Looking at the Weibo dynamics, the fans' messages changed direction, and the corners of Fangzheng's mouth were raised proudly.

I can't cure you, little one!

Seeing these fans soften, Fang Zheng sat on the boss's chair, knocking on a Erlang leg, holding a cup of herbal tea in his hand.

After once again achieving a major victory against the fans, Founder decided to make himself proud for a while!

Oops, how sunny it is today.

Fang Zhengmei was blowing the air conditioner and drinking herbal tea, staring at the computer screen, admiring the praise of those fans, not to mention how happy he was.

After a long time, Fang Zheng looked at the praise under the dynamic, and got a little tired.

It's not that he said, these fans just read a few words over and over, and they don't even have a new idea, and their eyes are aesthetically tired after looking at it for a long time.

Fang Zheng pushed his chair to the desk, and then began to edit his own dynamics without surprise.

Cracking sound~!

Soon, a brief dynamic was published by Fangzheng.

Looking at the page displayed on his computer that the dynamic was successfully published, the corners of Fangzheng's mouth had a wicked smile.

He looked forward to the angry but helpless expressions of those fans, and every time he thought of his fans gritting their teeth with hatred but being unable to do anything, he felt a sense of unstoppable pleasure.

Sometimes Fang Zheng wondered if he had changed his personality because of the crossing, or if he had a vengeful personality change.

It's like a poor person suddenly becomes rich overnight, then this originally poor person will have a kind of revenge consumption, and Fang Zheng feels that he is likely to be in this state.

Otherwise, what a normal person he was in his previous life, how could he become like this as soon as he came to this world?

It must have been suppressed for too long in his previous life, so he relived his life, and he also had revenge consumption, but what he consumed was not money, but his own personality.

Fang Zheng turned off the computer, and he didn't plan to read the fans' messages anymore, because since he sent out that message, he knew that the messages under his news were definitely chickens and dogs.

Want a second season of Newgame?

Hehe, you're thinking about peaches!

Fang Zheng laughed very sinisterly, this time he used the workplace elements of "newgame" to recruit students, so he released this cute dolphin with a high evaluation in his previous life in advance.

Use fans' yearning for the workplace in anime to tempt them.

In addition to the workplace element, "newgame" also has a very important element, that is, the game.

When it comes to games, a very famous IP series - Oriental series involuntarily pops up in Founder's mind.

When it comes to the Oriental series, Founder's first impression is that the majestic eldest lady, the undisciplined witch, the stupid touch you, the strongest ice goblin, the eternal eighteen years old, and so on.

This is a large-scale IP with a flood of people.,With the quality and reputation of the Oriental series,Even if it is launched directly, it will be a big hit.,But Founder doesn't want to do this.。

He pursues perfection, and he wants to use the game elements of "Newgame" to create a second advertisement for the Touhou series.

So the plan has been prepared a long time ago, and if those fans are allowed to quarrel, Founder will not come up with the second season of "newgame" now.

On the other hand, fans are well aware of the attributes of the square skin shrimp, and the typical must be smooth.

Therefore, everyone is praising the square with a change in the direction of the wind and changing the flowers.

Words such as handsome and good character have been used rottenly, and many fans want to vomit when they look at the words of praise they racked their brains to come up with.

They never dreamed that after so many years of education, they would use it to praise a Pipi shrimp with a clear conscience.

Fans searched their stomachs and put all the words of praise they could think of on Fangzheng, and many fans still felt that the strength was not enough, and secretly regretted it.

I regret why I didn't pay attention to the lectures when I was in school, so that all the knowledge in the books was returned to the teacher.

Now, if I want to think of a few idioms that praise people, I can't think of them, and I have to go to Baidu, if this is spread, I'm afraid it won't be a shame.

Therefore, it is correct to study hard every day, otherwise you won't even be able to find the words to praise people!

However, just when fans were changing their ways to coax Fangzheng to be happy, trying to appease Fangzheng's little heart that was 'timid and couldn't stand intimidation', their mobile phones suddenly prompted them that there was a new development.

Seeing this news, fans' pupils instantly widened!

Sure enough, their disgusting praise was not in vain, and their efforts were not in vain, and the people who were so skinny couldn't stand the fancy praise of so many people~

Clicking on Founder's latest news, looking at the few words, the fans' smiles froze, and their faces slowly became stiff.

"Although you are telling the truth, there are too few employees in Company A, and you can't get out of the second season~!"

In just a few words, the fans' mood full of anticipation exploded directly on the spot and spiraled into the sky.

Even many fans raised their hands and were about to smash the mobile phones in their hands to vent their anger, but suddenly thought that it was worth thousands of oceans, and it was not worth it for a Pipi shrimp, and they all calmed down.

Looking at the extremely short and clear Weibo dynamics, fans gritted their teeth one by one, and their faces turned red because of anger.

I don't know if it's their delusion, they always feel that when they look at this dynamic, they seem to see Fangzheng's cheap cheeks that want people to step on.

"Dog thief! Brute! Why don't you be a person~! "

"The old man has been thinking about it for a long time, why did you tell me that you can't do it?!"

"Your grandmother has a leg on my day, do you know how many hairs I lost in order to praise you in different ways?!"

"Pipi Shrimp really has yours, I'm afraid you don't know how to write dead words, right~"

"If you can't get out, you said it earlier, Huo Huo, what are we doing, turtle calf thing!"

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple, but fortunately, Pipi Shrimp just said that it couldn't be rushed, not that it couldn't be done."

"This can be regarded as a consolation, at least I know that Fang Dada has the idea of doing a second season."

Fans praised Fangzheng for a long time, but in the end, they were lonely, and their mentality exploded directly.

But fortunately, the big guy with a fast brain saw the words in the square dynamic.

Fang Zheng said that the second season couldn't be rushed, and he didn't say that it couldn't be done.

Hurry, it means that Founder doesn't have enough time, and he can't release the second season for the time being, and the fact that he can't come out for the time being doesn't mean that he can't come out in the future, which can be regarded as a comfort.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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