Listening to the words of the staff, Shen Xiyao couldn't help covering her face, eager to find a crack in the ground to get into.

What a shame!

I don't know as much as a layman, and I'm afraid that I won't be laughed at when this is spread!

Shen Xiyao didn't know that her troubles had been used as a talking point by the audience in the live broadcast room.

After a long time, Shen Xiyao stabilized her emotions, looked at the staff in front of her and said, "That... Can I ask you to shoot for me for the time being?"

"Yes. "

After finishing the live broadcast, Shen Xiyao took the staff to the side of the team and lined up.

Not long after, Shen Xiyao walked into the store with the staff, and as soon as she entered, she was shocked by the dazzling array of clothes on the shelves in the store.

Clothes, wigs, armor and even weapons are available.

"I'll wipe it, isn't that armor over there the same style as the eldest brother and Tazmi?"

"And that weapon, isn't it Hill's scissors~"

"Look at the left, is that little Lori Tanya dressed up?"

"Although I want to look good, Tanya's face is lacking some feelings..."

"The anchor goes and takes a turn, and see if there is no one with a high degree of similarity, or God restored~"

"The anchor will help me take a few photos and open the captain for you~!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was dense, looking at the various clothes, armor, etc., everyone was excited, and they couldn't wait to go over and try it on in person.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room is just thinking about it, if they can really go to the scene, they will no longer watch the live broadcast in the live broadcast room.

Shen Xiyao is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and she feels very novel when she sees anything.

Touching this, looking at that, in the end, I couldn't hold back and decided to experience it myself.

But before that, Shen Xiyao found a staff member in the store and asked what was going on with these clothes.

"Excuse me, what's going on with these clothes?"

Shen Xiyao looked at the staff in front of her, and had to say that these staff members were extremely high-quality.

Even if he was busy and had no time to rest, he was not the slightest impatient with Shen Xiyao's question, but had a gentle smile on his face, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Do you mean these clothes?" the clerk walked to the side of the shelf, pointed to the clothes on them and said, "These are our Fang Dong's ideas, according to our Fang Dong, this is called cosplay." "


Shen Xiyao looked at the other party with a puzzled expression, not understanding what this meant.

"Cosplay is the abbreviation of CostumePlay, in our words, it is role-playing, using clothes, accessories, props or makeup to play the role of a character in anime, games and other works. "

The clerk patiently introduced the meaning of cosplay to Shen Xiyao so that the other party could understand.

"And these fans you see who are playing cosplay, we Fang Dong call them cosplayers, also known as cosers!"

After listening to the clerk's introduction, Shen Xiyao finally understood what was going on.

Cosplay is no stranger to the vast number of two-dimensional fans in previous lives, and for the origin of cosplay, everyone has always believed that its birthplace is neon.

However, this is the view of the two-dimensional fandom, and if it is broadly speaking, its origin will be much earlier, after all, cosplay is just 'playing' in a broad sense.

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to in this cosplay? I think some people are acting very similarly, and some people are average. "

Shen Xiyao understood what was going on, so she couldn't wait to look at the clerk, wanting to experience it.

Faced with Shen Xiyao's question, the clerk smiled casually as if he knew that the other party would ask such a question.

Obviously, Shen Xiyao is not the first person to ask such a question.

"If you want to be simple, you can wear a dress and apply makeup, but if you want to be similar to COS, or if you want to be very similar to Cos, then Cosplay is difficult. "

The clerk said, and took Shen Xiyao to a floor-to-ceiling mirror in the hall.

"Cosplay can be divided into several steps, first you have to do your basic homework, familiarize yourself with some details of the character you want to cos, then buy or design and make your own cosplay costumes, you also need to prepare props, wigs, accessories, etc., and you must also be proficient in certain makeup skills. "

When Shen Xiyao heard the other party's words, she also nodded frequently.

As far as Coser is concerned, women obviously have an innate advantage, because few men can wear makeup~

And as the clerk said, it's not hard to say that cosplay is not easy to say, but if you just play simply, it's naturally simple.

But if you're an obsessive-compulsive person, or if you're striving for perfection, then cosplay can be quite difficult for you.

Because there is still a big gap between the two-dimensional role and the real people, not to mention the others, how many people can achieve the almost perfect golden ratio of the two-dimensional character?

Not to mention that almost all of the two-dimensional characters are at the level of male gods and goddesses.

So it's a very hard thing for cosplay to want perfection.

Maybe when you see some photos, you feel that the other party's Cos is not very perfect, and you may complain, but that is also a lot of effort by others.

"We girls may have an advantage when it comes to makeup, but our usual makeup skills are not enough for cosplay, or just a beginner. "

The clerk gave Shen Xiyao some time to digest what she said, and when she saw that the other party reacted, she continued.

"As far as cosplay is concerned, you need to know the details of your cos' face, decide which foundation to buy, whether it is suitable for dark or light colors, how to put highlighters, how to wear colored pupils, etc., there is a lot to learn. "

After listening to the introduction of the clerk, Shen Xiyao stuck out her tongue.

She also said just now that girls have an advantage over boys in cosplay, because girls have more or less makeup skills, while normal men don't care about this.

Of course, Shen Xiyao is talking about normal men, excluding those 'men' who are more girls than girls.

As a result, the next moment, after the clerk finished talking about these things, Shen Xiyao felt that girls didn't seem to be any better than boys.

Shen Xiyao looked in the direction of the clerk's finger, and sure enough, at the edge of the store, there were some specialized makeup artists helping customers with makeup.

Cosers, who have gone through professional makeup artists to apply makeup and choose clothes, are obviously much more accurate than the customers who have fiddled with them at will.

However, there are so many makeup artists, and many customers can't wait so long, so they get their own, which is why she saw some people on the street just now Cos, but most of them are not so restored.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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