"Fang Dada, kneel and beg for the second season of "Newgame"!"

"Together, the second season is coming out! Otherwise, souvenir scouts! "

"Speed speed, or unload your car~"

"233~ Do you think Fang Da will be threatened by you?"

"Why not, if there is no follow-up, I will curse Pipi Shrimp to be one centimeter shorter every day!"

"Gan, you're so vicious upstairs, but I like it!"

On Weibo, Fangzheng's personal dynamics are full of similar messages, such a vicious curse is simply outrageous, and it is difficult for Fangzheng not to pay attention.

Ahh Ahh

In the office, Fang Zheng sneezed twice for no reason, pulled the tissue on the side and wiped his nose, Fang Zheng muttered a little in his eyes.

This person suddenly sneezed when he was not sick or disaster, either because the beauty thought of him or someone was praising him for being handsome!

opened the Weibo dynamics like a smart heart, and when Fang Zheng looked at the dense messages on it, his face was distorted when he boarded.

"Damn, do you want to be such a brute~!"

Fang Zheng looked at the comments of the fans under his dynamics, and all kinds of fancy curses were simply appalling.

"Nima is going to be negative if it's going to be so short, it's a shame that you can figure it out!"

Fang Zheng couldn't help but shiver, and suddenly felt a chill spread from his back to his whole body, this feeling was so real.

Men, what I care about most is that aspect of the problem, you can curse me, but you can't curse my brother!

This is a matter of man's dignity and must not be compromised!

Looking at those vicious curses, Fang Zheng's face turned green, this group of fans is really against the sky, and they will uncover the tiles of the mountain house without fighting for a few days.

Did the last women's clothing incident make you feel like you're doing it again?

Let me tell you, last time it was because I didn't think about it well and didn't think rigorously, that's why you took advantage of the loophole!

Cracking sound~

In the office, there was a sound of keystrokes.

The frequent, non-rhythmic keyboard tapping made the guardians of world peace from Zu'an a little embarrassed.

"Originally, I was stepping up the production of the second season, but when I saw your message, my little heart broke to the ground, and I solemnly warn you that I suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease, and because of your intimidation, I am unwell and decided to take a vacation for a while."

"As for when the vacation lasts, it depends on my mood!"

Get! Call it a day!

Fang Zheng's finger pressed the enter key fiercely and sent out the news he edited.

Isn't it just a curse and a threat, who wouldn't~

As for the second season of "Newgame"...

Fang Zheng didn't make it at all, although he had a plan to make a second season, but the opportunity at the moment was not suitable.

In Fangzheng's view, "newgame" is not only an excellent cute dolphin, but also a very good advertising method.

Do you want a work environment full of girls?

Do you want Hitomi who is shy and afraid of people but likes cosplay?

Do you want a gentle and cute boss?

Come to Company A, as long as you come to Company A to work, there is everything you want!

With a smile on the corner of Fangzheng's mouth, after watching "newgame", I don't believe you are not impressed!

I think at the beginning, I watched this anime as a senior dog, and the next day I rushed to submit my resume for an internship, which is still the case of his own baptism of various anime in the second dimension.

Even he is like this, not to mention the newcomers who haven't watched a few anime in this world.

If you don't move, then I lose!

Thinking of his youthful and ignorant impulse, Fang Zheng had a feeling of hiding his face and crying.

After reading "Newgame", he did submit his resume to find an internship opportunity, on the one hand, to cultivate his social skills, and on the other hand, he was facing graduation and wanted to adapt to the life of the workplace in advance.

Although he only had the action after watching "Newgame", how can such a shameful thing be said to the outside~

If this is said, the impression that people had of anime in the previous life is afraid that they will be laughed at to death.

Later facts also proved that the ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny, and "newgame" did depict a very beautiful working life for him.

But the reality...

It's all tears, anyway, since then, he has honestly returned to school and successfully graduated.

As for finding a job internship in advance?

Hehe, whoever loves to go will go, my heart is so sad, I will never go to work again in this life!

Thinking about his original impulse, Fang Zheng hid his face a little.

But fortunately, no one else knows this secret except himself, not even his roommates.

Heavenly reincarnation, retribution is not happy, and now it is finally his turn to brainwash others, which is not to work hard!

As soon as Founder's news was released, those fans who had long been squatting under his Weibo and cursing were instantly reminded of the news.

"I'll rub it, Fang Dada, are you a donkey? Play backwards without walking! "

"I'm so angry, you actually threaten us in turn, are we the ones you can threaten?!"

"Give you a minute to reorganize a chance to speak, or don't blame us for not talking about the past!"

"Vacation? Do you believe that I broke you to a bone and worked in front of the computer for the rest of your life?! "

The fans were furious, looking at Fang facing their curses, not only did they not realize their mistakes, but instead threatened them in turn, one by one.

To put it bluntly, we are your food and clothing parents, and after we finished watching the anime, you didn't obediently give us the second part, and you even said that you were going to take a vacation!

We social animals don't have vacations, why should you take a vacation as a person who was pulled by us social animals!

Do you think we'll be fooled by such a childish threat from you?

I'm telling you!

We really will!

"Fang Dada, kneel and beg for the second part, that's the curse of the black fans, no matter what we really love fans~"

"You fart, upstairs is the most vicious of your curse!"

"True love fan? I'm afraid you don't know that Fang Dada has a shadow of true love fans~"

"Fang Dada, we were wrong, hurry up and release the second season, I won't unload your car, how about I wash your car?"

"Fang Dada, we're not unkind, and we don't want you to release the second season immediately, you can give a promise~"

"Pippi Shrimp, as long as you promise the second season of "Newgame", I will immediately report the black fans who cursed you before!"

Fang Zheng looked at the message under the Weibo dynamics and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Therefore, the words of the new no one can be trusted by the fans, this group of people is the most fickle, and even does not hesitate to report their allies in order to achieve their goals.

It's simply... It's so beautiful~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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