On the business car, Chen Xianting also figured out what was going on just now.

If nothing else, Fang Zheng was accosted~

Thinking of this, Chen Xianting wanted to laugh a little, it was the first time she had seen Fang Zheng actually entangled in this kind of thing.

"Laughing at what?"

Fang Zheng looked at Chen Xianting on the side and said depressedly.

Do you look so much like a playboy?

"Fang Dong, do you know why you were accosted just now?"


Chen Xianting took out her mobile phone and showed the rumors on the Internet that 'otaku are all local tyrants'.

After Fang Zheng finished reading the above report, the corners of his mouth twitched speechlessly, this Nima was really beyond his expectations!

"It's all sick in the brain, and I believe it!"

Fang Zheng returned the mobile phone to Chen Xianting, pouting speechlessly, whoever believes this kind of thing is a fool!

In my previous life, there were similar rumors on the Internet, but if I thought about it with a little brain, I knew that it couldn't be true.

He himself was an otaku in his previous life, and he didn't have to run around for work every day?

Why don't I know I'm a member of the local tyrants?

A small episode did not have much impact on Fang Zheng, after returning to the headquarters of A Society, Fang Zheng directly devoted himself to work, as for the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars", naturally there is a special person in charge, and he doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

With the end of the very fierce battle for tickets, the first premiere of "Tanya Wars" also kicked off.

In order to achieve the greatest publicity and revenue effect as possible, major theaters invariably chose to release the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars" on Saturday.

On Saturday morning, many people like to sleep in on this day to relieve their tired body for a week.

But today is a normal situation, one by one, they went out early in the morning to the door of the theater, and there was a long queue of people, waiting for the opening of the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars".

"Brother, what time are you on the ticket?"

"11 o'clock, what about you?"

"Hey, hey, I'm nine, why don't we change places?"

"Tsk, jealousy is unrecognizable to me, the position gives you ~"

In the team, similar words came and went, and many fans who obviously couldn't make it to the first game also came early.

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet!"

Looking at the terrifying flow of people at the entrance of the theater, the staff of the theater had to separate some people to maintain order so as not to cause any chaos.

"Please everyone line up, don't mess up, don't occupy the entrance to watch other filmmakers, I hope everyone cooperates!"

A staff member walked through the crowd with a small bullhorn, shouting as he struggled to move.

The crowd heard the staff's words, and spontaneously gathered into a team to give up the other entrances, but the next scene made the theater staff a little embarrassed.

With the words of the staff, everyone began to move, but when everyone moved out of the way of the entrance of other movies, they found a very funny scene.

Because there are only five lonely people at the entrance to other movies!!

Compared with the huge two-dimensional crowd, those people seem particularly pitiful and helpless, and this comparison is simply tearful.

What is called a door, this is especially called a door!

"Ah~ I'm sorry, I also came to watch "Tanya Wars"!"

After saying that, a boy also shifted his position.

Well, now there are four people left ...

Facing everyone's sight, these people look at me, I look at you, then turned around and raised their feet, and walked towards the outside of the theater in unison.

Nima is so special to bully people, so many people look at them, although everyone has no malicious intent, but they are a little aggrieved in their hearts, and they feel like monkeys!

Forget it, I won't watch this movie today~!

Watching the few remaining people leave, the huge team burst into laughter.

"233~ I'm embarrassed for those buddies!"

"I'm invincible in the second dimension, and we have chartered the theater today!"

"Since no one watches other movies, just replace them all with "Tanya Wars", I still plan to watch it a second time~"

"Excuse me!Do we still need to queue up now?!"

Do you still have to queue?

Facing the coaxing of the crowd below, the person in charge in front of him turned green.

You all chartered the venue and asked me if I wanted to queue up, don't you know if you need to queue up?

Don't I want to lose face?

The person in charge looked at the crowd in the dark, and directly raised his hand to signal the audience to enter.

Although "Tanya Wars" cannot be 100% scheduled, and it is impossible for the theater to give all the screening rooms to "Tanya Wars", but looking at the current situation, it makes no difference whether it is given or not.

Originally, because of the release of the theatrical version of "Tanya Wars", there were very few new movies released during this time, but now it is even better, and even the people who watch the movie are gone.

"What pushes the empire to war may be the unparalleled deterrent power of the empire, but in the final analysis, it is feelings, some people are afraid, some people are resentful, some people trust, and some people are persistent!"

"Everyone is dominated by emotions and ends up going to ruin!"

In the cinema screening room, the beginning of the animation points out that people are emotional creatures, governed by feelings, and it is also a disguised trigger for people's rational and perceptual thinking.

And the hatred between Tanya and Mary Sue that the audience is more interested in can also be answered in the theater bar, watching the wonderful battle between Tanya and Mary Sue, the audience is also hearty.

Tanya and Mary Sue, both of them are crazy.

But the difference is that Tanya is rational madness, while Mary Sue is completely crazy out of hatred and anger.

Especially looking at Mary Sue's face distorted by anger and hatred, many viewers felt a chilling feeling.

Generally speaking, people should admire this kind of person whose relatives died in battle and their children set foot on the battlefield to avenge it, but in Mary Sue, the audience only saw the madness in their bones.

It's like a fanatic who has been manipulated and brainwashed by God, Mary Sue doesn't care about anything at all, only Tanya has in her eyes!

Such a Mary Sue made the audience feel chilled and felt really creepy.

Even many viewers looked at Mary Sue's crazy expression and thought that she was the one who was specially arranged by 'Existence X' to deal with Tanya.

And the duel between Tanya and Mary Sue in the church made the audience affirm this.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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