On Valentine's Day, some people are happy and some are worried, and the flower world outside has nothing to do with the fans who are sitting in front of the computer watching the anime at this time.

You have your Valentine's Day, I have my bachelorette party, and everyone has nothing to do with each other and doesn't hurt each other.

And as the first episode of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" came to an end, these single fans who hid at home on Valentine's Day sighed with emotion one by one.

After watching this anime, they finally know why they don't have a female ticket.

This special love is war, and they are undoubtedly rookie-level newcomers.

Watching the battle of wits between Silver and Kaguya Shinomiya, fans who realized it later found that they were really too vegetable, and they had the illusion that they had lived in vain for so many years.

"Brothers, while Valentine's Day hasn't passed today, I'll use the theories I've learned to align first, and I'll come back later to report the results!"

"Brother, come on!!"

"Thirty-six strategies in the art of war, you have to learn and use it, brother!"

"I hope you won't meet a master of Kaguya-sama's level!"

At the end of the anime, a considerable number of fans said that they had learned, and they were impatient to quit Company A one by one, and then used their newly learned theories to hook up with the young lady.

With the experience of Shinomiya Kaguya and Baiyin, they feel that as the 'apprentices' of these two people, they can't catch them by themselves?

Fall in love~ Sprinkle water, it's a little meaning~

Although they say long live singleness and be single and free, but in the face of the sour corrosion of love, the bodies of this group of single Wang are very honest.

In addition to these fans who are honest and honest, there are also some who choose to stay in A club, maybe because they don't have female friends to talk to, or maybe they really don't like to fall in love.

After watching the anime, this group of people gathered in the A community forum, exchanged with each other about the learning experience just now, saved each other, and made progress together!

"Anyway, did the big guy notice that Secretary Fujiwara took out the movie ticket for the second time, and it said "Tanya Wars" on it?"

"I also saw it, this should be a movie, maybe Fang Dada likes it very much and wants Amway to give it to us. "

"It's not a movie, I've searched for it, and there is no movie. "

"Neither is the TV series!"

"What could that be? it can't be Fang Dada's next work~"

A considerable number of fans who watched the anime were very careful and serious, and they also noticed the details of Chika Fujiwara's second time pulling out the movie ticket.

At the beginning, because the anime was still broadcasting, no one mentioned it.

Now that the broadcast of the first episode of the anime has ended, some fans have recalled the details just now.

The name "Tanya Wars" made them a little curious, and many people thought it was the name of a movie.

Out of trust in Fang Zheng, they plan to go and see the movie that Fang Zheng does not hesitate to insert some small details into the anime.

Since it is a movie pushed by Fang Dada, I believe that it should not go anywhere.

However, after many fans searched for it, they found that there was no movie at all, which made many fans puzzled, so they ran to the forum to discuss this matter.

"Not to mention, it's really possible that it's Fang Dada's next new work!"

"No, when didn't Fang Dada hide his head and show his tail, how could he disclose his new work so easily?"

"Don't forget, Fang Dada is a salesmaniac, and he will never miss any opportunity to promote his works and products!"

"That's right, for the sake of the ship's mother's mobile game, Fang Dada also specially made "Overlord" to fool us Krypton, he definitely did this kind of thing!"

For Founder, fans are no strangers.

Pipi Shrimp and Pi Shen, these are the fans' "affectionate names" for Founder, as an idol that people love and hate, Founders can be said to make these fans grit their teeth and be helpless at the same time.

Moreover, Founder has also been known as a detail maniac by fans, and in terms of the details of anime works, Founder has never disappointed them.

So for the "Tanya Wars" mentioned in the anime, many fans expressed considerable curiosity.

"Tanya's Wars, shouldn't it be a description of a war correspondent named Tanya?"

"emm~ upstairs, your special reading comprehension is definitely a perfect score!"

"With my big understanding of the other party, it shouldn't be possible to be so casual~"

"Maybe... Probably... It could really be the story of a war correspondent..."

Fans have seen the name "Tanya Wars", and they have entered the brain supplement, incarnating Dimiugos one by one, and their thoughts are very serious.

Tanya, that's a name.

If "Tanya Wars" is really Founder's upcoming next work, then the protagonist of this anime is probably this person named Tanya.

And the war record is better understood.

War Chronicle = War Correspondent, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this translation, full marks for reading comprehension!

Therefore, there are bigwigs in the fan base who analyze that this "Tanya Wars" tells the story of a war correspondent named Tanya.

Looking at the analysis of the big guy, many fans have already begun to make up the picture.

On the battlefield full of cannon fodder and gunsmoke, a reporter named Tanya has a dirty face, and his beloved camera is held in his oily hands, and the shutter keeps flashing.

The flames of war, the smoke of gunpowder, the soldiers, the scenes in front of them are shocking, and the cruelty of war is unreservedly presented in front of everyone at this moment.

Looking at the sleeping soldiers at his feet, at the devastation on the battlefield, and at the endless scorched earth in front of him, Tanya swore that he would record everything here.

He wanted to let the world know the cruelty and misfortune of war through the photographs in his hands.

He wants to exchange the photos in his hands for peace and make this world full of love and light~

"Hiss~ I suddenly looked forward to this "Tanya Wars"~"

"For the sake of lofty ideals and respect for life, we must not hesitate to brave the rain of bullets and bullets to walk in the forefront of the battlefield... Just thinking about it makes people's blood boil~"

"Although I don't know what the picture of your brain is supplementing, I am not sure if "Tanya Wars" is Fang Dada's new work~"

"That's it, the matter is inconclusive, what the hell are you guys making up in your brains one by one~"

Watching some fans describe the picture of their brain supplement, some people believe it, and some people complain wildly, but no matter what, the name "Tanya Wars" is indeed remembered by many fans.

And with the passing of Valentine's Day, I believe that those fans who have a female ticket will also watch the anime "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" for the first time.

And "Tanya Wars" will naturally be known by more people, whether it is Founder's next work or not, the popularity has been stirred.

PS: I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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