"Can I ask you for something?"

At the celebration, Hikaru Yagami gave a short speech and then left the hall, which, according to her own words, was simply because she didn't like crowded places.

And according to Cool Breeze Aoba's understanding, Yagami Light also has an unknown past.

When she first entered the company like a cool breeze Aoba, she quickly emerged as work-oriented because of her outstanding talent, even surpassing the company's predecessors.

But this world is not always so beautiful, and the seniors in the company are not all like the juniors like Hikaru Yagami.

People with a little common sense know what it means to think about it, and the trust of a fledgling actually surpasses that of experienced predecessors.

Exclusion, cynicism, and even secret instigation, because the too good Yagami Light was quickly isolated, and Lun was the only one to accompany her.

Hikaru Yagami is very similar to Cool Breeze Aoba, both of them participated in the production of the game at a young age, but the opportunities for the two are completely different.

Cool Breeze Aoba is lucky to meet a group of lovely colleagues and kind bosses.

And Hikaru Yagami was not so lucky.

So she didn't like the atmosphere and ran out on her own.

The encounter with the light of Yagami also made the fans in front of the screen feel a little emotional, although this thing seems ridiculous and incredible, but this is the reality.

Even in reality, the company's deception is even more ridiculous than this.

And the fans who saw this finally reacted, not that the anime "Newgame" is too ideal, it also has its own cruel and realistic side.

It's just that Founder specially picked out some ideal and beautiful clips to show everyone.

As for those dirty and filthy, Founder doesn't want to show too much to fans.

Because Aoba understands Yagamiko's unknown past, he is glad, glad that his colleagues are very kind, and that the bosses he met are very gentle.

I am also glad that my boss is Yagami Light, and she can have a very good workplace memory.

So for Yagami Light, in addition to the worship since childhood, she also has gratitude.

Cool breeze Aoba looked at Yagami Light, his face was a little embarrassed, but his eyes were extraordinarily firm.

"Please sign me!"

Cool breeze Aoba took out his game box and handed it to Yagami Hikatsu, because he was so shy, he even closed his eyes and didn't dare to look at each other.

With someone who gets along day and night, it is still his boss and seniors who ask for autographs, and this scene makes people feel embarrassed just thinking about it.

"Lun~~ Oh no, Aoba is digging your corner!"

"This sinful woman, she... She actually wanted to attack another sinful woman! "

"233~I just want to know how embarrassing this scene is~!"

"Yagami Light: You, you... You're so direct, I don't sign! "

"The orange situation is a little chaotic, I want to take a look, this CP is completely messed up~"

Fans watched the scene where Cool Breeze Aoba closed his eyes and forcibly endured the embarrassment to ask for autographs, and they all felt like they had been hit by an arrow in their hearts.

How can people be so cute, it's just a foul~~

"What... That's what you're trying to do~"

I don't know if it's the fans' fault, they always feel that Yagami Light, a woman who is slow to respond to feelings, actually blushes a little in the face of the fierce attack of the cool breeze Aoba.

This time it's really a premature life, can't Yagami Light withstand the critical blow of the cool breeze Aoba?!

"I don't care, I only stand in the boss group!"

"This scene, Sister Lun, you have to be strong~"

"Lun, don't participate in the redemption, your backyard has been dug through by this woman!"

"It's over, it's over, Hikaru Yagami is really blushing!"

"Aoba, stop it~"

Fans watched Aoba's series of operations successfully make Yagami feel shy, and while they were dumbfounded, they turned on the spit mode one after another.

What about the finished flowers?

said that one person has one CP, why is this sinful woman still prying other people's corners in the end?

"I'm really grateful to Sister Yagami, you have taught me a lot at work, and you are usually very kind to me, I am really happy."

Cool breeze Aoba and Yagami Hikaru sat side by side, telling their past since they joined the work.

"I don't know what Sister Yagami was like in the past, but... At least the current Yagami is my respected boss to me, so even if Yagami becomes the art director, I will try to keep up with you! "

Aoba said excitedly, grabbed Yagami Hikatsu's hand, and looked at each other with a determined look.

However, Aoba is showing his position and determination, but in the eyes of fans, this style of painting is not the same thing.

"I'm Gan, this is A up?!"

"This sinful woman~"

"Far ~ Mountain ~ Lun ~ , your CP has been teased!"

"Lun, you have been stolen crystals, come and bring this hat~"

"It's not what's going on, how can a subordinate smack the boss's mouth, it's too unusual~!"

"Follow the footsteps, follow the footsteps, what's the matter with you pulling people's hands, playing hooligan~!"

This sudden scene made fans dumbfounded, and the curtain completely turned into a sea of green at this moment.

Brothers, hit 'Lun you have to be strong' on the screen!

The sudden change, the sudden strong A, with this BGM that suddenly became enthusiastic, everything seemed so abrupt.

If you say that a good subordinate can't talk to your boss?

What about the official CP that is said to be good?

Why is it completely chaotic when you come here?

Fans looked at the Yagami Light who was moved to tears, and one by one it automatically changed color, and at this moment, green completed an overwhelming victory.

"Finish sprinkling flowers!"

"In the end, in the end, the CP combination is completely messed up, I especially think this is Fang Dada's intention!"

"Fangzheng: I heard that you guys are guessing CP??"

"God is saying to mankind, I have decided to destroy the world today, and mankind is frightened and asks God, why? God said that TM's "newgame" is over, what is the meaning of your world?! "

"Is Xiu'er you? Xiu'er! "

"I sat up in shock in my dying illness, "newgame" is over, and I lie back in the coffin~"

With the cool breeze Aoba muddying the CP unanimously identified by all fans, "newgame" also ended smoothly, as for the follow-up that fans are looking forward to, it depends on the mood of a certain Pipi shrimp.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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