After Shen Xiyao obtained the consent of the clerk, she also decided to give it a try.

And the clothes here can be purchased directly, if you don't want to buy it, you can also pay a deposit and rent it.

Shen Xiyao naturally bought one directly because she had A to pay for it.

Shen Xiyao didn't know that she was suitable for the anime role of Cos, or which anime character she was suitable for, so she decided to listen to the opinions of the clerk.

The clerk looked Shen Xiyao up and down and nodded thoughtfully.

First of all, Shen Xiyao's figure is very tall among girls, and secondly, her figure is also well maintained, and the most impressive thing is her long legs.

In the end, the clerk recommended to Shen Xiyao the red pupils and Chelsea in "Chopping Crimson".

Shen Xiyao hesitated for a moment, and finally chose the very lively but a little black-bellied Chelsea, she still remembers that when she watched "Chopping Red", she cried for a long time because of Chelsea's tragic ending.

After choosing the character of Cos, Shen Xiyao walked into the changing room.

Chelsea's Cos is fairly simple, with an orange-yellow wig, a white shirt, and a black waistcoat.

The lower body is a red and black plaid skirt with white edges, and it is completed with a pair of boots tied with red strings and a pair of headphones.

Soon, with the help of the clerk, Shen Xiyao changed her clothes and walked out of the fitting room, her face was slightly red.

When she watched the anime, she didn't feel embarrassed yet, but after actually putting it on, she suddenly felt embarrassed.

Even though she knew that everyone in the store was busy experiencing the fun of Cos at this time, and no one had the time to come to see her, she still had the illusion that many people were watching her.

And what made Shen Xiyao feel most embarrassed was the short skirt she was wearing.

When watching anime, she only thinks that anime characters wear short skirts to highlight their slender thighs and perfect body in addition to some H.

But after actually putting it on herself, she realized how ashamed it was.

Her thighs were chilly, and Chelsea didn't have stockings, which made her a little embarrassed.

"Isn't this skirt a little too short?"

Shen Xiyao pressed the hem of her skirt with her hand and looked at the clerk on the side embarrassedly.

"Don't worry, you won't be gone, you're wearing safety pants~"

The clerk also knew what Shen Xiyao was worried about, and immediately explained with a smile.

"This safety pants were also invented by Fang Dong?"

Shen Xiyao breathed a sigh of relief, if the clerk didn't remind her, she would have forgotten that she was still wearing safety pants, after all, this was the first time she had seen this thing.

"Yes, and according to the grapevine, this safety pants are the product of Fang Dong's next works, and Fang Dong seems to be very fond of this thing, and has already applied for patents and registered trademarks. "

Shen Xiyao looked at the clerk dumbfounded, she didn't know how to complain.

"Hahaha, Fang Dong's reputation is ruined!!"

"I don't know if Fang Dong will fire this clerk when he sees this live broadcast~"

"233~Friend of Women?"

"Inventing safety pants, Fang Dada, you are simply fighting against male compatriots all over the world, do you know?"

"All evil safety pants, Fang Da I hate you!!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room don't care about 3721, and when they heard that Fangzheng actually invented the safety pants, the most annoying thing is that they went to apply for patents and trademarks, which is outrageous.

The sailors in the live broadcast room have swiped the 'friends of women' and 'public enemies of men' on the screen, and the complaints are directly full.

And Shen Xiyao considered that Fang Zheng was her own father after all, so she finally couldn't help but complain.

Subsequently, Shen Xiyao waited for a while, and under the personal operation of the makeup artist, she had colored pupils and foundation, and after an hour, it was finally done.

Shen Xiyao walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror, turned around the mirror, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Cos's Chelsea had been restored to a high degree.

Although there is still a slight gap with the original character, it is because the dimension is different.

In particular, the two-dimensional eyes have a serious mismatch in the proportions of their faces.

If real people have the kind of big eyes of a pair of two-dimensional beauties, it won't scare a group of people to death~

These are innately determined, not artificially changed, and if these congenital defects are removed, Shen Xiyao's Cos has been very successful.

This can be seen from the reactions of the sailors in the live broadcast room.

"I'll rub, cut sister?!"

"If it weren't for the old man who saw the present from the beginning, I guess I wouldn't have recognized this as the anchor~!"

"It's too similar, it's so similar~!"

"The anchor's figure is so good that it explodes, do I have some shitty thoughts?"

"Upstairs, I'm also cheap, this is my sister's wife~"

"Ahem, Che Mei's head is back up?"

“... You're a brute, aren't you, and if you don't speak, shut up?!"

Looking at Shen Xiyao's Cos's Chelsea, the sailors in the live broadcast room were boiling, especially Shen Xiyao was wearing a short skirt that was half-concealed and lethal to men.

The orange-red hair is just like Chelsea's character, lively and fiery, and many sailors see this scene and think of the cute girl who once died extremely miserably.

"It's... What are you thinking at this point, brothers?"

"Think about what you want. "

"I thought of a certain Pippi shrimp. "

"What kind of dumb riddle to play, it's right to scold Fangzheng's dog thief at this time!!"

"Isn't it cute for me to cut my sister?, why are you so cruel to her?!"

"The founder dog thief has lost his conscience, and now he is very angry when he thinks about it, so many girls, every one of them has a good result~"

"Chopping the Red" is eternal pain for these fans.

As cute, cute, arrogant, or cold girls appeared, they shouted one by one.

The result?

The front foot is still the wife's wife's call for affection, but the next second his wife was knifed.

And the way his wives died was more miserable than the other, this is really not the worst, only worse.

Abuse sister, Founder is a professional!!

Shen Xiyao didn't know that her Cos evoked some bad memories of her water friends, and she didn't know that because of her Cos, Fang Zheng was scolded for no reason.

She knew she had been delayed too long at the cosplay store and that she had to get to the next place as soon as possible.

Although she also wants to have fun, the main problem at the moment is how to retain the audience and increase her popularity!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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