On July 1st, the official Weibo of Society A released an enrollment plan for Xiuzhiyuan College under Company A, and began a five-day enrollment plan from the first to the fifth.

At the same time, there is a very strange phenomenon in some other enterprises.

"Manager Lin, three more people have submitted their resignation letters today, you see..."

In the recruitment manager's office of the Modu Jiying Group, Lin Jiaxiang sat on a chair, listening to the report of his subordinates, his brows were only wrinkled together, his face was full of entanglement, and he even looked a little angry.

"I see?! I look at what I see! "

Lin Jiaxiang slapped his desk very angrily, and he was angry when he said that the employee had resigned.

Some time ago, their company added a new business, and in order to increase the number of people, he asked him to step up the recruitment of a group of elite talents.

But where is it so easy to find elite talents in these years, capable employees have already found their favorite jobs, and people will not change jobs for a while.

If they are incapable, their company doesn't want to recruit them, as for those college students who have just left their jobs and entered the society...

Lin Jiaxiang doesn't look down on these students, they don't have much social experience, but their vision is not low.

You said that it is enough for you to give you a salary of 3,000 to 5,000 a month as an employee during the internship period, but people still don't look down on it.

However, when Lin Jiaxiang was distressed, I don't know what evil wind was blowing in the demon capital, and suddenly a lot of job seekers poured out, and their Jiying Group was naturally no exception.

During that time, many talents looking for jobs automatically came to consult, and Lin Jiaxiang was also recognized by the leaders for his work ability because of the success of the recruitment, and was successfully promoted to the deputy manager of the recruitment department.

Lin Jiaxiang thought that he was about to reach the peak of his life, but he never expected that things were far from being so simple.

"Mr. Lin, I want to ask if there are many girls in our company?"

Thinking of the recruitment during that time, Lin Jiaxiang was deeply impressed, because the first question of every person who came to apply for a job must be this problem.

He didn't know how many girls there were, but the job seeker who asked this question was really mentally retarded.

Why are you here to find a job and earn money to support your family, not for you to come on a blind date, if you want girls to participate, don't disturb, why are you running to our Jiying Group?!

"Mr. Lin, does our company have any rest time? Can I have tea and snacks? "

For this question, Lin Jiaxiang was even more speechless.

What's the matter, you haven't even entered the company, and you're already planning to start fishing?

Why don't you go to heaven~!

There is also a break, does the lunch break at noon count as a break?

Does the time spent sleeping at night count as rest?

Do you still want to work for half an hour and chat for an hour?

Sometimes Lin Jiaxiang wonders if these job seekers have a lot of brains, do you know how difficult it is to find a job now?

I came to the company to let you work and create value for the company, not to let you come here to be an uncle!

In short, the questions asked by job seekers during that time were simply varied, and one of the team leaders in charge of personnel management wondered if the world was changing too fast, and he couldn't keep up with the pace of current job seekers.

What company will pay wages according to the actual situation, the boss is not gentle, the colleagues are not cute, will there be a drinking party or hot spring after the overtime, etc.

Lin Jiaxiang, who asked these questions, doubted life, and he seriously suspected that these job seekers were making fun of him.

However, he asked his friends who worked for other companies, and they also encountered this kind of speechless job seeker.

I'm just a person in charge of recruitment, and to put it mildly, it's personnel management, and you don't work under me when you enter the company, how do I know if your boss is gentle or not!

There are so many people in the whole company, I have to go to various departments to ask one by one in order to recruit, are you gentle or not, you are not cute~

Isn't that really sick!

However, the only thing that makes Lin Jiaxiang feel relieved is that although many job seekers have problems with intellectual disabilities, he has recruited enough employees for the company during this time.

I thought that my job was done, and I would never have anything to do with these job seekers with brain problems again.

But what he never expected was that his nightmare had just begun.

Every day, people leave their jobs, and every day there are old employees of the company who come to him to complain.

Later, Lin Jiaxiang knew the specific reason, and these new employees simply refreshed his three views.

I didn't want to adapt to the business ability as soon as I joined the company, but I went to chat with the old employees, and I also called it a good relationship!


Coming to work is for you to work, not for you to make friends, even if you want to make friends, you have to wait until after work.

If you don't work, other old employees still have to work~

That's not all, there's even more bizarre!

Have you ever seen a big job with a pet to work? Have you ever seen a social animal that comes to work with a whole set of tea sets?

Lin Jiaxiang doesn't know what others are doing, anyway, he has seen all kinds of strange things.

The head of a department once warned these new employees several times, but the new employees choked on high blood pressure.

"Your company can't even drink tea, so why don't you open a company! Also, your colleagues and your boss are not gentle at all! "

After speaking, the new employee directly packed up his things, and left the company very chic in the messy eyes of a crowd.

Subsequently, there were several such incidents, which caused the heads of various departments to personally go to the talent market to investigate and see if they really did something wrong.

However, it turned out that it was not them who had the problem, but these new employees.

At this time, Lin Jiaxiang listened to another employee applying for resignation, and twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, his face full of grievances.

To be honest, he regretted recruiting this batch of new employees, and he was both successful and defeated.

He sat in the position of deputy manager of the personnel department because of these new employees, but after sitting in this position, he was complained by the heads of various departments every day, and was criticized by his boss every day, and he was not as comfortable as the previous team leader position.

"All the applications have been approved, hurry up and let these people get out!"

Lin Jiaxiang really can't stand it, I wish these troublemakers would leave their jobs quickly, and they didn't do much business one by one, but this crooked atmosphere rose very quickly.

PS: Thanks to "136...85", "Autumn Cloud Fairy Song", "Q11... 64", "withering infinity", "aooka", "Ye Zhaozhao", "whatever" monthly passes, thanks to the reward of "Kamen Rider OhmaZi-O", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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