The anime's dark-biased painting style portrays the cruelty of the battlefield and the fragility of life very vividly, whenever the audience sees the battlefield full of gunsmoke, they can't help but feel nervous in their hearts, as if they are on that battlefield.

[The army is an organization, and what an organization needs is discipline, our army doesn't need soldiers who will disobey the orders of their superiors, understand?]

[Since you are wearing a military uniform, you should contribute to the empire, and the empire is not capable of feeding incompetent soldiers!]

[Leave it alone, Corporal Serebryakov has reached his limit, I don't want to be an incompetent superior who can't rescue but kills Bu Xia and his allies!]

As the plot of the anime progressed, Tanya's words left a deep impression on the audience, and the audience's senses for Tanya also quietly changed.

This is not a Lori, but a real soldier!

Over the battlefield, Tanya's Magus Regiment received an order to support friendly forces, but by the time she felt the battlefield, the friendly forces had been almost completely wiped out.

And the one who confronted them was the enemy country's magician group, and the two sides fought directly into a group without saying a word when they met.

Tanya, as the captain of the team, directly rushed forward head-on, and the two sides were very happy to fight back and forth.

Looking at Tanya's little girl's appearance, the magician of the enemy country didn't take it to heart at all, and a simple Tanya came to die.

However, in just one round, Tanya defeated several of their magicians.

Tanya's performance also made the other party completely give up the idea of contempt, and his face became very serious.

Especially Tanya's advance speed is very fast, and when they fight against Tanya, they can't catch Tanya's whereabouts at all, and the elusiveness is a headache.

[Warning! You have violated the realm of the Empire, this is our blue sky, our homeland, you dare to trample on the Empire, you will be driven out without mercy, this is our mission!]

Tanya stood tall in the air in her magician gear, looking condescendingly at the enemy in front of her.

Why did you invade the empire and invade our homeland?

Tanya questioned the enemy Magus Legion on the battlefield, and her words spread throughout the battlefield, and almost everyone looked up at the figure in the sky.

Hearing Tanya's words, her adjutant Serebryakov looked at the figure in the distance with admiration, and constantly sighed at Tanya's patriotic feelings.

Not only Serebryakov, but even the audience in front of the screen were infected by Tanya's words, full of enthusiasm, and eager to go to the battlefield to fight.

[Bastard!If you haven't had enough, I'll give you a lead toy!]

However, Tanya's words were exchanged for the other party's bullets, and the enemy's magician captain fired a shot directly at Tanya's place without saying a word.

The audience held their breath and was very dismissive of the enemy Captain Magus's approach, which in the eyes of the audience was no different from a sneak attack.

Although there is no need to talk about any rules on the battlefield, the winner is king, and from a rational point of view, there is nothing wrong with the opponent's approach.

However, the audience is disdainful and disgusted by this practice.

The bullet flew straight towards Tanya's location, and Tanya didn't seem to notice it, still standing motionless, this scene made the audience in front of the screen anxious.

"Get out of the way!"

"Gan, what kind of ability is a sneak attack~"

"You have the ability to just face it!"

"Tanya won't really be destroyed by a shot~"

The audience was worried and anxious, but Tanya was still motionless, looking at the enemy below with a cold face, her eyes fluctuating meaninglessly, as if she had not seen the other party's sneak attack at all.

The bullet pierced Tanya's body, but to everyone's surprise, the moment the bullet passed through Tanya, there was no scene of flesh and blood flying as everyone thought.

On the contrary, Tanya's body seemed to be broken by a stone on the calm water, and there were several ripples, and then Tanya's figure slowly dissipated in midair.

[Phantom?!It's bait, be careful!]

This strange scene in front of him made the other party's magician captain's scalp tingle, and he didn't have time to think, so he directly ordered the members under his command to disperse.

Bait, then Tanya's attack ensues!

The enemy froze in the air in a daze, his eyes constantly looking around with a little horror.

But there was nothing else to see around but the thick clouds, let alone Tanya's figure.

Hearing the captain's words, the enemy army of magicians wanted to disperse urgently, but it seemed that it was too late.

High in the sky, Tanya stared coldly at the magician running back and forth like ants on a hot pot, with a crazy smile on the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were extremely cold.

[Ah~ Don't you even have room for negotiation?] Tanya already knew the other party's reply by looking at the other party's reaction, but this was also in her calculations, otherwise she would not have put a phantom on the side as a bait.

Spatial Coordinate Positioning... Calculate all targets and then evade the trajectory ... Mana filling is normal...

Tanya's eyes swept over all the enemies on the battlefield, not missing a single one.

[Warning!All allies, prepare for the onslaught!]

After reminding the allies, the magician equipment on Tanya's chest emitted a fiery golden light, and even Tanya's eyes turned golden.

The golden pupils were full of heat and wildness, but the fierce cold killing intent revealed in the eyes made people feel like falling into an ice cave.

At this time, Tanya gives people the feeling that she is a combination of ice and fire, her fiery appearance tells the world about her terrifying power, and the cold killing intent makes people feel the absolute force represented by this terrifying power!

[Ah~ Lord, the unfaithless enemy is invading my country, please give me the power to destroy the enemy!]

[At the end of the long journey, we will definitely arrive at the agreed place!]

With Tanya's 'pious' prayer, the magic power boiled all over her body, with golden hair and golden pupils, Tanya at this time was like a wild lion.

A strong magical reaction centered on Tanya, spreading frantically around, Tanya pulled the trigger expressionlessly.

The magically blessed bullet flew straight towards the enemy with a fiery glow like an artificial sun.

[Is she the devil?]

The enemy Captain Magus looked at the sun that was getting closer and closer, and at the end of his life let out a desperate murmur.


A violent explosion came, and the dazzling light of the fire made everyone unconsciously close their eyes, and a fierce and blazing hurricane swept around, raging mercilessly.

PS: Thank you for the reward of "Oops Hero", thank you for the monthly pass of "Jaws Frozen Thousand Autumns", and thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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