With Mary Sue shot several times but still not dead, the audience is already convinced of their guesses.

No one can survive a few shots in the body, and still under Tanya's gun.

But Mary Sue survived, which means that 'Presence X' must have intervened!

The theatrical version of "Tanya Wars" depicts the trend of the war very wonderfully, intuitively showing the audience the development and subtle changes of the war.

And Mary Sue, who left suspense for the audience before, did not leave too good an impression on the audience because of the concept of revenge.

On the battlefield, it's all about life and death, there is no mercy in war, to put it mildly, Tanya killed so many people, how could she remember everyone she killed?

War, either you die or I die, mercy for the enemy is cruelty to oneself, this is the eternal law on the battlefield.

And this is also the reason why the audience is not so disgusted with Tanya.

On the other hand, Mary Sue, as the war progressed, after seeing Tanya again, she was directly carried away by anger, and she went on a rampage without caring about her comrades.

Mary Sue gives people the feeling that she has changed from a silly white sweet at the beginning to a reckless man brainwashed by hatred and dominated by anger, and has evolved into a fanatical believer.

Is Mary Sue pathetic?


His father was killed on the battlefield and fell victim to the war, and her happy family was torn apart, so Mary Sue resolutely joined the army and chose revenge for revenge.

But poor people must have something to hate, strength on the battlefield is the last word, and if you are killed, you can only blame yourself for not being proficient.

But Mary Sue doesn't seem to understand these things, blindly revenge, even ignoring the change of form on the battlefield, is completely a pawn dominated by existence X, which is what the audience is most disgusted by.

Because of Mary Sue's madness, Tanya, who has always restrained herself on the battlefield and maintained her absolute rationality, has slowly changed.

The battlefield is a meat grinder, and in that cruel environment, even Tanya can't always keep her head clear.

In the battle with Mary Sue, Tanya's reaction when she saw her expression through the puddle on the ground showed that Tanya was also aware of her own problems.

Tanya has always given the audience the impression of an extremely rational and self-interested character, and it took her only a few years to climb from the very beginning of the recruit to the position of lieutenant colonel, and the speed of her promotion is almost unparalleled.

But at this moment in the war, Tanya's so-called desire to go to the rear to enjoy Qingfu has been completely frustrated.

The empire has been fighting for several years, and during this time, even if the empire is strong, it has shed blood, so an elite general like Tanya will never be sent to the rear to retire.

The theatrical version of the portrayal of war is very profound, and the war at this time is no longer a skirmish between the empire and the surrounding countries, but has evolved into a full-scale war.

The result of this evolution is that both sides will eventually be destroyed by blood and hatred, and will fight to the end at all costs, even if the land is reduced to hell.

When the war is fought to this extent, where can victory begin?

Although the empire was forced to participate in the war from the beginning as an imaginary enemy by the surrounding countries, as the scale of the war expanded, the entire empire has become crazy because of the war.

Bloody and cruel!

From the top of the empire to the soldiers at the bottom, Tanya is the most rational and can see the direction of the war most clearly, but Tanya cannot decide the layout of the war.

As the war progressed, the minds of the upper echelons of the empire were constantly corrupted by blood.

In the beginning, the generals and colonels of the General Staff were calm-thinking pragmatists who used superb tactics against the enemy.

But as the war continued, the thinking of these high-level leaders gradually changed, especially in the bloody war, after the empire won one victory after another, the thinking of the high-level completely changed.

Instead of thinking about the so-called tactical problems, they began to believe in force, and regarded absolutely no force suppression as the only condition for victory.

The Empire, which has completely fallen into the 'Victory Trap', has been reduced to a violent war machine, and the Empire's war will never stop until the last of its first blood is drained.

From beginning to end, Tanya saw all this in her eyes, because compared to the upper echelons of the staff, she was not carried away by the victory and always maintained her sanity.

For the future of the empire, Tanya also sees it very clearly, the empire begins with war and will inevitably end with war.

As she has always emphasized, human beings are emotional, and they are very easy to be influenced by their feelings, their thoughts, judgments and decisions, and in this respect, human beings are definitely very stupid creatures.

The empire had indeed won a great victory in a local war before, and it had fully proved its formidable force to the whole world.

But after the war, the empire did not digest the fruits of victory well, but was all immersed in the temporary pride that came with victory.

From top to bottom, everyone sang wildly, drank and had fun like crazy, and did not think about how to use the results of the battle to expand the dominance of the empire.

This is true even of those elite staff officers who have always been known for their sanity, insight, and foresight, and no one can escape from this.

Therefore, Tanya knew that the empire would eventually be ended by war.

Because as the war progresses, with the victory of the Empire, the enemies of the Empire will only increase.

The empire, under the crazy leadership of the high-level, will eventually be annihilated by the fire of revenge all over the world, and the peace she expects will never come to the Empire Trail!

Therefore, Tanya believes that the final result of the empire will inevitably be destruction, and the once powerful empire will eventually fall into the dust of history.

War, this is the battle between the empire and other countries, and it is not the battle between Tanya and 'Existence X'.

This war can be said to be a chessboard between Tanya and 'Existence X', and everyone in it is just a pawn, including Mary Sue, who has fallen into madness because of revenge, and she is just a tool for 'Existence X' to use against Tanya.

And Tanya has been constantly calculated by 'Existence X' from the beginning, constantly falling into crisis, and then constantly praying to use the power given by 'Existence X'.

From that time on, Tanya's failure may have been doomed for a long time.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Little Five Days", "Friends Go for Life", "175...75", thank you for the reward of "Waning Moon at Sea", and thank you for your support!!

Kneel and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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