"Down? How can it be! "

As if he had heard something funny, the young man pointed to a painful car on the side of the road, and then said.

"Do you think I'm missing the thousands of wages I don't work?"


As he spoke, the young man pressed the key in his hand, and the reporter's sister only heard the crisp and pleasant sound of the car waking up.

The camera turned in the direction of the young man's finger, and he saw a supercar with a painful car modification quietly parked on the side of the road, because of the awakening of the key in the young man's hand, the lights were constantly flashing on both sides.

"Gan, is that key Ferrari's!"

"Nima, this is our two-dimensional boss, what a big guy~!"

"Why would someone who drives a car like this work for someone else? Don't be funny, okay?! "

"666, this wave of big brother is very quintessence~!"

"See, don't look down on people in the future, a person who resigns will drive a Ferrari!"

interviewed the fans in the live broadcast room, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw this sudden dramatic scene.

At this time, they only felt that compared with the grumpy old brother before, this was simply a king-level operation.


Watching the roadside supercar scissor door slowly lifted, the reporter's young lady blinked, and then looked at the little brother in front of her a little stupidly, and asked stupidly.

"Then why did you come out to work?"

"Because I watched "Newgame", I was deceived by a Pippi shrimp!"

Speaking of this young man, there was a hint of gunpowder in his tone, as if he was very concerned about being deceived, and he was angry.

A rich second generation like him is not flattered by the stars and moons, and when a liar can deceive him.

It just doesn't make sense!

Just when the reporter's sister wondered who was so bold, I saw the young man in front of her sigh helplessly and said quite depressedly.

"The working environment here is so disappointing to me, I'd better go back and inherit the family property honestly, it's boring~"

Inheriting the family property...

Handsome guy, do you still have any extra family property, can you let me inherit some too?

The reporter's sister resisted her desire to complain, she always felt that the other party was loading a cup, but the other party was too low-key, she had no evidence!


Listening to the sound of the engine roaring like a beast, when the reporter's sister came back to her senses, she only saw that the other party had already driven the painful version of the supercar and left.

The reporter's sister looked at the end of the street with some envy, but in the end she could only withdraw her gaze, and that world had nothing to do with her.

But then the reporter's sister sensed that something was wrong.

I interviewed two people, and both of them mentioned the word "newgame", could it be that this called "newgame" is the culprit of this resignation boom?

And in the keen observation of the journalist industry, although she only interviewed two people, she quickly noticed a trace of inconsistency.

Both of them are very young, and their material conditions are very good.

Not to mention the second place, people who drive sports cars, the family property must be very solid, even if this material condition is not to the top, it is definitely much stronger than ordinary people.

And the first grumpy brother, the reporter's little sister thought about it carefully, although the other party didn't show anything valuable, but the clothes that the other party was wearing didn't seem to be cheap.

Even if he is not as local as the second one, his family conditions are definitely elite.

All kinds of reasons are linked, so that the reporter's sister noticed that this resignation is not as simple as everyone guesses.

Thinking of this, the reporter's sister immediately took out her mobile phone and searched for the word 'newgame'.

In this search, a lot of answers with the word 'newgame' popped up on the mobile phone browser, and the most conspicuous of them is naturally the platform connection of A company, as well as the introduction of "newgame".


The reporter's sister frowned slightly, she wondered if she had heard it wrong, or if what the other party said was not 'newgame' at all?

"It's over, it's over, let's expose the second dimension~"

"It's too late, this reporter's sister is a little smart~!"

"It's time for us to prepare for war in advance?!"

"Prepare for a hammer, does this matter have anything to do with us?!"

"That's it, the two-dimensional boss who is not bad for money was tricked by someone to experience life, what does it have to do with us, why are you nervous~"

Seeing this, many fans who were a little nervous were stunned.

Turning his head and thinking about it, is this really the case, does this matter have anything to do with them from beginning to end?

From the very beginning, they were a melon-eating crowd, and the only connection to this matter was that some local tyrants who were usually very low-key came out to experience life because they were tempted by "Newgame".

This is the only thing they have touched, everyone is mixed in the two-dimensional circle, in addition, they are a proper soy sauce player~

"Settle down, continue to eat melons!"

"Although eating melons is very fragrant, why do I have an inexplicable sense of desolation?"

"You're not alone upstairs, and so am I!"

"Local tyrant boss, I'm also in the two-dimensional circle, do you still lack pendants?"

"When will I be able to experience life so chic~!"

Look at others, and then look at yourself, I have to say that this person was born at a different starting point.

On the other hand, the suspicion on the reporter's face became more and more serious, she searched for a long time, and the results finally turned to the platform of A Agency.

With the attitude of giving it a try, the reporter's sister clicked on the link, ready to see what this "newgame" was all about, and why two people were interviewed, and the other party mentioned this word.

However, the next scene made the reporter's sister a little devastated.

What kind of broken website is this, how to apply for a registered account and still need to answer questions~

Answer the question, just answer the question, what's the matter with your question?!

"Question 1: Which anime is Chelsea from?"

"Question 2: How many people are there in the band at tea time after school?"

"Question 3: Which of the following characters do I refer to after Gong Shi?"

"Question 4: ..."

Looking at this series of inexplicable questions, the reporter's sister is a little skeptical about life, how can there be such a strange website in the world~!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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