On Sunday, the annoying festival of singles is finally over, and there are finally not so many sticky mandarin ducks on the street.

Although there is still the sour smell of Valentine's Day today, many single Wang said that they could bear it, so they walked out of the room and came out to breathe.

"I heard that Fang Da launched a new work on Valentine's Day. "


"Of course it's true.,I just went to A Society and watched it.,It's an anime of "Kaguya-sama wants me to confess.。 "

", Fang Da is murderous, those single Wang didn't tear down Fang Dada?"

"I don't know, I haven't had time to watch this anime yet, I just know there's such a thing!"

"Wait for me to see tonight, I spent all day with my girlfriend yesterday, and my wallet is suffocated. "

After Valentine's Day, young men and women in love also calmed down for a while, although many male compatriots complained that they had only a wallet left in their wallets.

But when I thought that I was also a person with a female ticket, I didn't feel so lost.

For Valentine's Day, many people don't know about the launch of their new works, or know that they don't have time to cheer.

After all, on Valentine's Day, most of them need to go with their girlfriends and fight for a home run.

At this time, Valentine's Day has passed, and many fans have returned to normal, and when they heard that Founder had launched their new works, they wanted to take a look.

Those who will pay attention to Fangzheng,It's definitely some fans who like anime and like two-dimensional,Although they have a lot of things in reality,But the love for anime is also genuine.。

The time slowly came to night, and many fans who had missed the premiere of the anime before rushed to A Club in advance to start making up for it.

Watching Fang Zheng compare love to the battlefield, Silver and Shinomiya Kaguya fought wits and courage, and many fans were messy.

They only fell in love yesterday and spent a good day with their female ticket, why didn't they feel so troubled in falling in love?

And watching the anime "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess", how to watch love is not as simple as trouble, this is simply dangerous~

Is it really that hard to fall in love?

Many fans of the supplement expressed puzzlement.

You must know that the people who make up on the second day of Valentine's Day are all people who missed the premiere of the anime, and what they go to do on Valentine's Day is self-evident.

For this anime, those who have a female ticket and those who are single are definitely two feelings.

Falling in love is like taking a driver's license, students who have not taken the test shout that it is too difficult, it is simply an inhuman test, but those who have taken it say that it is so easy, and it is not challenging at all.

"What's going on with these barrages?"

"Poofhaha, learn the love skills of Silver and Shinomiya Kaguya, brother, are you serious?"

"Fang Dada is a master of love, where does this come from?"

"I don't know if it's a master, I just know that Fang Da is still a single dog!"

"Nima, don't we have the same brain circuits as these single brothers?"

The fans of the refill looked at the anime left by the previous audience, and they were all collectively messy.

What is this~

Love is love, it's enough to pursue boldly, how can there be so many tactics and tricks~

Looking at the barrage left by the previous audience, the frantically touted silver and the line skills of Kaguya Shinomiya, and even many people said that they wanted to write it down in a small book to facilitate future learning.

For these brothers, the fans who made up at this time felt funny and a little sympathetic.

To be honest, for these single viewers, they feel a sense of pride in their hearts, but also feel sad for these people.

Without actual combat experience, you say a thousand things and ten thousand are just words on paper~

And if you really want to fall in love according to the skills of Kaguya Shinomiya and Silver, then you won't be able to find a partner for the rest of your life.

Can't you see that these are all two dead tsunderes?

obviously has feelings for each other, but the pitiful 'arrogance' in their hearts makes neither of them willing to confess first, so that they waste most of their time in vain.

There is also the exploitation and exploitation of both parties in love mentioned in the anime, oppression and oppression, and many fans are also laughing.

If you care about this, then don't really fall in love.

Because when pursuing a girl, as a man, you are bound to pay more than the woman.

If you think that this is exploited by the woman, you can only be single for a lifetime.

As for the issue of post-marital sovereignty that the majority of male compatriots are worried about... This depends on each person's ability, there are so many marriages in the world, it is impossible for every man to kneel on the keyboard every day~

Whether you can hold down your own object and become the head of the family depends on the courage of the men.

Of course, it is not excluded that a very small number of women will take advantage of men's pursuits, but men are not stupid, and they can just separate directly when they find this kind of signage?

The world is so big, I believe that there are still very few male compatriots who are willing to lick dogs and spare tires, and most men are still normal.

Regardless of the so-called machismo thinking, marriage is a process of mutual giving, mutual patience, and mutual understanding.

No one wants their future partner to be a giant baby and a flawed person who has not grown up.

So isn't the love process before marriage a process of getting acquainted with each other and getting to know each other?

Understand each other's personalities and strengths and weaknesses through love, and think about whether the two parties are suitable for each other, isn't this the role of falling in love?

Send scumbags and scumbags, I believe that many people are rushing to get married when they fall in love.

Therefore, at this time, many fans looked at the messages on the barrage and couldn't cry or laugh one by one.

While feeling sad for these fans in my heart, I also gave each other a thumbs up in admiration.

Nima, you are a single dog, and a group of single fans worship you as a master of love, and there is no one else.

"I'm really speechless about Fang Dada's operation!"

"The love master who is still single, poof~!"

"It's obviously a romance comedy anime, why do these people enshrine it as a love teaching?"

"Sinomiya Kaguya and Baiyin, as long as one of them takes the initiative, there won't be so many bad things!"

"Although I admit that Silver and Shinomiya are both geniuses, but for their view of love, I think these two are fledglings, and they are completely played by Fujiwara Chika~"

I have to say that those who have been in love and those single fans who have no experience in love before are not at the same level in terms of love at all.

These fans recognized the essence of "Kaguya-sama wants me to confess" at a glance.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "xingmo88", "saber", "Solomon poi", and "187...8", thank you guys!!

I hope the bigwigs will support you a lot, please!!

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