This kind of soft and elegant dance with a bit of evil spirit almost makes people can't take their eyes off.

The dance "Pure Land of Bliss" gives people too deep a memory, with beautiful and infinite butterfly steps and sultry eyes, which really brings the perfection of women directly to the depths of the audience's soul.

The style of "Pure Land of Bliss" is still biased towards a fast pace, and in order to match such a tune, its dance can be both elegant and supple without losing the sense of harmony, which is really rare.

Through the performance of the dancers, its dance movements show a strange sense of evil seduction, which perfectly highlights the flexibility and lazy temperament of the female body, which is even more charming.

And the whole dance movement is very coordinated and coherent, and it can be said that all kinds of details have been done to the extreme, so it has created the popular legend of "Pure Land of Bliss".

【Welcome to the Pure Land of Bliss~】


[Sing and sing to follow your heart~]

Hi hi!

[Let me listen to your singing, dancing and forgetting the time~]


Qin Miaomiao's performance had just begun, and the audience at the scene was already so excited that they couldn't do it, and they shouted neatly as if they were about to overturn the roof of the venue.

The atmosphere of the scene also quickly became hot, and the audience continued to wave the light sticks in their hands as if they had been baptized as fanatics.

Fang Zheng looked at the expressions and movements of the audience around him who were so excited that it was difficult to control themselves, but he didn't notice it at all, and smiled.

Sure enough, no one can resist the brainwashing of "Pure Land of Bliss", as one of the few magical songs in the previous life, it must have its own merits.

Demonism and brainwashing are the labels that this song and dance can never take off~!

If there is anyone at the scene who is more sober, I am afraid it is Fangzheng, the judges and the host at the front.

Fang Zheng himself has already been baptized by this song in his previous life, so he already has a certain immunity, although he still has some feelings of toxin recurrence, but he can barely calm down.

And Chen Xianting next to her, a girl who is so calm and rational on weekdays, has already stood up at this time, waving a glow stick in her hand, and her fair pretty face is even more red because of excitement, completely lost herself.

As for the judges at the front, they forced themselves to calm down because of the position they were doing.

They can't just give up the treatment like the audience, and shake their bodies there~

If Qin Miaomiao's performance was over, and when it came to their comments, they couldn't say anything substantive in their minds except for Qin Miaomiao's smooth, coordinated and even somewhat sultry dancing, which would make people laugh out of their big teeth.

However, if you want to say who is the calmest in this hot scene, it must be Duan Liu.

The better Qin Miaomiao's performance, the louder the cheers of the audience, the more desperate his heart became.

At this time, Duan Liu couldn't care about his image, and kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, and his face was full of panicked expressions.

But fortunately, no one has the time to pay attention to him now, and everyone's attention is on the stage.

Looking at the graceful dance steps of Qin Miaomiao and the three of them, listening to the songs with a strong sense of rhythm, the audience was full of blood one by one, and the shouts were also hearty.

Finally, the song and dance ended, and the scene returned to its usual calm from the magical melody.

From extreme movement to extreme quiet, many people are unconscious of the change in the scene, still intoxicated by the melody that makes people can't help but sway to the rhythm just now.


Qin Miaomiao stopped her movements and looked at the motionless audience with a somewhat dull expression a little panting.

Looking around, seeing that everyone was like this, Qin Miaomiao's face, which was a little excited because of dancing, suddenly turned a little pale.

"Is it because people don't like it?"

Qin Miaomiao thought of this, and looked at the dark crowd under the stage with apprehensive eyes, because when she performed just now, the stage lights were bright, and correspondingly, the lights under the stage were a little dim.

When the human eye looks at a relatively dark place in a bright place, there will be a feeling that it cannot see clearly, and Qin Miaomiao is in this state.

Coupled with the fact that she wears a headset on her ear, during the performance, she can be said to be reluctantly reluctant, and she doesn't know what kind of impact she brings to the audience.

Qin Miaomiao stood in the center of the stage a little dazed, the audience had dull expressions, no one spoke on the judges' side, and the most outrageous thing was that even the host did not come on stage.

This made Qin Miaomiao a little stunned, no matter how bad her performance is, she is unsatisfactory, and the host should always appear~

Just when Qin Miaomiao was complaining, the host ran onto the stage from the side of the stage in a hurry.

"Miss Qin, congratulations!"

Coming to Qin Miaomiao's side, the host looked at Qin Miaomiao with admiration.

Maybe the dance that the other party performed just now is very different from the traditional dance, but as Qin Miaomiao said before the performance began, the infectious power of this dance is incomparable.

Qin Miaomiao was a little confused about the host coming up with a 'congratulations', but before she could speak, she heard the host continue.

"Come, let's hear what a few judges have to say~"

The host threw out the performance picture of Qin Miaomiao, which was still flickering in his mind, and went straight to the point.

As a professional supporter, or a supporter of CCTV, his professional quality is absolutely excellent, and the reason why there is such a situation as just now that he has not reacted is entirely because "Pure Land of Bliss" is really too magical, and it simply makes people constantly sink and can't extricate themselves~

As the host's words fell, several judges in the commentary seat also reacted one after another.

"I'll talk about it first~" One of the judges on the far right looked at Qin Miaomiao, his eyes full of admiration and dumbness that could not be concealed.

"I am a professional dancer, I don't make an evaluation of whether the house dance you performed is suitable for the stage, whether it is a genre or not, but I admire your performance just now, there is no doubt that the appeal of this dance is unparalleled~!"

"Finally, Miss Qin, you really shocked me, especially the unique dance step you just danced, which requires very good physical flexibility and coordination, the strength is stiff when it is heavy, and it is a little too light to match the melody and style of the song, you have really achieved perfection in this regard, and I am very much looking forward to your performance in the future. "

After speaking, the judge pressed the button in his hand and said: "I pass it for you, and I apologize to you, it's not that you don't have the professionalism and skill of a dancer, but the previous secretary dance was too simple and didn't give you a chance to show yourself at all, so I'm sorry for what I said before!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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