And this is not the only thing that has happened, and many companies have suffered from this situation.

"Modu Daily: Recently, a large number of employees of many companies have resigned, is it a strike or dissatisfaction with the benefits?"

"Youth Report: What kind of work environment are amazing job seekers seeking?"

"Internet suppression news: a large number of employees have left, dig deep into the reasons behind it."

"Shock: Shock! Is employee resignation greed or oppression?! "

Reports poured in, reporting in great detail on this strange phenomenon.

In today's society, an ideal job is definitely hard to come by, and everyone is looking for a stable job, and this kind of large-scale resignation wave is really rare.

With so many young people graduating from school and entering society every year, it can be said that there is no shortage of labor.

In this case, everyone should have squeezed their heads to find a job that is enough to support their families, and even many job seekers can reluctantly accept the almost oppressive contract of the company for a job.

This kind of thing is not an uncommon thing for a long time, otherwise this resignation would not have made the media report so wildly.

"Hahaha, you can guess the reason, you can't guess it with your brain!"

"Beef pie, this is a real beef pie, Pipi shrimp is amazing~"

"6666, this hand is really beautiful~"

"233~ Others can't guess what's going on, but our big two yuan can see at a glance who the culprit is!"

"Hiss~ I'm a big two-dimensional batch, I'm a big "newgame" batch!"

The ACG fans who saw this report laughed one by one, and they couldn't support it.

If this phenomenon is not investigated in detail, even if you want to break the head, you can't solve the case, but their two-dimensional circle is different, and the culprit behind this kind of report is almost immediately recognized.

That's right, it's the sinful woman who caused this phenomenon - Cool Breeze Aoba!

The reason why these employees will resign on a large scale is also because some job seekers see that the gap between their ideal working environment and the actual working environment is too big to accept for a while.

Although everyone understands that the kind of work environment in "Newgame" is impossible in reality, everyone still has a little bit of anticipation.

Don't pursue 100% similarity, at least have a similar one!

So the fans who were deeply inspired by watching "Newgame" went to work with enthusiasm, and decided to contribute to the construction of the country and their own strength.

However, the reality is too backbone, this participated in the work, not to mention gentle colleagues and bosses, and not being scolded and deducted from wages every day can be regarded as burning incense.

So the fans took a look, this is not suitable, what about everyone talking and laughing together?

So resignation became a matter of course and a matter of course.

It's just that the fans of the two-dimensional circle know what's going on, but those companies and the media don't.

Who would have thought that the person behind this extremely rare phenomenon would be a two-dimensional figure, and who would have thought that an anime could trigger such a series of repercussions.

That's why seeing these reports, fans in the two-dimensional circle will be so gloating.

If it weren't for a detailed investigation, if it wasn't accepted with those who resigned, these media wouldn't have thought of this aspect even if they wanted to blow up their brains.

"I've long seen those bad companies and overlord terms unhappy, they deserve it!"

"Squeeze employees, and even force overtime without overtime pay, this kind of enterprise is real... It's hard to put into words~"

"Fang Dada, is this considered a disguised benefit for the majority of workers?"

"emm~ It's hard to say, let's see the follow-up development, but I estimate that after this incident, those companies will more or less converge ~"

"The old man is not very demanding, it is enough to return the weekends to us! In addition, I will say that Fang Da Niu! "

"233~ Pi Phi Shrimp I'm afraid I don't know about this yet, I'm afraid he can't imagine that one of his anime works will cause such a big reaction."

"In the final analysis, we are still powerful in the two-dimensional circle, and if you say you want to resign, you will resign, and you will resign per capita~"

For this resignation incident, many ACG fans have the intention of eating melons.

It is no longer a day or two for migrant workers to complain about the squeeze of enterprises, and as more and more young people enter the society to work hard, the surplus of human resources is already an established fact.

Therefore, in order to find a position, many job seekers have no choice but to sacrifice their rights and interests.

However, at this time, there was a sudden wave of resignation, although I dare not say that it can completely curb this oppressive behavior, but it still has the effect of giving a wake-up call.

Therefore, for this incident, everyone is happy to see it, and they eat melons one by one.

And the cause of this incident is Founder's latest work "Newgame", some two-dimensional fans are tempted by the beautiful workplace depicted in Founder's anime, and run to work one by one.

As a result, they resigned because the gap was too big, which shows that the material conditions of these fans themselves are still very good, and they went to apply for the job just to experience the "newgame"-style workplace life.

Just imagine, if it were an ordinary person, would he dare to resign so chicly?

After resigning, there is no source of income, what do you eat and what do you use?

This incident can be seen as a scene directed and performed by a group of two-dimensional fans who experience life, but what they didn't expect was that there would be so many people who were idle and panicked.

That's why things are getting worse and worse, and they are noticed by the media, which can be regarded as an unintentional insertion of willows and willows, and a struggle by ACG fans for the majority of workers.

"You say that if this thing is poked out, what will people think of our two-dimensional circle?"

"Troublemaker? Neuropathy? "

"Wrong! You forgot about the big sister's collection before it was announced, and the outside world's opinion of the otaku family. "

"It's really a local tyrant per capita~!"

"I'm sorry, I'm embarrassed for our big two-dimensional, no car, no house, no wife! ~"

"With the company of the second dimension, what kind of RV wife do you want!"

Looking at the essence through things, the reason why these two-dimensional fans dare to play like this is entirely because they don't have any material troubles, that is, the local tyrants that people envy very much.

Once the matter is exposed, I am afraid that the reputation of the local tyrant per capita of the otaku clan will not be able to run~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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