In the queue waiting for the release of the game, Aoba, Yuine and others lined up, waiting to buy a copy of the game they participated in developing.

And although the knot complained, he obviously didn't want to leave regrets for himself, and finally chose to line up honestly and wait for the game to be released.

"There's going to be an extra part of the game... What to do? "

Although Yuyin is in line and wants to buy a copy of the game he participated in, he is a little distressed about the extra game.

As an employee of a game company involved in the development of the game, she has already gotten the original version of the game, and when she buys a copy of the game, it is equivalent to repeating it.

Buy it, one more, not enough to buy it, and I'm afraid that I will regret it in the future.

So the knot is very tangled, and some don't know what to do.

Aoba, who was on the side, smiled casually when he heard this, and then said, "Wouldn't it be nice to sell the extra game?" "

"You're so smart!"

Hearing the idea given by the cool breeze Aoba, Yuyin's eyes lit up, and he clapped his palm and praised Aoba.

It would be nice to sell the extra games.,What a simple and effective solution.。

And the two of them, who were addicted to the conversation, didn't notice the outstretched Hagami Light and the crying and laughing faces of Yuan Shan Ren.

"No, in your eyes, games are just for playing?!"

"Isn't the game going to buy three copies? One for your own play, one for viewing, one for preaching? "

"233~ You upstairs are really very real, the old man also thinks the same, the game has to buy three copies!"

"Isn't it common sense to buy three copies of the game?!"

"I'm so scared, the big guys are so terrifying, I can't afford to provoke them!"

"Hahaha, it is estimated that the Yagami Light and Lun behind him also have this kind of thought, otherwise how could they be so speechless~"

"For games, collections, missionaries, as we all know, you have to buy three copies of a game to be enough!"

Listening to the conversation between Yuyin and Cool Breeze Aoba, the fans all laughed, especially looking at the speechless expressions of Yagami Hikaru and Lena behind them, not to mention how joyful they were.

Although physical games are not very common in China, there are many bigwigs who like this genre.

And these bigwigs really buy three copies of a game, games, collections, and missionaries, and the three games have a clear division of labor.

Maybe some people, like Aoba and Yuin, don't understand this kind of behavior, and think that it's just a pure waste of money?

However, I don't understand the minds of these bigwigs at all, and the bigwigs buy games as a hobby in nature.

Everyone doesn't understand the behavior of these game bosses, in fact, it's because they don't understand the circle of others.

Just like ordinary people don't understand the circle of playing off-road, tens of thousands of four-wheel drive vehicles to various places to play off-road, in the eyes of ordinary people, isn't that a waste of cars?

But in the eyes of people in other circles, it is a hobby, just like normal people like to have pets and flowers.

It's just that everyone's hobbies are different, their consumption is different, and there is nothing unreasonable.

It's the same with games.,Normal people think it's enough to have a copy of the game.,It's just right to buy it and play it yourself.。

But in the eyes of the big guys, a game they really like not only has to be played by themselves, but also has collectible value, and there will even be people who give others Amway this game.

Even some real bigwigs, a game will not only buy three copies, but also various digital editions, bonus editions, and so on.

In the words of the bigwigs, they only play the digital version, and the bonus version is for collection, and they won't even open the package.

Can you say that people are wasting money?

It's just a hobby.

"It reminds me of when we first started working, when we were in line."

Yuan Shan Lun and Yagami Light stood side by side, looked at the cool breeze in front of them, and whispered.

"Because Lun can't get the special version, I really want to accompany him~"

When Yagami Light heard this, he recalled it and said casually.

"Do you remember~"

"Of course I remember, how could I forget!" Yagami didn't notice his words at all, and the eyes of Lun next to him changed, moist and moist.

"At that time, it was just the two of us, and now it has become lively."

The two looked at each other, and the orange situation suddenly got better.

"So, when are you going to get married?"

"The juniors have formed a CP, aren't you two old husbands and wives in a hurry?!"

"This sense of déjà vu, the old man is going to be forced to stuff dog food when he sees a lily, Pipi Shrimp really has yours!"

"233~The daily operation of the old husband and wife~"

"Really! Please, hurry up and get married~! "

"If you don't hurry up and get married, be careful of the cool breeze Qingye digging the foot of the wall~!"

Lun and Yagami looked at each other, that sense of déjà vu doesn't need to be described too much, even a fool in front of the screen can smell the sour smell, and the quality of the dog food is very good.

"newgame" is an anime, CP is not ordinary, and almost no girl is in pairs.

It's just that Cool Breeze Aoba and Yagami Light are both sinful.

Should I say that I am worthy of being an idol and a fan? This character is also in the same vein.

Cool breeze Aoba, the heroine of this episode, has Ning Ning, a childhood sweetheart, but her performance in the company is seen by everyone, not only is it rich and beautiful, but also ambiguous with Yagami Light.

also occasionally breaks through the relationship with other people, which is the envy of the majority of male fans.

And the sins of Yagami Light are even above the cool breeze and green leaves, why do you want to say?

Hehe, just look at Yuanshanlun~

People have worked with you for so many years, how many times have you expressed your feelings?

But what?

The result is not that Yagami Light, a sinful woman, is unaware, and even played ambiguous with his subordinates in front of Lun, isn't this a sinful one?

I would have compared my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch, which is simply a true portrayal of Lun.

So, fans are anxious about Lun.

For a slow-acting wood like Yagami Light, any euphemism, anything waiting for the other party to notice is bullshit!

You just go up directly, otherwise the other party will never notice your feelings for the rest of your life!

Seeing that the atmosphere on the screen has been rendered to this point, Yagami Light still hasn't reacted, and the fans are in a hurry, even Bren!

I beg you, take your identity certificate and deduct the seal~!!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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