The aftermath of the explosion came, and the magicians led by Tanya's adjutant Serebryakov held up their magic shields and still flew several meters away with the terrifying aftermath.

Diffuse magic explosion, even if you dodge the attack, you can't avoid the terrifying high temperature and lack of oxygen and other terrifying killing methods brought by the explosion.

The flames of the explosion dissipated, and there was nothing left in the sky where the enemy mage legion was located, but several black, charcoal-like objects fell from the sky.

It is impossible to see what the scorched object of the face is, and everyone knows it in their hearts.

"Hell, what the hell is this a gun?"

"You say it's a railgun, I believe it!"

"It doesn't matter what he is, I especially know that Tanya was handsome just now!"

"When did Lori become so murderous?"

"I feel that it is really appropriate to use the demon to describe Tanya, being an enemy of Tanya is tantamount to being peeped at by the demon of the abyss~"

Looking at Tanya, who was bursting with combat effectiveness, the audience was a little smacked.

It's such a small Lori, but it's so strong, this strong contrast makes many people feel a strong sense of shock.

Tanya's toughness is not only reflected in her performance just now, but also in all aspects.

Tanya on the battlefield feels like a cold and ruthless machine, without any complicated feelings, just the reason and mind that go deep into the bone marrow.

Tanya, a killing machine that is not swayed by emotions, the demon of the Rhine!

[The victory and defeat have been decided, if you choose to surrender, the rights of your prisoners of war will be guaranteed in accordance with the land war treaty. 】

The war temporarily ended with the victory of the empire due to Tanya's arrival, and the anime slowly came to an end.

For Tanya, the audience doesn't know how to describe themselves.

Let's say she is patriotic, but everything she does is to be promoted quickly and then be transferred to the rear to enjoy Qingfu;

In short, Tanya feels very contradictory, just a collection of contradictions.

In Tanya, the light and darkness of human nature are vividly displayed, just like the evaluation of Tanya by Imperial Staff General von Rerugen.

Tanya...... It's just a young 5 girl's skin... Demon!

"Ahem, after reading Tanya, you still feel like a gentleman's claw?"

"Shouldn't Lori be very cute?

"Why do you call this thing cute?"

"emm~ The old man seems to have awakened something strange after reading it~"

"I feel the same way, my condition has also worsened, what should I do?"

"You're all warriors, aren't you afraid that Tanya will screw your heads off?"

After the anime was broadcast, fans had mixed feelings in their hearts, and they didn't know how they felt about Tanya.

Murderous or opportunistic, or a demon on the battlefield?

In just one episode of anime, Tanya's image has already left a very deep impression on the audience and is indelible.

Tanya, without a doubt, is a thorough egoist, but do they really hate Tanya?

The answer is no, on the contrary, many people feel that Tanya's approach is very right, and watching Tanya's performance, there is a hearty feeling.

There are too many rules and regulations in the real society, and the depressed people are saddled with too many shackles.

However, the egoistic Tanya coupled with the battlefield that does not need rules creates a place for the audience to vent.

Therefore, watching "Tanya Wars", many people will feel their blood boiling, and the viewing experience is very enjoyable.

Reality has forced everyone to wear a mask of hypocrisy, but in the world of smashing anime, the audience is eager to take off their masks, vent well, and show another self.

Do you think Tanya is an obedient, well-behaved and cute little Lori?

No, it was a demon that had been slain from a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood!

The anime "Tanya Wars" is also a clear stream in the entire industry, and its painting style is very biased towards the madhouse style, and its producer is also from madhouse.

This group of people pursues 'the art of anime itself, not over-commercialization', so "Tanya Senga" seems a bit out of place compared to other mainstream anime.

But this doesn't mean that "Tanya Wars" is not a good anime, the tense rhythm and explosive battle scenes one after another have made fans who have watched it addicted.

And "Tanya Wars" is also very in-depth in the portrayal of the battle array, after watching this anime, although the audience will feel enthusiastic, but it is undeniable that everyone will have a sense of awe for war in their hearts.

What is War?

Are you wrong? No, am I wrong? No! Well, this is war!

War, there is no right or wrong, and until the war is over, neither side can have the slightest sympathy for the other.

While "Tanya's Wars" made the audience addicted, Tanya was also portrayed as very rational and crazy, and this setting was very suitable for the public's fantasy of war roles almost from the beginning.

Tanya does not have pity, naked egoism, this kind of personality will be criticized by many people from the moral high ground, thinking that it is selfish.

But I believe that no one wants to die, although Tanya's approach is not said by many people, but it is very realistic.

No one likes war, but born in a war era, in order to be stable and alive, letting your own side win is the fastest way to end the war, and in the anime, Tanya has always thought so and done so.

At first, Tanya just planned to find a casual job to sit back and relax, but by mistake, she had to rush to the front line of the battlefield.

On the battlefield, Tanya has always been calm and rational, even those crazy moves are well thought out.

For Tanya, you can say that she is selfish, rational, cruel, and merciless to the enemy, but on the other hand, Tanya is very eager to end the war, and even makes many jaw-dropping actions.

In the war games portrayed in anime, no one is righteous, and no one is clean.

There is nothing wrong with war, there are only victories and defeats!

And Tanya vividly shows the audience what is called a rational madman, a distorted expression, and a bad personality, this is the most real Tanya!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!~

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