PS: I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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