Looking at Qin Miaomiao, who burst into tears, the smile shone into the chests of the audience like a ray of sunshine, making the scene fall into a short silence.

"Ghost, why didn't I find that the eldest sister's head was so beautiful before~"

"What should I do if the old man's heart is swollen?"

"Brothers and sisters belong to everyone, you'd better not think about anything!"

"That's right, the eldest sister treats us as brothers, you can't think about that~"


Qin Miaomiao watched so many fans support her, and the uneasiness in her heart gradually dissipated, and she regained her self-confidence.

You have to know that in a game of this magnitude, the first appearance is definitely not a disadvantage.

Generally, the first player to appear will be used as a criterion for judging the player who will take the stage later.

Therefore, Qin Miaomiao was a little uneasy about her first appearance.

Fang Zheng handed over such a good song and dance to himself, if he messed up, he really wouldn't have the face to go back to Club A.

However, this is the ranking determined by the number of support votes received in the last qualifiers, and she has no choice but to accept her fate.

At this time, Qin Miaomiao watched so many fans spontaneously come to support her, and the uneasiness in her heart was gone, she knew that no matter what the result was, there were still so many people who liked and supported her.

And what she has to do is to take out the results of her rehearsals in the past two days, adjust her condition, and not disappoint her fans.

As for the final result... Does it still mean anything to her?

"I don't know what performance Miss Qin brought to everyone today?"

The host watched the situation at the scene stabilize, and his heart was full of good feelings for Qin Miaomiao's cleverness.

"The dance I'm going to perform today was written by our Fang Dong himself!" Qin Miaomiao heard the host's words, smiled and said, "Our Fang Dong is really a versatile person, not only making a lot of excellent animations, but also composing a lot of two-dimensional style music. "

When it comes to Fang Zheng, Qin Miaomiao's face is full of admiration, in her heart, Fang Zheng is simply an all-powerful existence, as if there is no difficulty that this man can't solve, and always surprises people inadvertently.

"And the dance I want to perform today was also taught to me by Fang Dong himself, the name is "Pure Land of Bliss", according to our Fang Dong's words, this belongs to the house dance. "

"House dance?"

The supporter looked at Qin Miaomiao curiously, if it was Qin Miaomiao, many people might scoff at her definition.

But if it's square, then it's two words.

After all, this man has created too many miracles, proposed the concept of anime for the first time, and won the best creator of the year contest with the first anime "Star Dream".

Since then, excellent works have emerged in an endless stream, and they are very popular among young people.

And he also entered the music scene with "Light Sound Girl" in one fell swoop, and the two-dimensional music he created has become a popular category on major music charts, and it has dominated the charts for a long time.

Even today, these two-dimensional music still have a lot of popularity, and there are still many people who like to cover them.

Subsequently, the first animation carnival was held, and the cross-dimensional concert with the blessing of virtual imaging technology amazed a considerable number of people.

In addition to this, Founder was also the first to launch an avatar.

It can be said that Fangzheng has created too many miracles from the beginning, even if many people look at him unpleasantly, but no one dares to deny Fangzheng's amazing actions.

"Yes, we Fang Dong have made this dance a house dance. Qin Miaomiao saw the host's confused look and took the initiative to explain.

"House dance, as the name suggests, is a dance related to the two-dimensional culture, which is different from traditional dance, but it is very infectious. "

After listening to Qin Miaomiao's words, the host said with a smile: "It seems that Miss Qin is very confident in the dance personally compiled by the chairman of your company. "

"Then let's wait and see what the very infectious dance in Miss Qin's mouth looks like!"

With that, the host slowly withdrew and handed over the stage to Qin Miaomiao.

After the host left, the lights on the stage changed, and when the lights flickered, Qin Miaomiao and another dance partner were already in place.


The unique electronic music sounded, and the cheerful tune and very rhythmic melody instantly made the audience feel refreshed, and their eyes were firmly attracted to the stage.

【When the moon rises~】

【Light the red lantern~】

[The memorial soundtrack is a code~]

[Butterflies of temptation fluttering~]

As soon as Qin Miaomiao spoke, an indescribable pleasure rushed straight to everyone's brains.


The song has just begun, and many viewers feel a little overhead, in the clouds, Qin Miaomiao's singing voice keeps echoing in their minds, which makes people want to stop.

However, after all, "Dance King Competition" is decided by dance, although a good song will have extra points, but it is not the most important indicator for judging dance.

The dynamic rhythm echoed in the ears of the crowd, seducing every cell of the audience's body like a demonic whisper.

On the stage, Qin Miaomiao and the others began to perform the dance they had rehearsed a long time ago with the rhythm, especially when the butterfly steps of Qin Miaomiao and the three of them jumped up, the audience was boiling.

The staggered footsteps give people a chaotic but very rhythmic beauty, like a fluttering butterfly fanning its gorgeous wings.

The graceful dance posture shows the flexible beauty and coordinated beauty of the female body without reservation, giving the audience the most direct soul impact.

Dynamic music, magical dance, all this adds up to only one result.

That's brainwashing!

There is no brain circulation, which makes people deeply trapped and unable to extricate themselves, it is like being poisoned!

In the previous life, "Pure Land of Bliss" knew everything, and it can be said that it was a bloodied Xiaopo station, and its popularity remained high, and it lasted for nearly several months.

But there is only one real reason for the popularity of "Pure Land of Bliss", that is, its own quality is excellent.

Not only does the song make people feel like they can't stop, but the dance is also memorable, especially the very unique and recognizable butterfly step, which has almost all the audience fallen.

The whole dance can be said to be full of sultry flavor from the beginning, and every movement is teasing the audience's heart all the time.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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