"Newgame" is over, and many fans came to the A Society forum with some embarrassment, intending to see if there are any sand sculptures to break their temporary sadness.

"Brothers, tell me out loud, what do people live for?!"

"Hitomi Fumi!!"

As soon as many fans entered the forum of Society A, they saw such a blood-boiling slogan.

If you don't say that the culture of our Daxia is broad and profound, the same three words 'Rifumei' definitely mean different things in the eyes of different people.

In the eyes of pure fans, this is the shy and introverted, timid and fearful Taki Tomami in "Newgame".

In the eyes of some gentlemen, Rifumei represents another layer of meaning, as for what it means...

Emm~! I know everything~

Click to enter the forum, and many people have already posted their own thoughts at this time.

Although "newgame" is just a cute dolphin, the touching it brings to the audience is real.

In reality, everyone is overwhelmed by work, family, or studies for various reasons, but in "Newgame", everyone can laugh uncontrollably.

Cute dolphins, cute light lilies, healing daily fans, no matter when you can touch the warmest and kindest place in the hearts of fans.

Write cute chapters with ordinary daily life, interpret life speechlessly in a cute way, and when the gentle fireworks in people's hearts are ignited, the fireworks called hope and happiness will bloom in the silent night sky.

Transform into a small, cute, and heart-warming elf and bring the most unfortunate blessings to everyone.

"After watching "newgame", I think the most rare and valuable point is the cool breeze Aoba."

"If it's just a simple yearning without action, the things you pursue will become more and more blurred, maybe dreams are the kind of things that fade away and make people unpredictable, but I still want to make her as clear as possible."

"A sentence that came to mind by chance after watching it, I encourage you together!"

There are often great gods in the comment area, some sand sculptures, some color, and of course, there are also such literary and artistic ones.

"666, a big guy is a big guy, a person who pursues his dream can be said so elegantly, I will wait for ordinary people to offer their knees!"

"The scary thing is not that you don't know anything, but that you don't have the courage to face your true self, you are not excellent than others, and you are excellent if you are better than your past self."

"Gan, can you not speak so elegantly, you seem to be so uncultured?!"

"233~ Wenya has nothing to do with the old man, but the old man knows that Aoba is constantly studying hard and getting stronger, as Aoba himself said in the end, to closely follow the pace of Yagamiko, the effort required is definitely beyond human imagination!"

"In just half a year, it can be said that it is both hard and fulfilling for Aoba, although there is still a long way to go from his dream, but this happy and happy experience is also essential!"

In the forum, a group of bigwigs are showing off their literary talents, one by one incarnated as romantic gentlemen, and their speeches are very different from the past, and the changes before and after make familiar people dumbfounded.

"Why else can this be?"

"Watching a "newgame" actually made you evolve into literary youth, this is too real~!"

"Woo woo, there is no love, I treat you as comrades-in-arms, but you ran to the enemy one by one~"

"It's also compulsory education, why do you switch freely between hooliganism and elegance, did you secretly go to cram school?"

"Elegant, I will too, Gan, Lao Tzu's favorite "newgame" is actually over, his grandmother has a leg, and Lao Tzu is going to destroy this world raised by a bitch!"

"666, do you have any misunderstanding about Wenya upstairs?"

There has never been a shortage of netizens with sand sculpture attributes among fans, and there is also a big guy here who released the Yangchun Baixue version of the after-viewing feeling, and it was only a few floors out of the bottom, and it went directly to grandma's house.

Since ancient times, netizens have produced talents, and this is true~

Although "Newgame" is over, its popularity is still very high.

Thanks to the fact that the animation carnival broke through the limitations of the inherent circle, the ten-day carnival allowed many newcomers to join the big family of the two-dimensional circle.

The newcomer was tricked by some unscrupulous bosses in the group before, tricking them into watching "Star Dream" and "Plastic Memory", saying that this is a touching story that tells a cross-racial story.

also tricked them into watching "Chopping Red" and "April is Your Lies", all kinds of behaviors are simply outrageous.

It's just that they joined for the first time and didn't understand anything, and they were naïve and really listened to these seniors and went to see it.

The result is obvious, those who go in with their eyes open, come out with red eyes.

Since then, these fans have stayed away from some of the bigwigs in the group who claim to be their predecessors.

Although I can't say a lot of the works of the special A club.,But for the first time to join the two-dimensional sprout.,It's also a few.,It will take a while to chase them all.。

However, these works, you don't recommend "The Girl and the Chariot", you don't recommend "When the Prison Comes to Me", and you don't recommend the masterpiece "The Light Girl".

Instead, I recommend the genres of "Dream of the Stars" and "April is Your Lies", isn't this his heart to blame?

And those who coaxed us to watch "Coliiection", won't your conscience hurt?

What deep-sea habitat Ji is attacking too fiercely, the human race is in danger, and what recruits the admiral to protect all mankind, all are deceitful.

You just want to see us jump into the ship's pit and see us spend our wallets!

Those who said before that they would introduce us to the female ticket, I promise not to kill you if you come here!

Are the female tickets you are talking about these ship girls?

Is this what you introduced?

This is Lao Tzu spent real and fake silver krypton gold krypton to come!

The poor newcomers, looking at their increasingly deflated wallets, wanted to cry without tears, and regretted their naïve belief in the words of those unscrupulous predecessors.

If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have entered the pit so early~

And these new people are even more angry after watching "newgame", what is the gap, this is especially noticed!

Look at the seniors of the cool breeze of the green leaves, all of them are gentle, generous and cute, and the so-called seniors who are looking at themselves are wilted and wilted.

Hetui~! Bad old man, all of them are very bad!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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